
One Week Build 2024 - The Rules

Started by NARSES2, May 14, 2024, 05:24:08 AM

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Rules are the same as last year so here they are :-

1.  The 2024 One-Week Group Build runs from 00:01 Saturday 8th June 2024 to 23:59 Sunday 16th June 2024 (all times local).  As in previous One Weekers there'll be no extension.

2.  Physical models of any scale, profiles, and/or stories are eligible, but they must be whiffery.

3.  You may build, draw or write as many entries as you like (good luck!).  The posting of in-progress pictures is encouraged as always. Backstories - however long or short - win extra points.  Well, OK they don't but they're always nice to see and should be posted in the Finished Entries thread.
If you are unsure as to how to post pictures of your build on the forum, then please send NARSES2 a Personal Message and he will go through it with you.
When posting your finished models in the Finished Entries thread please try and stick as closely as possible to the following format:
          Title: by (entrants user name): a brief description backstory/explanation (100 characters or so): a maximum of three pictures with a link to the build/progress thread
          (additional images can be posted in the 'build' thread but please do indicate having done so (if you do so) - this also applies to profiles/images.
Members are asked to not post within the Finished Entries thread any comments regarding completed entries - instead use the link to the main build/progress thread page for these. This makes the Moderator's task much simpler when it comes to organising the poll.

4.  Preparation work is allowed prior to the start of the GB but is limited to planning/researching your entries, removal and cleaning up of parts from sprues, casting blocks or cutting out vacform parts from their backing sheet, even designing and printing your own decals.  Anything involving modification of parts, dry test fitting kit parts, pre-painting and actual assembly is not allowed prior to the start of the GB.

5.  Part-started models are not allowed - we are relying on the honour of our membership to uphold this rule - however scrapped models that have been reduced to component parts or sections may be allowed by the Moderator.

6.  No rule 6 - was there ever a rule 6?  It's one rule or another so from now on its 6.  Never, ever mention Rule 6.

7.  Moderator – Kitbasher (aided and abetted by NARSES2).

8.  The completed entries thread will be locked at the end of the GB and only those items posted prior to it being locked will be eligible for the vote. shortly afterwards the poll will be set up.  The number of votes per forum member will be based upon a ratio of one vote per three entries, rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.  In the event of a tie there will be no run-off, we will simply have a joint first place and then a third place; similarly, a three-way tie will mean there is no second and third.   Both scenarios will satisfy Rule 9 (below).  In the event of a four-way tie then the Moderator will throw their toys out of their cot!

9.  The first three placed entries in the Group Build will automatically be nominated for a Whiffy in the specific Group Build Class.
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.