
Finally got round to explaining my Argentinian J-10, so here goes !!

Started by chrisonord, March 04, 2017, 03:52:35 PM

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Diplomatic flight Oscar Charlie one, on route to Argentina to discuss the extradition of 3 wanted Nicaraguan Cartel members,  Argentinian air traffic control came in air over the radio advising of a last minute destination change due to possible security breeches. The pilot was sent new co ordinates via coded message and was translated and fed in to the navigation system on board the C-26. Co ordinates headed them towards a military air base on the outskirts of Buenos aires, one that they had never been diverted too before and was very heavily defended according to intel reports. On the flight were 2 members of the C.I.A, posing as members of the team sent with the Honduras foreign minister and 2 high ranking members of the military. After landing the aircraft was advised to follow a vehicle to their disembarking area. Whilst doing so the co pilot noticed some unfamiliar aircraft ahead, and just out of clear view via the naked eye. The co pilot sent a message to the envoy in the cabin, and one of the CIA operatives took pictures with the long range lensed camera he had with him. The aircraft numbered 6 in total, some wearing black tail fins and all loaded up as though they were ready for flight, or to show off. The aircraft in question were Chinese J-10's, painted overall medium grey, and wearing Argentinian markings, this on it's own was quite an eye opener, but the ones with the black tail fins were carrying two Exocet missiles, as well as two Chinese built AAM's along with 3 long range fuel tanks. Nothing was said about these aircraft during the extradition meeting, but  one of the CIA agents stayed behind in the aircraft to take more pictures of the J-10's. On return to Honduras, the pictures were studied with great detail, and the CIA requested a satellite over pass to take more pictures. The information was also sent to the French and British as it looked like the Chinese had adapted their hardware to operate Exocet missiles, also the British were far from impressed with this addition to the Argentinian air force, but promised to keep quiet about it. This didn't technically last very long as more Typhoons were ferried to Ascension island and to the Falklands, along with several anti aircraft systems were sent down too.
The Kit has been sat in the stash for some time and is the 1/72nd scale Trumpeter one. The kit went together really nice, and could be loaded out exactly how I wanted it to be, I am sure this in real life could cause some rattling of cages with the M.O.D

The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!


Yes, that would cause a few long nights at the UK MoD.  Well done.  She looks good in the dark color and that load out. 
Dave "Sandiego89"
Chesapeake, Virginia, USA


"Sticks and stones may break some bones but a 3.57's gonna blow your damn head off!!"


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

Nice little read, and I'm sure seeing them on the tarmac would be cause for consternation as well ! Looks good in that colour, all bombed up !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Thanks for the replies fellas, it  has been a long time coming but got there in the end. I would rather build them than write about them
The dogs philosophy on life.
If you cant eat it hump it or fight it,
Pee on it and walk away!!