
Voir et Savoir 1/144 - J2M2 Raiden

Started by strobez, February 16, 2020, 03:25:55 PM

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Hi guys.  I had a bit of a slow start to year in terms of modelling.  I took a complete break over Christmas to "recharge the batteries" and, even though it extended through to the Lunar New Year more or less, it seems to have worked.  I got excited to move my project rotation to one of the most neglected of my chosen "fields" - the Voir et Savoir series of chromolithographs by Hergé.

Around 1940, Hergé decided he wanted to use Tintin as a vehicle to explore a comprehensive history of the world, from the lives of ancient peoples, to most exotic of cultures and countries, to the science and engineering marvels of the modern world.  Although that ambitious plan never really took shape, in the late 1940s a series of chromolithographs focused on the history of transport started appearing in the weekly Tintin publication – alternating between highlighting naval and aviation technologies.

Later, after Jacques Martin replaced Edgar P. Jacobs the project became formalized under the title of Voir et Savoir (meaning "See and Know").  In the mid-1950s, under the direction of Hergé and featuring the work of Jacques Martin, Bob de Moor, Roger Leloup and Georges Fouillé, five collections (each comprised of 60 illustrations) were released under the following sections:

The Automobile, from origins to 1900
Aviation War, 1939-1945
Aviation, from origins to 1914
The Navy, from origins to 1700
The Navy, 1700 to 1850

I decided to focus on the Aviation War series of 60 chromos - http://users.skynet.be/tintinpassion/VOIRSAVOIR/Avion2/pages_avion2/062_Avion2.html

So, in no particular order, first up is number 56, the J2M2 Raiden.



We're playing a bit of catch-up here as I'm almost done this first project.  So apologies for the image dump.  The box for the J2M2 also contained a A7M2 Reppu, so she's along for the ride too... to be classified under "Voir et Savoir Plus" since she's not in the list of 60 (along with quite a few other favourites of mine... so why limit yourself? Just expand the project!)

I'm not sure why I bought this kit originally.  I think I was just a sucker for the boxart and the fact that there are two kits inside.  As usual though, my project creep has found a way to include them both~

Two planes. Two little sprues.

A quick dry fit... They go together easily enough.

Now to fill in the wheel wells.  These kits are obviously not meant for wheels up.

The wells were so thin, I decided to just cut new covers out of sheet styrene.  Much easier than trying to cut/sand the kit parts into submission.

And, there we go.  These handy wooden chopstick rests made a nice base. All I have to do is cut out a slot so I can add a micro USB plug.

A bit of putty and we're off to do some sanding.

DC motors are all wired up and ready to go.

After some careful glueing, the motors are now in place.

And... it works!

This one works too.  Always a good idea to keep checking the functionality.  If it breaks along the way, it pays to know when, where and how.

Now for some cockpit details... including pilots.

Cockpits painted, pilots comfy in their seats.

Tiny little canopies masked and ready to go.

Am I wasting my time doing under-shading? Maybe... we'll see.

First coat on... more needed.

Top side done.  Looking better now...

A bit more creative masking.  I almost never use blue tack for masking, so we'll see how this goes.

Missed a few spots, so we'll need a bit of touch up.

Second round of blue tack masking... will this work?

I'm not quite sure how I feel about the result... but here we are.

Now that the painting is done, time to attach them to the bases.

Now for a panel line wash, some weathering and decals...



Old Wombat

1/144 ... Motorised ... You is crazy, man! :blink:

Keep it up! :thumbsup:
Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Yeah... I think I might be.  I was putting the finishing touches on the A7M2... did a panel wash, got all the nice big red dots on... plugged it in... and.... nothing.


Fack! Sure enough, I managed to break a wire on the INSIDE of the fuselage.  So, there was no choice but to crack it open along the wing/fuselage join and then perform the scariest open heart surgery game of Operation ever.  DON'T touch the sides with that soldering iron. But do manage to get two small wires connected back together.  For having been split open and stitched back together, she doesn't look half bad.  Of course, the scar is on the OTHER side. ;)

I also got the J2M2 pretty much done.  Decals on.  The props kept spinning, but I did have a zone out moment. I spent 10 minutes carefully sliding the homemade decal in place, got it done and then put it aside to dry. Then, not ten seconds later! I grabbed it by the base and stuck my thumb right in the middle of it. A pain in the donkey to reprint, but a mistake that's easily recovered from I guess.

I will say I love my new 1/144 scale rigging thread. The radio antenna went on like a breeze and looks perfect.  Nice and springy, so it's easy to keep the line tight.


Old Wombat

Has a life outside of What-If & wishes it would stop interfering!

"The purpose of all War is Peace" - St. Augustine

veritas ad mortus veritas est


Just a quick update to mention that I took some final glamour pics (and a short video to prove the prop spins) and uploaded them to my blog.

J2M2 Raiden - http://strobez.ca/wp/index.php/2020/02/19/56-mitsubishi-j2m2-raiden-ii-jack-ii-japon-1943/
A7M2 Reppu - http://strobez.ca/wp/index.php/2020/02/19/p01-mitsubishi-a7m1-reppu-sam/
