
Hawker Hunter

Started by elmayerle, April 13, 2005, 09:59:08 AM

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Alvis 3.1

Nothing, because the Hunter is man's perfect aircraft!
now, seriously....

Fold the wings...Naval Hunter
Add antlers...Moose Hunter
Add bear skins and red star kill markings...Bear Hunter!
Irish Roundels and name it O'Ryan...(shameless self promotional moment!)
Put it on skis
Put it on floats! With Spats!

Alvis 3.1


cone off the jet pipe and add Buccaneer style engine bays on either side of the fuselage for a twin jet fighter. replace the tailplanes with those of a Jaguar and arm it with two semi conformal Sparrows under the body, two wingtip sidewinders and a nose radome, colour it in with a 1972 style RAF scheme and you have a 'P.2067 Spectre F.1' just like I used to have :-)


Give it big Sabrina's (those ammo clip collection pods) underneath, paint a sexy female figure on the underside in just the right position and mount the Hunter so it's flying upwards.

That should wake up any boring show you go to! Claim it's a special one-off, banned by the Sqdn CO/MoD/Womens Lib Action Group and thus never seen in public!

Nick B)  

Daryl J.

Since the Academy is somewhat kaputt shape-wise:

Make the wing a straight wing similar to a Supermarine Attacker, tail dragging, fixed gear with full WACO-style spats.    

Remove the wings, air intakes, cockpit, the thin dorsal spine, vertical fin.  Then add eyes, nose, mouth, whiskers, a pair of rudimentary tusks, fin-like arms, symmetrical horizontal stabs and you have a very streamlined Manatee.  Prop marks across the top here and there for weathering.    Articulate among the kelp.

Remove the wings, air intakes, cockpit, the thin dorsal spine, all stabs, and nose.  Paint up like brown paper wrap.   Add a rough nose and it becomes a Hunter brand cigar!  Enjoyed with the finest Mohito, Halle Berry, and Rosamund Pike.

Extend the fuselage, add second cockpit T-33-style, and one has a TF.6a Hunter.

Turn it into a submarine.

Make the wings rather sickle like, considerably more than they are.  Match stabs.

Put Heinkel-like wings and stabs.   For Kriegsmarine use.

Or....accurize the kit's shape errors and build as is....the Hunter Should Not Be Changed.   :party:  :party:  :party:

Daryl J.

The Rat

QuoteMake the wing a straight wing ...
Exactly what I was about to suggest, but I would keep the tricycle gear. Think Banshee.  ;)

Oh, by the way, do you realise that you have just slagged off the Hunter and received no death threats? Interesting.  :unsure:  
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr


Add in the extra length (3' or 6', can't remember offhand) at the center/forward fuselage join that the Central Fighter School wanted.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


QuoteGive it big Sabrina's (those ammo clip collection pods) underneath, paint a sexy female figure on the underside in just the right position and mount the Hunter so it's flying upwards.

I like this man's thinking ;)  :D .


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


QuoteMake the wing a straight wing

And end up with something midway between a Hunter and a Sea Hawk.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


I LIKE the big sabrina idea.
Thinking now.....should it be in Jordan markings? :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


The hawker hunter is screaming to become a STOVL aircraft! It needs a lift fan, and vectored thrust at tail!

Davey B

Some kind of insane weapos load-out (I'm thinking Phantom-style iron bomb loads), RATOG gear just to get it airborne...  In desert pink, of course  ;)

If it's a twin-holer maybe a brace of AIM-54's?  :dum:  :dum:  


Single-seater...probably keep the 1/48th one and use a Revell kit....one of the new 1/72nd ones. It needs whiffing.
There's always the 1/32nd MONSTER too :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen

Davey B

Aha! Single-seater! Time to put the thinking head on, Wurzel Gummige-style...

[twists head round in a vaguely Exorcist-stylee, acompanied by blood curdling screams]

Ooooo-kay then!  Blank off the tailpipe and intakes, underwing jet pods (just because!) and a poo-poo-load of overwing Red Tops?  Once again, in desert PINK!  :dum:  :dum:  :dum:  :dum:  

Runway ? ...

Mount it, err.. on a Vucan ?


John Howling Mouse


Sorry, but if I don't mention that, they don't give me the free meds...

Hey, BlackOps, could you apply one of your fabulous Crusader Spitfire schemes
to a Hunter????
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.