
TSR.2 kits

Started by Supertom, August 04, 2003, 03:18:26 PM

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Hi Lancer

Just get the surfaces basically flat then cut some plastic card templates to match the bulkheads and superglue in place. Any gaps can be filled later, as long as the step is still OK then it should not be a major problem, just ensure the bottom part is as tidy as posible as its the only part of the seam to show, the intakes and the wing will hide any rough work on the sides.

I'll see if i can do photo's when i start my next one.




Awsome, Thanks Thor.
The step is ok. I sanded that flat last night, just the main fuselage part that needs flattening. Ok, I'll go and get some plastic card on Wednesday, Get my money by then and my contract finishes Tuesday.

One question, How do I go about adding RWR receivers to the tail??
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Hi Lancer

Re: Tail unit

Personally i mask off the top part of the fin then work out the suitable depth for the RWR, then using a Razor saw cut out two rectangular shapes at the front and back of the Fin. Cut a couple of 40" thou plastic card receivers and super glue into rectangular hole crated earlier. Once dry use filler to merge the seams (The masking tape proteceting the the very top of fin during this process). then tidy up the ends of the RWR to match the style of these things.

A word of note on the TSR2 construction, when the fuselage is joined together you'll notice that when the wing is test fitted a notable chasm appears on the lower wing to fuselage join (A flaw with the model). To rectify this i again tape of the detailed sides of the fuselage then super glue strips of plastic card to the wing box, building it up to fill the Chasm befor the wing is joined.

Another are of note, before fitting the intakes see how they align with the fuselage, on my last one i had to you pliers to curve the intakes in a bit to get a better join with the aft fuselage, any gaps that appear are filled with plastic card cut to shape and superglue, with a toch of filler to neaten the join.

Good Luck



Went to the IPMS Brampton show in St. Neots today with the club and picked up the Aeroclub set directly for £5.25 (saving! :) ).
Also got a hard-top Landie and trailer set (JB Models) for a ground diorama.



Hi Nick

Sounds like we might have to get these sets whilst we can if Wooksta plans come off !!!.

The Land Rovers a great little kit i have a couple of each type and the 1 tonner. The Bedford MK Tactical refueller is also very nice, and includes RAF markings, but its more for battlefield refuelling for Helo's or harriers types. I should check to see if a Airfield refueller is produced by anybody as the Airfix ones are a bit too early for 70's usage (i have seen the matador refueller from photos of the 60's at overseas bases).



I'm happy to announce that I've sorted out the problem with my Phoenix, and construction is now underway. The 2 fuselage halves have been joined and the intake cones have been added. I'm at the point where I need to look for Lee's old post on the splitter plate problem as I'm as confused as hell by the instructions. I was going to use the etched parts, but I can't pick them out on the fret and the guide at the back of the sheet is next to useless, half the reference numbers are missing. Still I am enjoying building this one.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Hi Lancer

Wooksta reposted his instructions on the main forum for the new guy Mairfrog, as its is easier than playing with the brass as it doesn't even match the intakes !!!!. I may have clearer instructions from the original Resitech kit, so i'll check them out and send you them if they are OK.




HI Thor,

That'd be great if you could. After looking at the etched plates, I wasn't going to use them anyway, they looked all wrong. I will be using some of the brass in the cockpit, but not all of it.  Right now, I'm looking at altering the fin so as to add the RWR aerials.  
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


US based supplier for the TSR-2

Just in case any of you from the other side of the pond fancied a TSR-2 and wish to try the Heritage kit, i've just found the US importer !!!!! :(



Captain Canada

Holy smoke-a-rollie !

90 USD ! That's like, almost a million CDN !

I'd better get on the bus with this ipms membership, eh !

Cheers !

Toadman....picking up his razor saw
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


QuoteToadman....picking up his razor saw [CODE] - Carefully  :o  :o !!!!

Just take it carefully, the mould lugs on the kit are a pain to remove (noticed that they have got bigger over the years). The wooksta's concept for the intakes is a bit easier than the kit method and their brass splitter plates. The metal air intakes need a set of pliers on them to get them to conform to the fuselage shape.
The wing Box needs to be built up at the fwd end to allow the wing to be flush with the Fwd and Aft fuselage. Its easier than filling the gap afterwards !!!.
The Wings and tailplanes need to be drilled on their axis to allow them to be pinned for joining to the fuselage.
The cockpit is not too bad, but the Canopy needs carfull cutting and test fitting to get it right (opening them up is easier)
The U/C need the additional bracing struts as seen on XR220 for any operational TSR2.


GeoffB :D  


Let's hope this works!

Nick  B)  


Unfortunately, its still wish full thinking Mairfrog's yahoo site ie really pushing for a TSR2 from Airfix and have created a boxart to gain support. Wonder if we posted it on the web at places like hannants we could boost pre-orders. Could be an interesting article.

Until then we'll have to make do with resin !!!

BTW i heard that the Airfix Comet 4 is released again as part of their century of flight promotion and can be found at some Woolies marked down at £6.49




QuoteBTW i heard that the Airfix Comet 4 is released again as part of their century of flight promotion and can be found at some Woolies marked down at £6.49

Cool. Although my local wollies don't do model kits. What scale is it?? 144th I'll wager.  
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die