avatar_John Howling Mouse


Started by John Howling Mouse, April 22, 2003, 05:55:24 AM

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Captain Canada

Too cool...JHM !
    I've always loved the 'boneyard' look ! I've got loads of photos from around ON of similar sights...mostly a/c from the CFSATE in Borden and the ATESS in Trenton. Let me know if you'd like to see some.
    There is a photo in one of Larry Milberry's books of two or three Voodoos and a couple of Huey hulks out in the back forty at Bagotville....I've always thought it would be a cool diorama to have a Hornet taxiing by ! One of the old Voodoos was 'Lark One' as IIRC.......

See ya !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Captain Canada

###### Ollie ! Take some photos ! You Crazy Flying Frenchman !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Captain Canada

Hey Ollie....grow another hand, would ya ! Or, evr heard of 'otto pilot' ?

As for Lark One...there aren't many good reference pics around. Maybe you could use your 'French Connections' to get some photos of it ? But then again, it may have been scrapped by now !

I was thinking of painting a Phantom in the Lark colours. At first I was gonna put just the head on the tail ( ? ) , but now am thinking how cool the upper wing of a Phantom would look as  a bird's wing !


Toadman...enjoying some crappy McD's for lunch...love their 'chips' !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

John Howling Mouse

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

C-FWOL in ennemy territory

Toad, I've flown over those hulks at Bagottville, they are all stacked up in a corner, near a small outgrown of trees...

Yes. The birdie Voodoo is with them.

:-/  :TT  :w  :aa  :ta  :dr  :zz


Well Toad, that was on July the 8th, 2000.  I had no Digicam then and although I had a 35mm with me, I couldn't possibly take a picture and land at the same time!  And it was with a rented aircraft, C-FWOL being in the workshop at that time.  

Now, if those ±£@¢\¢\ tax returns would come home, I might be able to buy a new digicam worthy of my person!

Oh, and I'm back from the mission, at home... :o)

:TT  :w  :s


You are right!  But again, if you're not on an IFR approach, Otto die pilote cannot make the aircraft land, eh!

If I ever get my donkey over there again, I'll try to snap a few pictures.

And I'll have the co-pilot do it, he must make himself useful at the very least!

And yep, it would look splendid with the feathers on the wings!  Or what about the tail feathers, as our English friends would say?

And I ahve a free Big C-rap at McDo or a free Mc Seagull....  Which should I take?
