
Based on the Airfix Bristol Superfreighter 'Gunship ' idea

Started by McColm, October 19, 2020, 02:53:44 PM

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If you take a look on my blog,
'McColm  what I have started and finishing ' you'll come across pages 101 and 102. On one of those pages you will see that I started converting the 1/72 Airfix Bristol Superfreighter into a Gunship,  the pictures show the Napier Elan engines taken from the Airfix Fairey Rotodyne and  propellers taken from a Lockheed C-130J. These all have been removed  and replaced with a pair of J57 engines from a Mach2 B-45 Tornado.  I've also created my own cockpit canopy using a 1/72 Rareplane vacform clear canopy from the Avro Vulcan. Although not an exact fit it serves the purpose.  I just need to sort out the landing gear  before the PSR begins.