
Todays progress....well sorta

Started by BlackOps, April 23, 2006, 07:41:32 PM

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I have several things going on at once so I picked a few of them to work on today even though it might not look like I've done much it kept me busy most of the day.

Item one:
I got the V-tail on the Banshee I'm doing for the Airfix group build today, did some dremelling to get it to fit but now it's glued in place but needs some putty work.

Item two:
I dug out my Ghost project (the JSF with the Tornado tail) and did a little work on it, I had a long dryspell on this one due to the fact I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted landing gear up or down or if I wanted it in hover mode or rocket mode....I opted for gear down and hovermode so now I can get back to work on it.

Item three:
German Panzer, this is going to get a double barrel, not sure if it will be an over under or side by side yet...heck maybe I should add three and make it like a gatling gun...not sure yet.

Item four:
The Gripen X-wing got some styrene filler and a bunch of sanding done today. I have tons more fill work to do on this project but I'm liking how it's going so far.

Jeff G.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.

Captain Canada

Looking good, Blacko !

The three tailed thing don't look right to me, tho.....

Love the Gripen-X !

Get back to work !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Dork the kit slayer

The three tailed thing don't look right to me, tho.....

...but............it doesnt look wrong either. Lets see 'em finished.........soon :cheers:  
Im pink therefore Im Spam...and not allowed out without an adult    


Patrick H

QuoteGet back to work !

yeah and do the Banshee thingy first. i'd love to see that one finished. :P

Like the Captain, not sure on the 3 tailed one but will wait to se the finished product before comenting on that one  
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The engines spit out fire, I'm pushed back in my chair
The pressure gives me thrills as we climb in the air


Dang, that is a lot of modeling !  Looking cool, too.  Personally, I like the three tails.


The german tank, it was never armed with 88mm guns in the turret. You could add a 88mm turret.


For the Panzer you could add a panther turret and change the forward hull to a more sloped configuration with some palstic card.

This would give it a totally different look. :D  
Get this Cheese to sick bay!

Eddie M.

Good to see your work on the table. B) I enjoy your work immensely and am waiting patiently for the finished results. B)
Look behind you!