Started by Radish, May 14, 2003, 01:53:29 PM

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On site catering pricey?  Are you having a larf?  Those thieving buggers will have your eyes and come back for the sockets!

We should bring some beer!  Mmmmmmmmn, sweeet beer!

Thorvic 1

QuoteThe other thing about this is that I have to research sodding Phantoms!  Serials, squadrons.  I hate the blasted things.  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH

Cheers Lee

Sorry about the Phantom, i suppose the warpaint guide would be handy, I have the actual squadrons in the Wings of Fame special wihich should have codes as well, or they are in a Wings of Fame Volume.

The Jag was intended as a trainer, so i suppose you could do it as a type of Hunter replacement with a Carrier capable trainer or possible Skyhawk replacement fo other smaller navies. Or to drop the french influence revert to one of the earlier proposals from the bomber book. Still i look forward to seeing how your book progresses.

Yes XV498 is a Phantom code, i didn't think she had been upgraded too much to warrant a recode, more like an long lasting original (After all Canberra's and Nimrods are still going - just !!!!). I suppose if rebuilt there would be much greater modifications, such as maybe revised intakes, a raised cockpit etc.

What era do you think i should consider for the EW/SEAD version, Early 70's, late 70's, 80's wrap arround, 80's Hemp, 90's Greys ?


Geoff B


Hi Lee

I should have a spare set plus the serials left over from XR222, one of mine i opicked up was the budget version, boxed but no decals if thats any use.

What RN decals are you after as i have a few spare ?

A5K - RAF or RN trials aircraft as they were propossed for CVA-01 operations, so they would have been XDSG over White. BTW in one of the Wings of Fame is a photo of a promo model for an RAAF version with bombs & missiles as well as recon spine in and overall silver finish.

BTW Sent you the Phantom data on RAF use


Geoff B


Some concrete info...

The two squadrons allocated for TSR2 - 30 and 40 sqns.  OCU was to have 237, so the markings in the Airfix Buccaneer are useful for that.  Apparently, there were to be three UK based sqdns, 4 in Germany, three in the middle east and one in the far east.  Export custmers - Australia, Germany, france (unlikely), USA (hahahahaha!), Sweden (presentation given on TSR2 and HS P.1124) and  - surprisingly, Holland.

And before the doubters say it's all a load of poo-poo (with an english accent), this can be verified at the Public records office and I have seen the copies!

I've also been given a copy of the desert scheme for the beast - sand, stone and black.  Please note that this is my next bird.  Bugger the all white ones!

And Toad and the rest of you cannucks may be interested to note that the UK DID sign for the CF105 (but with British BS Olympus 022R engines), but couldn't afford them.  If we had, it probably wouldn' have been cancelled, BSEL would have had the Olympus ready for the TSR2 much earlier which would have meant TSR2 in service BEFORE 1965 so it couldn't have been cancelled.

Reality is such a pain.

RAF use of the Rockwell A5 - it was to have been the A5A and not the later awful kits.  Unfortunately, the old Revell one is some micey scale...


QuoteOCU was to have 237, so the markings in the Airfix Buccaneer are useful for that
How ?, i thought they were just 208 & 12 sqdn markings in the kit.

Your desert air force one sounds good, loaded with matra's and 1000 lbs bombs for those bush wars.

Lee do you think that some of the later squadrons after 30 & 40 would be the same one that went to Phantom so we can use some of these spare decals we have.

I think i may do my fourth one as RAF mid 70 in the nuclear strike role with Megaton Martels based in RAFG. Bringing the RN VG version along at the same time, but of course we have to scratch build the likes of U/C doors and cockpits due to no Brass so still some way to go.

Would the Airfix A5 Vigilante be any use to you as its provided with a seperate recon spine ?



PS - Sounds like your book research is coming along great


Hi Lee

Re: the Megaton Martel, i found this when looking for details on possible armaments for TSR2 for the 70's that a Martel missile be fitted with a Nuclear warhead as opposed to the convential type. As various Martel options are avaialable in the Airfix Buccaneer kit i thought i would paint them up as nukes, standard green but with red and orange stripes on the nose - easy conversion !!! Much nicer than a RAFG phantom with a US B63 nuke, have an RAFG TSR2 fiited with a pair of Nuke Martels - eh ?.

Not sure if what other fittings to do, might not fit the laser designator, just have droptanks and Martels or maybe even a belly tank and four martels, in the DSG/DGn over LAG with two tone roundels.




Quote. Export custmers - Australia, Germany, france (unlikely), USA (hahahahaha!), Sweden (presentation given on TSR2 and HS P.1124) and - surprisingly, Holland.

All that export potential and those stupid whitehall mandarins still cancel TSR2...The STUPID BASTARDS......
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


QuoteSweden (presentation given on TSR2 and HS P.1124)
Ok then who going to try a sweedish Viggen splinter camo scheme on a TSR2 then ? !!!!!.

We could really have done with Heritage bringing out the TSR2 update set, with the RWR fin, pylons and stores set for some of the versions we are building, They did say they thinking about it, but by the time they do get round to doing it Lee's book will be published and the Inj Moulded kit will be on the shelves (come on Model Alliance if no mainstream producers don't try it !!!)
