Strong metal/plastic hybrid rod

Started by Bluesteel, July 08, 2006, 04:18:31 AM

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For all those jobs that need strong struts or 'pointy-out' type pieces, I've found a wonderful solution. My Local Model Shop railway section, sells plastic coated metal rod of various thicknesses.

I always find 1mm and 0.5mm standard plastic rod can be a little flimsy and snap quite easily; whereas the metal enforced plastic rod is very strong indeed. You can also snip 1 or 2 mm off the end of the rod using wire cutters, and expose the thinner metal inside. This then superglues very firmly into an existing or pre-drilled hole.

But if you are in King's Lynn, Norfolk, England you are out of luck as I've just bought up the LMS entire supply of the stuff!
