avatar_Mr Ten

Flammarion : Interstellar rescue and exploration ship

Started by Mr Ten, June 04, 2013, 03:35:29 PM

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Looks fantastic!

Like something straight out of a Terran Trade Authourity book.
Get this Cheese to sick bay!

Mr Ten

Thanks for your comments ! ;) ;D :thumbsup:

Aieeekk !  An Harlequin's ship ??? :unsure: What's happened ?

Just another undercoat of white to prepare the next color... :rolleyes:
At this stage, some effects are required : darker panels in red/brown/orange, masking tapes and stickers to have later truly "white lines " , and not white-pink-yellowish lines...

The first coat of orange :

It's done with a mix of 4 differents colors of acrylics (vallejo/prince august), applied with my old tamiya airbrush.

Now, the second, deeper coat of orange :

The color is once more blended, but with different ratios to have a weary effect. Shading is added, as some "zenithal light" with some kind of desert sand...

The engine zone is darker.

Father Ennis

For what its worth, I like the look of this as two ships. I think you should make the bigger one a stand alone and the smaller one into another scout ship. I find the two attached to look a bit odd but not "alien". Not saying I don't like it or anything just a suggestion ...   

Old Wombat

Quote from: deathjester on June 18, 2013, 02:13:50 PM
Mr Ten: Congrats on the Whiffie - the finish on that ship is just glorius!  And I think I have already seen next years winner...in this very thread!!

It may be just a little obvious, but I agree! ;D :bow:


Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est

Mr Ten

Thanks for your remarks... ;)

In fact, the "saucer" in front could be a scout/escape ship. If you notice, you can see a cockpit on front of the saucer (black windows), and another cockpit/observation post on the top of the ship...
I should recheck the original blueprints... :lol:
Now some more pics :

Masks are removed, and you can see the naked white truth : the contrast is right, but there are a lot of small flaws here and there... Annoying, but not catastrophic : everything will disappear with the next step... :rolleyes:

Now decaling with stripes, and adding more and various paints, and washes, and powder pigments, and black marker spots  and white paint spots and...  :unsure: More decals... And adding moreof everything...  ;D Well, until you're satisfied ! :lol:
It seems to be the funniest part of the game, well it is ;D. But it took also the longest time to finish, because the decoration plan wasn't on a paper sheet, but only in my head...

Mr Ten

Building is finished ! :mellow:

Now let's follow the Flammarion on her first cruise at an exhibition :

So here is the first big interstellar squadron...  ;D
The third ship (the grey one) is from my... Err...  :rolleyes: Padawan(1).

I'm not schizophrenic  :wacko: ; As you'll see later, he has really a "different style".

More detailed pics of the Flammarion later ;)

(1) He has not enough time to post on the net, so i'll post pics of his buildings under the name of... :unsure:  Well...  :-\ Darkonnen ;D ...


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


I really, really, do hate to say this, but it looks like an interstellar vacuum cleaner, lol, or an interstellar metal detector. Other than that, it looks great!
"Mind that bus." "What bus?" *SPLAT!*


I gotta say, this is a fantastic build and the colour scheme just wonderful

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Mr Ten

End of the journey : some more pics from the exhibition  ;)

And, now.... Details ! (You'll see all the flaws  :wacko:)

Old Wombat

Said it before, say it again - Brilliant build! Love it! :bow:

(And, no, it does not look like a vacuum cleaner, Mr Nasty Nighthunter! :P )


Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


I see NO flaws - only glorious sci-fi goodness!!  :bow: :bow: :thumbsup: