
Backdrop pics

Started by matrixone, February 12, 2006, 03:25:09 PM

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Not exactly a model but part of what I use for taking my pictures.

The old backdrop leaning against the new one, notice the trees I tried to airbrush on the lower left, pretty lame.

The new backdrop, this time the trees on the lower left look a little more like trees should. The dark streaks on the sky portion are just shadows from tree branches not part of the finished backdrop.

This pic shows the backdrop in use as I intended it to be used. Notice how the painted trees blend in with the trees mounted on the photobase.



You Sir, are an artist.

So I got that going for me...which is nice....

Brian da Basher

Amen AD. Matrixone is a true Luft Leonardo!

Brian da Basher


Thanks very much for the nice comments AeroplaneDriver and Brian!

I will use this backdrop for about a year and paint a more detailed version later on.
Each time I do one of these things I get a little better at it.
Before Hollywood started using CGI, painted backdrops were used quite often in movie making. In the first Matrix movie very large painted backdrops were used and until I had seen how that movie was made I never would have known that fact.
My goal for my next backdrop is to paint it so well that it will look like a large picture instead of something I painted myself.


John Howling Mouse

That is a nice setting, Matrixone, but when are you going to show us a pic using your own handpainted background???

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


That's exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for Matrix thanks. I didn't realise you had the sky on your background too, I thought you tried to incorporate the real sky, things are alot clearer now.

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models


Thanks John and Leigh!

I was hoping you would see these pics.
The picture with the Do 335B in it I placed the backdrop a full three feet behind the model to make sure the Do 335 was in focus and the rest slightly out of focus. Works good don't you think?

Can't wait to show everybody the new hanger I am building, it should work well with the new backdrop.



Breathtaking! If only you were here Matrix, I'd give you such a hearty handshake! Amazing work! And that Pfeil is amazing! How exactly did pilots magane to get into those things?

Lame? HA! Awe-inspiring, more like! Love the new backdrop, and the "real" trees work so well!


I'm telling you Matrix you need to do a whole in depth article on this stuff.
What did you use for the concrete on your base?
I'm gonna be building a bigger one, I used posterboard white glued to plywood but the elements and age have taken their toll on it and the cardboard is peeling up on the edges and seams. I was thinking on the new one of using sheet styrene but how to attach that to plywood?
Grass is easy I just use the model railroading stuff in different coarseness and shades.

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models


Actually Leigh, thanks for bringing that up - a "how to" would be fantastic. I want to take pictures better than just holding them inside the house, or on the grass outside (the scale is soooooo wrong!). Please, please do some sort of tutorial thread, or a step-by-step progress one. I think everyone would greatly appreciate it.


Brilliant Matrix, absolutely brilliant.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Matrix, your timing on this is perfect!!!!  I am painting a green screen and a backround scrim today...thanks for the information, you have saved me from a ton of heartache!



Quote[SNIP] I was thinking on the new one of using sheet styrene but how to attach that to plywood?
Contact cement from the hardware/DIY store will bond styrene to plywood.  Be sure to use thick plywood (0.5 inch or 1cm) to prevent warpage over time and to allow it to lie flat between supports.


Patrick H

Brilliant Matrix, a real work of art


My webpage

The engines spit out fire, I'm pushed back in my chair
The pressure gives me thrills as we climb in the air


Thanks everybody!

The Do 335 had a retractable boarding ladder that was operated by a crank located near the left wing root just ahead of the flap.

The concrete sections on my photobase are painted poster paper, I used white glue for the glue and used rattle can Model Master paints to color them.
You WILL need to reinforce the plywood to avoid warping problems.
And avoid using contact cement on your photobase, I tried using that stuff and very quickly found out that it does NOT work well for anything placed out in the sun, on even a mild temp day things will start to become unglued.

As for me to write a ''how to'' on model photography would not be good at this time, there is so much I need to learn about this subject and I learn new things each time I get my camera out and take a new set of pictures. I will not be happy with my pictures until I can make images that are so convincing that even a JMN will be fooled. When that happens then I will be qualified to write a ''how to'' article.
There has been progress in the quality of my pictures, looking at some of my old pictures is a good way to see where I have been and looking at pictures in my reference books of the real a/c is how I want my models to look.
