Started by Radish, May 14, 2003, 01:53:29 PM

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Guess What Lee

The Storm Shadow would fit in the bomb bay as long as it was deep enougth, so you could get away with three being carried.

I think i'll go for for the Outer pylons with drop tanks on the inner aalong with ASRAAM & ALARM.



Thorvic 1

Hi Woosta

I suppose i had better get down to the Nats as long as its for the What-If lobby.

The Weapons Trials TSR2 sounds a good idea, a Camo scheme with LAG belly full colour Roundels and lots of Daygo stripes everywhere !!!!. (Do you want the AS-30's from the original Aifix Jag BTW)

Do you have an idea on the Weapon Pylons and thier locations for doing the RAF 2000 version im doing. Would the TSR2 use both pairs of wing Pylons for Weapons, with the bombbay filled by a permament fuel tank allowing weapons or pods on the centre line between the main undercarriage.




All heart, mate!
Did you know that women were burnt at the stake because it was considered indecent to hang them?
Naughty men could see up the skirts, you see.
Drowning in a butt of Malmsey.....a possibilty if you can get a keg or two of something decent.
Go for a crucifixion?
There's something classy about them....also, I might last the full weekend.
An impressive further display behind the table?
I promise to wear a loincloth.
:s  :)  :s  :)  :s  :)  :s
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Navy TSR2 now has the IFR probe.  More sanding and filling...

But the Lightning, P.1121 and Arrow all have their decals on.  Hurrah!


DOH !!
I'll see what I can do........
you and your big mouth......
but I never said a word........
no you never do, it just come's out........
hey is there somebody else in here ?
only us chicken's

"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


Back to Topic on the TSR-2 and who's doing whats !!!

After the weekends sudden influx of additional kits, shouldn't we take note of whats Built, whats building and whats planned to allow Lee and Martin a chance to work out the Display layout for the table.

Then we can perhaps organise things to make sure no clashes occur and instead complement each other. I know Lee has the most and has a fair idea of what each will be, but i'm not sure what Gary has in mind after his decal collecting on Sunday.


QuoteThere's no real role for a Canadian TSR2, even in Europe, and as you said the Arrow would have been better (yeah, as a fighter not a low level strike aircraft), Canado won't get them.
Well, apparently an interceptor variant was pitched to the Canadian Air Force. Locally several know-it all JMNs pooh pooh the idea, \"a mud mover as an interceptor! Bah!\" to which I invariably respond \"Yeah, about as stupid as taking an interceptor with no perceptable wing, aiming systems, or maneuverability, and making it into a ground attack aircraft...ohhhh riiight, we did that with the CF-104!\"
I've always visualised the RCAF using a TSR-2 in an interceptor role in a kind of \"submarine\" tactic at Red Flag...600 knots, on the deck, then straight up through the B-52s, F-15s and the like!
In CAF service, I visualised the name being Peregrine, being bilingual (a requirement) descriptive, and also means foreign.
Back to the regularly scheduled WI stuff.


I'll be going down on the friday afternoon and coming back on the sunday evening, so does anyone want a lift down from the north-east area ?
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


In todays Currant Bun (Sun paper, if you don't know :TT ) there's a two page spread about the first guy to fire one off in combat with a nice large pic at the bottom.

Apparently he shouted 'GO BOY GO!' when he launched it!

Nick  :G


Hi Lee

Sorry about the email, but it did give you all the Phantom sqdns and all the serials including some unbuilt ones.

I'll get the TSR2 decals off to you next week.

For the A5K an in service one sounds good as it will use up some F4 decals and the kit comes pylons and drop tanks, so you could add weapons to the outer Pylons or do it a II Sqdn with the recon pallet and only inner drop tanks.




Hi Wooksta

Similar to the Far East RAAF Canberra scheme ?. That should look good compared to the others with their lighter coloured bellies !!!.

Speaking of Canberra's i noticed High Planes have announced a B2, B8 & B20 in 1/72 which should please a few people, but god knows when they will actually appear !!!!.

BTW Lee your decals should go in the post either tomorrow or Saturday as its a bugger trying to get to the Post Office at the moment.




One at Shoeburyness, I meant Arrow, not a TSR2.  Well, not unless it's the Contrail or Merlin abortion, although I'd like to try getting a Merlin one together as I know it can be done.  I've seen two done so far and as I've managed to get my pirated Toad one together, I'd like another challenge.

Wepons trials and XR220.  I was just going to do it in the white, but with weapon pylons have toyed with a Canadian TSR2 in white with various panels in dayglo.

Weapon fit.  Thor, check your email.  There's three pics of the pylons and locations on their way.  Colour no less!

Bomb bay filled with a permanent fuel tank?  No real need, as the aircraft had considerable internal fuel for a UK design.  In addition, the weapon bay could accomodate 6 1,000lb bombs.  This could be carried externally, but without the fuel tanks, so I would go for the bombs internal, fuel tanks on the inners and extra bombs or s/d Sidewinders on the outers.  It's what everyone seems to go for and makes some sense.  You will probably have to fit the laser designator under the nose, the radar warning bullet on the fin and some chaff dispensers somewhere under the rear fuselage

There is a side view of a large belly tank that fits over the weapon bay which I think is jettisonable.

Air Enthusiast No 14 (of the monthly ones) has an excellent article on the TSR2 which contains several three view drawings and a cutaway, which is very handy.  It also means there's nowhere to fit any guns.

AS30s  Ta, that would be very useful for my early service RAF one.  It's already got a refueling probe nabbed from a Tornado and I've got to find some pylons now, although I have a pair from the horrible Matchbox Tornado.


Hey, how about burning me on Friday night, raking through the bones on Saturday, and drinking beer from the skull \"on the stand\"??
You could toast the President and grind my bones to sell as an aphrodisiac, a sort of Derbyshire Ram horn.????
:t  :t  :t  :t  :t
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen

Thorvic 1

Hi Skorpio

QuoteNow, after getting hold of the necessary Buccs, I'll need the Beer Tankard marking that went on many of the Scimitars.

They should be on the ModelArt Scimitar sheets, i have some spare somewhere, (Just a day to late - DOH !!!).

The TSR-2 (RN) would have displaced most of the CVA-01 Buccanners in the strike/anti-shipping role, but the Buccs would have remained in the role on the Smaller carriers, or Transferred to RAN or RCN. How about a RAN Bucc in the wraparround two tone grey markings used on their Skyhawks with checkerbox rudder, possibly with US style drop tanks and/Or Harpoon ASM ?

The VG TSR-2 (RN) is making some progress, need to construct the New longer sharper intakes and merge them to the fuselage and test the fit of the Swing wings before i can attach the central wing section and start the filling and shaping process. I will however remeber to drill out the Pylon holes in the lower part of the swing wings before i put it all together.




Hi Lee

How manys that !!!!!, one Recon in Hemp, one RN flat wing, Weapons test platform, one early 70's  in vulcan style camo (ummm Nice), and a mid 70's Phantom style. I also assume you may have built one or two prior to these !!!!.

Going to try a Blue Water for XR220, as a test load ?

BTW checked with Aeroclub on the Belcher Brit Nukes, but they hadn't heard of them yet !!!