
No Politics - just a reminder

Started by NARSES2, February 05, 2017, 06:13:35 AM

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Can I just put my Moderator's hat on here and issue a gentle reminder about the No Politics rule.

I try to be a little relaxed about this but every now and then we do just have to issue a reminder. The recent United States elections have obviously been one of the drivers behind the recent increase in posts which could be seen as political but we need to remember that there are a few major European Elections due this year as well so lets just all pull out horns in and remind ourselves that politics, more than perhaps anything else, is down to the individual and one never knows how someone else will react.

So lets just steer clear of it.

Now I've locked this thread so if anyone wants to take it up with me then please PM me.

Thank you for your attention ladies and gentlemen.

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.