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1/72 Canadair Howling Mouse

Started by Brian da Basher, June 27, 2006, 08:02:10 PM

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Brian da Basher

In 1946 The British Empire and its Commonwealth suffered from a post-war economic slump. The Dominion of Canada was not immune and the cash-strapped Canadians were forced to seek new sources of revenue. Upon exhausting all other avenues, the decision was made to turn the Al-Can Highway into a toll road. This greatly upset their neighbors to the south who helped build the route to the Great White North and insult was added to injury when the tight-fisted Canucks refused to split the $348.75 in tolls with the Americans. The United States retaliated by cancelling plans to share military technology with Canada. Thus the Royal Canadian Air Force needed to seek indigenous designs for their post-war aircraft. Fortunately, Canadair stepped in to fill the void. In 1947 they designed and built the RCAF's first jet fighter, the Canadair Howling Mouse. This aircraft was comperable to the F-80 Shooting Star except that it had better cold-weather performance and was fitted with heavier armament including four 20 m.m. cannons in the wings and four "Yellowknife" air-to-air rockets. The Canadair Howling Mouse also had the advantage of being radar equipped, the Baz-a-tronic weather and targeting radar being designed and built by the native firm of Man-Ho Electric. The Canadair Howling Mouse shown here is part of No. 6 Squadron, also known as the Ellesmere Polar Sharks, RCAF Interceptor Command based at Alert. This squadron was famous for their interception of Communist Tu-5 bombers which invaded Canadian airspace in 1949 manned by Mongolian "volunteers". Another notable mission of Canadair Howling Mouses (or Howling Mice) was in 1954 when a flight of them (from No. 5 Squadron, the Fighting Otters) diverted Air Force Two (returning from a state visit to Japan) to a forced landing in Whitehorse where the U.S. Vice-President Richard Nixon was compelled to declare Curling the American Past-Time on a CBC nationwide broadcast. Stunned by the audacity and military might of the Canadians, the United States soon sought a negotiated settlement to the dispute which was brokered by French-Canadiens who were as neutral a party as could be found on short notice. The last Canadair Howling Mouse was retired from advanced training duties in the late 1960s and a few examples may still be found today in museums.

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Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

Here's my entry for the Vacuform GB. The kit is the MPM 1/72 Sukhoi Su-5, a mixed propulsion post-war Soviet fighter. When I first looked at this kit what struck me was how much it reminded me of an F-86D in profile if I were to leave the prop off. Being a very frugal modeller, I wanted to save the injection-molded prop for another project (the spinner was recycled on my Airfix 1/72 Alamo). Since Man-Ho himself, Mr Howling Mouse was kind enough to send me these wonderful Maple Leaf roundels, I decided to make this one a T-tail as a tribute a modeller who is truly Baz-tastic!

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Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

The only parts on this that didn't come with the kit are the exhaust nozzle from a 1/72 Fuji T-1A which I inserted to close off a gaping view of the interior, the guns which I made from left over landing gear struts, the drop tanks which are from my Stuka and the rockets which I swiped from my 1/72 RoG Corsair. This kit came with a clear canopy that's so nice I'm saving it for a future project. The canopy I used is the male mold thoughtfully provided for you to vac your own canopy if you muff the one included in the kit. It took me about three sessions of cutting and sanding and filling to complete the build. I'm happy at how well I was able to camoflage my many construction errors. Here's a shot that highlights the underside.

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Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

I used Tamiya RAF Sky for the undersides and Tamiya Light Gray and Model Masters Euro Green for the uppers. The radome and anti-glare panel were painted in Liquitex Artist Acrylics Mars Black and the canopy was painted using Liquitex Artist Acrylics Iridescent Copper. I got the idea of using a painted canopy from our friend and most imaginative of whiffers, Tophe. The Maple Leaf roundels were a gift from the ever generous Baz, and the codes were ancient Maintrack transfers. The shark's mouth is swiped from an Airfix P-40, and the fuse arrows from a 1/144 Minicraft C-97. The Canadian flags on the tail were cobbled together from three leftover decal bits and I tried to hand-paint a very impressionistic Union Jack on the blue field which this shot shows off nicely.

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Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

Building this project was fun and a little challenging. Aside from dulling a pair of scissors cutting the parts from their backing, the most difficult parts were scratching a blanking plate inside the jet intake and getting the canopy to fit. I had some gaps between the canopy and the fuse but I was able to fill them with putty and CA. Once I painted the uppers, I was amazed at how well those gaps were camoflaged. Here's a head-on shot.

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Brian da Basher


No prop! :o No spats! :huh: These boys on here are corrupting you sir, you may well need a rest.

What a cool looking plane :wub: Brian you are definately up there on the top of my list of creative modellers, another stunner. Thanks for sharing it with us.

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models

Brian da Basher

All in all I had a lot of fun building this model for the Vacuform GB. This project really took me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to try something completely new. My hat is off in gratitude to Leigh for sending me this vac kit so I could participate. Leigh's generosity is only exceeded by his incredible modelling skill and guitar-playing ability.

I wanted to do something as a tribute to that fine Edmontonian gentleman whose many talented projects and contributions to the board are appreciated by us all. Baz, this one's for you!

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Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher

Thanks Leigh! Coming from a man of your incredible skill and talent that is high praise indeed. Thanks again for donating the kit! I couldn't have done it without you!

Brian da Basher


I love that Brian and the backstory is a wonderful example of the Fun to be had in WIFLand  :P

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Patrick H

great baxkstory and a wonderfull aircraft Brian


My webpage

The engines spit out fire, I'm pushed back in my chair
The pressure gives me thrills as we climb in the air


Stupendousdlyfantabulous! I love it!!!!! great job Bri!

Captain Canada

Baztastic !

Very nice, Brian.....icool story, and that's definatley one plane I'd like to get my hands on to do a few flypasts around the basement. It just looks right !

Great stuff, buddy !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

John Howling Mouse

A "Howling Mouse" !!!   Now, why didn't I ever think of that?!?!

This is a great concept, Brian!  I love the way you've captured a truly likable, graceful-looking bird which I think is absolutely Canadian in essence.   ^_^

Not to mention the naturally splendid perfection that is a T-Tail, made even better with the "right" markings!   :D

This was definitely a great What If homecoming (two more days into our plant shutdown and they have to give me a break).  I have not touched a model in about a month but it is fantastic to see that someone else is creating styrene magic.

Many thanks, Brian.  This is a real keeper (new folder on my hard-drive for this).

:wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Brian da Basher

I'm glad I could make your day Mr Howling Mouse! You have truly been an inspiration! I know when you sit down at your bench again, magic will happen!

And Cap'n thank you for your comments. I'm tempted to e-bay this little beastie and see if I can at least get a "Looney" for it.

Chris, Patrick you have my gratitude for your words. The work and input of the folks here has kept me going!

Brian da Basher

P.S. Zac, I want you to know I "ruled" this GB with an imperious hand during your absence. I'm sure your PM box is stuffed full of complaints....


QuoteP.S. Zac, I want you to know I "ruled" this GB with an imperious hand during your absence. I'm sure your PM box is stuffed full of complaints....
I'd expect nothing less!!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Again, great work Mr Perri! Sorry for the extremely short intial reply but the damned coin-op (NOT KIDDING! <_< ) PC was flashing "28 seconds" at me, so I couldn't type my usual lengthy praise, worship and other cool-type-stuff that I'm so loved for.

I LOVE IT! Can I have one? Pleeeeeeease? I'll trade you a mango for it! ;)  :P