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Gimyarovsckaya Design Bureau Gim-12 Nazad Fighter

Started by The Big Gimper, May 04, 2017, 05:06:55 AM

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The Big Gimper

The Gimyarovsckaya Design Bureau is pleased to present this most capable advanced fighter candidate aircraft for the Motherland Fighter Defense Squadrons requirement:  Gim-12 Nazad Fighter!

The Gimyarovsckaya brothers, Georgi and Grennady are confident that the Politburo will quickly see the unquestionable air superiority the Gim-12 will bring to the Rodina!

These capabilities include:

  • With the backwards wings, the air forces of the corrupt capitalist war mongers will think we flying away from them when in fact we getting closer and will soon kill them with our superior missiles
  • The pitot tube is twice as long as other air craft. This means the accuracy of the pitot tube data is 2 times  better than one 1/2 as long
  • Our Bort number is two times larger than similar fighters. This will frighten the cowardly western so-call aces!
  • The narrow landing gear means smaller ramp space is needed. This will save the Motherland billions of Rubles in constructions costs.

Gimyarovsckaya Design Bureau awaits the Committee's visit so we can over ice cold Stolichnaya discuss how we can build 1,000s of these superb fighters.

The Gim-12 consists of an Academy Mig-21, X-29 wings and main landing gear, F-16 stabilators, main gear doors and nose gear, brass F-100 pitot tube, F-4D Burner can and Amodel Yak-25 decals.

Paint is Tamiya spray bomb TS-30 plus touch ups.
Work In Progress ::

Lots of stuff


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Sexy! I personally might have used a later Fishbed mark (because of the modern wing parts), but the concept is cool.  :thumbsup:

The Big Gimper

The problem with the Gimyarovsckaya Design Bureau was that they are the smallest of all the aircraft design bureaus so they did not get access to the latest aircraft technology or resources/materials.

So they had to resort to "dumpster diving" to get any major components.  Hence the older model Mig-21 airframe.  ;)

Dumpster Diving: is a popular form of modern salvaging of waste in large commercial, residential, industrial and construction containers to find items that have been discarded by their owners, but that may prove useful to the picker.
Work In Progress ::

Lots of stuff


Quote from: The Big Gimper on May 04, 2017, 07:18:12 AM

So they had to resort to "dumpster diving" to get any major components.  Hence the older model Mig-21 airframe.  ;)

;D ;D
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

Very cool, and sleek ! Love the nose/ intake. I was expecting it to look F-5ish but it is completely different !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


-Sprues McDuck-

comrade harps

 :wub: it!

A can see that concept taken further, with a radar nose and ventral intake. Maybe with a later, big spine Fishbed fuselage at the core.