
MORE modelling disasters!

Started by SebastianP, February 14, 2006, 08:46:39 AM

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I totally blew the decals on the F-2A I've been building - some of the more important ones moved completely out of alignment when I applied Mr Mark Softer, and deformed spectacularly when I tried to gently move them back. Don't have any spares, and aftermarket sheets are out of the question. I hate walkway stripes.

Basically, I have two options at the moment - finish it off without the walkway stripes and with slightly egg-shaped roundels, or strip the paint off and try to come up with a different scheme. Considering that this is one of a very few kits I've ever built where I've been totally happy with the job I did on the plastic, I'm pretty set against tossing it, though I nearly did so last night after the mess I made of it.

So, what do I do? I've still got three Hasegawa and Revell F-16 sheets in the right scale, which is plenty of decals for a US version. I'm just not sure I want to do it that way...



What were the decals you trashed? Maybe somebody has them at the back of their decal closet...

This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


QuoteWhat were the decals you trashed? Maybe somebody has them at the back of their decal closet...
I'm not patient enough to wait around for replacements - easier then to get another kit and build this one as a whiff, or plain ignore that there ever was a disaster.

The actual decals I'm missing are number 19 and 20 on the "3rd Squadon" sheet in 1/72 - the rear fuselage walkways, the most complicated decals on the whole kit. I also managed to get one of the roundels behind the cockpit slighltly egg-shaped - enough to be definitely noticable...

Then again, I've also managed to future over some *huge* brushstrokes, which made them stand out like you wouldn't believe. That's almost grounds for stripping this kit right there...