Damn Ambroid Proweld

Started by markm70, July 15, 2006, 02:21:41 PM

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Well here i am working on my MB5 vac, got all the parts laid out.  Fuselage is assembled as well as the wings and the front of the vert satbilizer.  what does my clumsy donkey do?  :o I knock the friggin bottle over!   :(

Get it on one wing, not too bad but the vert satbilizer is all melted.  Its all savable but frustrating...just had to share :wacko:  

Captain Canada

That's a drag.....

My kid squirted a whole tube of glue onto a kit that I was just about to paint once.....same effect, I'd be guessing.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

John Howling Mouse

Maybe too late this time but I sometimes drill a hole in a chunk of wood to accomodate some bottles of liquids in order to avoid tip-overs:

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Captain... Yes I wold agree, although i wasn't that far along thank heavens.

John...Fantastic idea, especially for a clumsy oaf such as myself Thanks


Oh yea, The vert stabilizer was trashed, had to scratch build other than that it was okay B)