
Grumman Prowler AEW.1

Started by McColm, January 17, 2021, 05:49:33 AM

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 What if the Grumman EA-6B had been chosen as the replacement for the Fairey Gannet AEW.3?
There was a proposed Fairey Gannet AEW. 7, so the Grumman Prowler would be converted in a similar manner with the rotodome from the Hawkeye and avionics. Single pilot and three radar operators.
Whether or not the Prowler could land and take off from the Royal Navy aircraft carrier's is debateable,  then there's storage below deck. A hinge at the rear and the removal vertical tail fin would have been needed.
Once these problems had been sorted out a joint Squadron with the Royal Air Force would have been established just in time for Operation Deny Flight, 1992.
I'm estimating that the Grumman Prowler AEW.1 would have an endurance of 4-6 hours including one inflight refuelling. Extra hard points for fuel or equipment could extend to 8 -10 hours on station. Secure data links would mean that ships or Command Centres would see the radar picture.

I have found a 1/72 Grumman EA-6B in the stash,  no instructions or decals and the rotodome from a Grumman E-2 Hawkeye. I think that I can find a pair of tail fins or finlets to fit and I might have some decals as well.