Easily Whiffed, crazy that it's real! Natter M23 from Brengun

Started by Faust, November 22, 2018, 06:01:52 PM

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When it comes to crazy, desperate ideas executed with inappropriate haste, advanced-yet-available technology and a good side helping of Teutonic efficiency, there's little doubt that the WWII Luftwaffe has to be champion. Be it rocket planes that were more dangerous to their crews than the enemy or stealthy flying wing fighters, the RLM and German industry were up to a lot of different things as WWII came to a close.

One of the more frightening ones that saw testing and actual deployment was the Bachem Natter. This was a VTO point defence fighter, more akin to a "Manned Missile" than any other aircraft that made it to service, except the Japanese Ohka. Of course, in great German fashion, there were all kinds of tests and prototypes! One such machine was the first (and only) manned article, Natter M23. The good folks at Brengun have actually made a kit of this little (and deadly) oddity. Check it out at the link below!



I completely misread the title as 'Natter M23 from Belgium' and assumed you'd found some crazy post-war idea to rebuild the Belgian air force using leftover Natters.

Was therefore slightly disappointed with absence of Belgian roundels on the box-art  :unsure:

Though on reflection I think the He 162 would look good with red-yellow-black roundels...


Quote from: AS.12 on November 22, 2018, 11:30:20 PM
I completely misread the title as 'Natter M23 from Belgium' and assumed you'd found some crazy post-war idea to rebuild the Belgian air force using leftover Natters.

LOL, me too!  :rolleyes:

Doug K

Quote from: AS.12 on November 22, 2018, 11:30:20 PM
I completely misread the title as 'Natter M23 from Belgium' and assumed you'd found some crazy post-war idea to rebuild the Belgian air force using leftover Natters.

Was therefore slightly disappointed with absence of Belgian roundels on the box-art  :unsure:

Though on reflection I think the He 162 would look good with red-yellow-black roundels...

What a great idea!