Am curious about the Sauvage-Payen aircraft

Started by maxmwill, November 23, 2014, 11:09:29 PM

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I know that elsewhere the 1/72 scale model of the Sauvage-Payen SP240 ambulance has been discussed elsewhere, but I'm curious about that from a different perspective. I know that there are flight simulations available, from the bare bones, similar to a coffeetable book, to some really serious treatment of flight characteristics of a myriad of aircraft, running the gamut from Wichita Spam Cans(what I learned to call any of the Cessna 100 series) to the latest fighters, as well as a lot of WW2 military aircraft.

But, I've been wondering if anyone has done anything on aircraft like the two Sauvage-Payens that Unicraft sells. While it is different, these are similar, broadly, to the Vought pancakes, at least in wing planform, although the French designs are nominal canard aircraft, while the Vought pancakes gain stability from the outrigger mounted props(something to do with wing tip vortex control, although it's been a while since I last read Zimmerman's NACA lab report, so don't quote me on this), but both design types are of the low aspect ratio airfoil, and would possibly have similar flight characteristics.

But, while I do have both, now, as I contemplate them, in the back of my mind I'm wondering how either one would fly as an RC model, if it'd require a lot of power, if it'd be reasonably stable(the V173 was quite stable, and had some interesting STOL characteristics, and the only reason Lindberg agreed to take it up was after it had landed upside down on a beach, and the pilot was perfectly safe and alright), or if it'd be a drunk and wired squirrel in the air, a flying fool with a preference for doing a continuous Lomcevac.
