
Barry Hygate's British Experimental Jet Aircraft

Started by overscan, April 29, 2007, 02:32:24 AM

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From another forum:

i have recently been in contact with Barrie Hygate, you know the gentleman that gave us the great book  British Experimental Jet Aircraft, this book as been out of print for a long while, the good news is Barrie as done updated drawings, not all of them yet, but we might be able to persuade him to finish the rest of them and release them as a update, probably as a PDF, judging by his experiance with publishers on the original book, it is very doutful it would be released as a hard copy (book).

now knowing this we would like to know how many of you would be interested in buying the update? pass this info on to your friends and other forums and sites, lets see if we can make it worth his while. you can use my email address for your requests


This is great news. Please email John at the above address if you are potentially interested.
Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


l did not want to start a new topic so found this one to add to.

I have been down to The Aviation Bookshop in Tunbridge Wells today and they had 2 copies of this book. Not sure of the price so I suggest you give them a ring.
