
Fictional timeline 1973, CAP companion for F-4E in Middle Africa

Started by glorious.tachikoma, March 03, 2022, 10:34:39 PM

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   I'm working on an alternative timeline wherein a race of galactic refugees crash lands on earth in the late 60's. Humanoid, bipedal, technological theocrats who's governmental system and economic politics align them most closely with the United States. Long story short, they have to start-over at the same technological level as humanity of the era. Britain gives them the top third of Uganda and cut a deal with Kenya to get them some land on the south side of the river in Mombasa.
     Naturally, being US allies, the Soviets start harassing them via the Sudanese. The US all but gives them a squadron of surplus F-4E's to help them defend themselves. They make alterations to the Phantoms and Sparrows to work better, but they still want a lightweight fighter to accompany the F-4s on sortie. By 1972/1973 they are in position to be shopping for such aircraft. I've come up with a few ideas.
     -F-5E - Cheap, quick, decent kinematics for the thrust but low payload. Realistically doesn't have the thrust or fuel for carrying AIM-7s for which the F-4s to designate.
     -Kfir - (timeline fudged). These aliens would probably have aligned with Israel as well and as such lent engineering assistance to the Kfir project and gotten them operational during the Yom Kippur war. Not as nimble as the other two but same engine as the Phantoms and plenty of payload capacity.
     -Mirage F1 - This is probably the most realistic option. Dassault would probably have sold them a production license and helped them set up the factory. Probably also helps Marcel get around DeGaulle and get the F1 in Israeli hands. Radar, mach-II, durable, reliable, adequate thrust-weight and I'm cooking up an  idea for the F1 to conformally mount a pair of AIM-7s. This is the choice I'm trying to avoid as I'm reading the KH kit is not a nice kit to make fit together.
     I'm open to other ideas, as long as someone makes a decent model in 1:48 I don't have to pay a 100% markup on ebay to get my mitts on one. Thanks for reading my nerotic drivel.