
Space Trains

Started by McColm, December 11, 2020, 11:43:39 PM

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 I thought that a Space Train was pure fiction but this is not so. The idea to provide a transport system linking planets in our solar system has been studied and although there's the initial problem of getting the train into space , not to mention the laying of track either conventional or Maglev plus the cost and maintenance.
There's one problem of slowing the train down as it's travelling through a vacuum and what propulsion system would you use?
The Canadians are one step ahead even going so far as to have a proposal for an orbital railway around Earth with a series of terminals to get the passengers to and from the train. No doubt the Chinese or the former USSR have also considered this.
I can see the advantages in this idea to catch a train from London UK and arrive in Australia in a matter of hours rather than a day.
Makes an ideal whiff project.  How much plastic tubing would I need?

Rick Lowe

Here's a wee bit of Kiwi Madness, along this very line... ooh, sorry for the unintentional pun...
