International Reisn Modellers Association - IRMA kits in 1/72 On sale now!

Started by zanenobbs, July 26, 2016, 03:31:28 AM

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We at the International Resin Modellers Association - IRMA make the kits no one else will! Our line of 1/72 aircraft are in the "What if?" range and from nations all over the world. Please have a look: Our organization consists of modellers who, as a group, suggest, fund and manufacture our own kits! Please visit our site and let us know what you think

A little about myself, my passion is aviation in 1/72 and model building was part of my rehabilitative therapy starting at age 4 due to destruction of my eye-hand coordination from some sickness due to Rheumatic Fever. So I started building just about everything: autos, trucks, AFVs, ships, aircraft and such. At age 10 I focused on the pioneer and WWI aircraft that were available. In middle-school my focus changed to interwar and WWII aircraft and by high school post war aviation. In college my studies were in aerospace engineering which led to my interest in the early jet and experimental aircraft. Well, by that time my collection included just about everything available in aviation in 1/72 and then I discovered the old web site "Jet Genesis" along with the resin kits from Eastern Europe. After obtaining all of the aircraft of my interest in resin, I realized there were still many subjects that had not been put in kit form yet, so using the internet, I found like-minded individuals around the world and organized the International Resin Modellers Association. As a group, we propose subjects, put them on our Wish List! page, then see which ones have the most interest to get funding. We then take paid reservations and once we get 20 our production costs are covered and we start making models. IRMA Members get first priority and any leftovers go to public sale and this helps to finance our next endeavors. We always welcome more members, suggestions, ideas, recommendations. We're open to just about everything, but our main focus tends to be on aviation thus far. This is our 10th year as an organization. Here is what we have so far listed below. If anyone can direct me how to insert photos, we can do that too.

IRMA Kit No. 1 Gloster CXP-1001- US $55 - First jet design of the Republic of China (Nationalists) partnering with the U.K., 1946

IRMA Kit No. 2 Shenyang JJ-1 - US $60 - First indigenous jet built by the Peoples Republic of China (Communists), 1956

IRMA Kit No. 3 Coanda 1910 - US $60 - First designed and built jet aircraft by Romanian Henri Coanda in 1910

IRMA Kit No. 4 Varga RMI-1 X/H - US $80-World's first designed turboprop aircraft from Hungary, 1943

IRMA Kit No. 5 Heliconair HC-I Convertiplano - US $85 - World's first successfully built convertiplane from Brazil, 1950

IRMA Kit No. 6 Flug-und Fahrzeugwerke Altenrhein FFA P-16 - US $85 - First indigenous production jet fighter of Switzerland, 1955

IRMA Kit No. 7 Fokker F.26 Phantom - US $160 - World's first jet-powered airliner design from the Netherlands, 1946

IRMA Kit No. 8 Avro Canada C-102 Jetliner (casting completed) - US $265 - World's first medium-range jet transport of Canada, 1949

IRMA Kit No. 9 Tupolev Tu-12 (production in process) - US $160 - First built multi-powered jet of the Soviet Union, 1947

IRMA Kit No.10 NACA-Langley-Jacobs-Jeep (preparing for production) - US $60 - Alternative jet design for USA, 1942
We make the kits no one else does!


Interesting items here.

What are the details about the Jeep?  There's seems little more than just text description on your site about it.  Have you images of the kit pieces and such?  Further details about the kit itself - vacuform or resin canopy?  Decals included?  Resin or metal landing gear, etc.,?
Wherever you go, there you are!


I'd like to learn more about the JJ-1, especially for the price for what I'm guessing will be a rather small kit. Any extra info would be greatly appreciated.
Zac in NZ
#avgeek, modelbuilder, photographer, writer. Callsign: "HANDBAG"


In answer to questions on the Jeep and JJ-1. Due to kit poachers (Ukraine and Spain) we are no longer releasing details of the kits  prior to completing them for market. Please visit our website in September when the Jeep will be released. The JJ-1 is already posted with a history of the aircraft: and the build article: Prices are here:
We make the kits no one else does!


Thanks Zane, I hadn't seen the build report! That's fantastic! Thank you for the link.
Zac in NZ
#avgeek, modelbuilder, photographer, writer. Callsign: "HANDBAG"

Captain Canada

Thanks for the info and head`s up on your stuff ! A Jetliner has always been on the want list

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


Would there be ainy interest in a resin kit of the Gloster E.1/44 in 1/72?
We make the kits no one else does!


Quote from: zanenobbs on July 26, 2016, 03:31:28 AM
IRMA Kit No. 1 Gloster CXP-1001- US $55 - First jet design of the Republic of China (Nationalists) partnering with the U.K., 1946

I've got a 1/72 resin kit of this already, Sharkit does it

Quote from: zanenobbs on July 29, 2016, 09:35:58 AM
Would there be ainy interest in a resin kit of the Gloster E.1/44 in 1/72?

Which version, I've got both in 1/72 vacuform
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


Yes, Sharkit does it because we provided the data and did the first kit as a  joint venture. Same thing for the Shenyang JJ-1. Our goal is to keep the resin manufacturers in business. However, over time, we are doing more kits exclusive to IRMA with clear resin for our canopies and windows. Together we all succeed! :)
We make the kits no one else does!


That's good to know --- 

Incidentally, I think the undercarriage for it should be more like the E.1/44's rather than something like Meteor undercarriage. From what I've read about the CXP-1001, it was a re-design of the E.1/44.
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


Greetings All,

If you go to the International Resin Modellers Association web site ( we now have all 10 kits photographed, parts layout and build articles. I have completed all kits but the Fokker F.26 Phantom and Avro Canada C102 Jetliner (both in progress), but the rest have been finished.

We are now progressing on our next kits for this year: IRMA Kit No.11 Caproni-Campini CC.7 (CS.11) Toscana, IRMA Kit No.12 SNCAC NC.1071, IRMA Kit No.13 PZL TS-16 Grot, IRMA Kit No.14 Schmid Ornithopter SC-28 Wolke, and IRMA Kit No.15 Kugisho R2Y Keiun.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Zane R Nobbs, President, International Resin Modellers Association - IRMA
We make the kits no one else does!