
TSR.2 kits

Started by Supertom, August 04, 2003, 03:18:26 PM

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Hey, wasn't Model Alliance coming up with a new injected TSR.2 in 1/72?  That's what I thought I heard anyway.
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"


Well nuts.  OK, I hope someone does one because there's no way I can afford US$90 for the Heritage kit!
"We can resolve this over tea and fisticuffs!!!"


Isn't it easier to buy F-111Ks??
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Radish. Mike, Geoff :angry:

Create you own topic for the flick knife, i suppose its allowed under this section as its basically the Vickers swept wing concept. But this Topis is TSR2 only. You really don't want to upset Wooksta.

The idea of these seperate forums is to co-oridinate ideas for the group build, share advice on building, camo schemes, weapons fit, markings.


GeoffB :D  


QuoteHas anyone else noticed that the font colour thing doesn't work? Also I don't make my own decals, where did that come from? :ph34r:
Thats your post rating.  Tom has also given some of us "unique" ratings eg Rads "resident drag queen".

So basically, all you have to do to get a different post rating is post loads or dress in fishnets & suspenders with lots of lip gloss  :D  :D  
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


:) Hi Tom

Model Alliance are supposed to be looking at releasing one in 2005, but as we have yet to see a kit of their be produced (the Sea Harrier FA2 is the first), i'm not sure what to expect.

Managed to get my hands on an original Resitech TSR-2, should be interesting to see the difference between that and the heritage example. Get a feeling Wooksta will want to borrow it for his Liquid plastic experiments though !!!.




Is this new type resin going to be generally available?
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die



When you get some decent casts done let me know and I'll take at least one off your hands. What are your plans for the canopy and metal undercarriage?

Nick  B)



You can get an Aeroclub metal U/C & Bang Seats for the TSR2, not as nice as the Kit items but not too bad. For canopies, there are 2 in every Heritage kit, so you should build up a few apares. I also imagein Wooksta could get some more done if required by either himself or one his contacts.

Thor <_<


Quote. As for the u/c, Aeroclub has ceased production of that item, although as far as I'm aware, it's still available from Hannants (I'm right aren't I?).

I bloody well hope so, as I ordered a set from them and the stuff arrived today. I know I've got another set of them lurking in my bedroom but I can't find the dammed things at the moment. Still, with the U/C I can at least get my TSR2 underway.

One thing I have picked up recently is some Swiss made clear resin that looks pretty reasonable. I got it from the Bognor model shop.  I plan to start experimenting with it soon.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Hannants offer the Martin-Baker Mk.8 bangseat for £1.90 and the TSR-2 undercarriage and seat for £5.75. Do you reckon it's worth my grabbing a set while I can?

Nick  B)  


Hi Wooksta

So hows the casting going with the new resin, it certainly sound like you like it !!!!.

For the TSR2 U/c i would cast round a wire frame to give it the strength as these TSR2 are heavy




QuoteLancer, don't worry about the u/c for now, and just start construction work. Don't fit the tail surfaces, but pin them with 1mm Contrail rod (the holes to drill out are on the rear fuselage). This makes them much easier to paint, believe me. Refer to one of my old posts for detailed instructions on how to sort out the intakes/splitter plate problem.

And it works, i used it on one of mine that had no brass in it, the blackbeard one had no intakes so i had to adapt a bit.

For the Rudder & Tailplane i actuallly use cut off bits of paper clips for the stong joints.

Good news about the resin wooksta, as moulded consoles would look really good and should be alot less hassle than those brass bits !!!. As for the U/C you'll have to test it i suppose to see how it performs, unless you start metal casting using that Pince August model soldier stuff. Either that or see it aircav can lathe you a few landing legs !!!! <_< , if the resin ones start to bow under the strain.

Has this new resin given you the boost you wneeded to get the motivation going on your TSR2's or is it giving you even more examples to have a go at and try and finish ?.


Thor -_-  


Hi Wooksta

QuoteRear fuselage. I'm going to try a slosh moulding, whereby you run a coat of resin round the mould in several thin coats so the resulting moulding is hollow. Thor, this means you might get that fuselage you want to open up the bomb bay. I'm not promising anything mind, but this resin looks like it could well do the job.

:D  :D  :D  :D

I do hope your sucessfully, i suppose we could actually construct a bomb bay and use it to create a mould plug for use on your main mould. But you would have a better ideal about that than i would of course.

Just lets us know how much for a full kit and i'll send you the cash, as i expect you will be ordering a fair ammount of this new liquid plastic. I suppose we had best get you some pylons ready for casting as well then and maybe an RWR equiped rudder, make life easier for the production variants.

BTW anything else your after ? as i'm posting your A-5 tomorrow whilst i'm off.


Thor <_<


I am writing this with a cnsiderable amount or regret, but thanks to my cack handedness there is going to be one less TSR2 in the line up. I cut the casting blocks off of tonight and have managed to really screw it up. There are gaps of about 5mm in some places and by the time I've sanded it all square it's going to be waaaaay to short.
I REALLY want to salvage this but I'm not entirely sure how to. Any help/advice/guidance will be greatly appriciated

If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die