Started by Radish, May 14, 2003, 01:53:29 PM

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Here's what I have currently:

XR219 - real thing

On the go:
Initial RAF version, in MSG/Green and White.  I think it was 227 OCU that was to be the training unit, and 20 and 30 were the first two squadrons.  Now I don't know

Naval version with the straight wing (no downturned tips) in overall dark sea grey.  Initially this will be from Lossiemouth but then from CVA-01 HMS Elizabeth, with the deck letter E (E was allocated to Eagle, but that can return to J as it's deck letter).

Recce bird in Hemp and light Aircraft Grey.  Can't remember the unit, but it's on the Wyton Canberras Modeldecal sheet.

Here's my probable plans.  These are based on the current amount of kits and spare bits floating around.  Four Heritage, and two of my own casts.  I may be obtaining some from another source, but until they arrive, I can't add them to the list.

XR220 - in overall white, but with underwing pylons.  220 was to be used for stores dropping trials INCLUDING underwing.  That's why the blisters are there on the aircraft as they hold the cameras to record it.

XR222 - overall white.  This is the one I'll be building for my cousin.

XR223 - This aircraft was to be used for bombing trials and also for tropical trials.  So, I'm combining the two and it's going to be flying in Libya, so white underneath and sand/middle stone on top.  

One late seventies, in DSG/green wraparound.  Possibly 15 sqn with an all black fin with the Saint.

Operation Corporate version.  Similar to above, but no national markings as these are overpainted and the aircraft is left anonymous.  These will be operating from Chile.  I'll use a Blackbeard one for that, as the scheme will hide the flaws.

Mid nineties, in the light grey/lo-viz roundels as worn by the late Buccaneers.  This will probably have the fin and tailplanes in camo, again like the Buccaneers.

Kosovo, in the scheme worn by the current Tornados.  Although I know Thorvic is doing a 2000 version, this will have the original cockpits but with the RWR on the fin as an old aircraft that's still in service.  Current weapon fits underneath tho.  A Blackbeard one, if the moulds hold up.

My export plans are:
Australia.  An RAAF one in Vietnam, but with black undersides up to the top of the intakes.
Luftwaffe.  Again, the dark scheme will hide flaws, so this will be another Blackbeard one.  Tigermeet tailfin.
Isreal.  I'm not too clued up on their aircraft, so this may be scratched.

Other possibles are XR225, in the same scheme as the initial RAF one, but with the refuelling probe (open) and the recce pack underneath.  I am also toying with one being used for cold weather trials in Canada, with a few dayglo panels, but I don't think Toad will like it

And that's about it, as that's all my imagination can dredge up.  there's a lot I wanted to do, but it's either been done or someone else is laying claim to it. Either way, I am not looking forward to building up all those intakes...


According to my source, there's nothing in the archives about an interceptor version of the TSR2, although a low level one with yer basic sidewinders might be okay.


Fellas, give the TSR2 a better radar than the AI23.  It was outdated in the 60s...
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


QuoteI'll be going down on the friday afternoon and coming back on the sunday evening

Thats my plan as well, but I'll be coming from the opposite direction - South East. Same offer as Aircav's. Anyone want a lift?
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Anybody doing German TSR-2's ?

If so then i managed to get a couple of Esci Tornados cheap, more airfix than revell quality. However they do include that German version of JP233 that spewed out its bomblets from the sides. Just thought that they would be handy mounted under a German TSR2.

On another note with the Lightnings that were on show at South Shields and Tony Buttlers Fighter book. I wondered about one of the Lightnings carrying the Genie Nuclear AAM as i noticed the Revell F101B voodoo kit shows a couple under its belly.




QuoteI think I may have to cut another deal with Heritage...

Hi Lee

Give us a shout if you do, and i'll join in for a couple or so !!!.

2000 Nearly done now, i'll soon have it on its wheels again (had an accident and it landed on its feet like a cat, bent one axle and set some of the PE off into space but soon straightened axle back to shape - tough birds these !!!! eh)

Hows the merlin one going ?, or just not that brave just yet, as that kit must surly be the worst. I picked up thier Scimitar and its not that bad , not good but alot better than TSR2.

Still thinking on how to do a 155, to see if we can get one for the Nats (Any opinions on where the U/C goes ? )


Geoff B


What about using the reccon pod from a RAF Phantom, one of the coolist looking pod's going.  :)  :TT
"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


As you said I've got one on the production line, as yet to be started, that will be ready for the Nats. It's going to be a SAAF version taking the SAAF 24sqdn colours with Sea Eagles (Surplus from my Bucc kits) in the maritime strike role. Still sorting out  the final fit, but there will be at least 2 Sea Eagles for sure.

My current production line for the Nats consists of
Luftwaffe Bucc - Completed -
Vulcan Display Team Vulcan - Being Painted
Luftwaffe Vulcan - Next to Go
Luftwaffe Victor - probably as a tanker for Strategic reach
SAAF TSR2 - as above.

If I get time I'm going to do my final arrow as a 56 Sqdn machine or maybe a drone machne to be blasted from the skys by Lightnings or maybe even a TSR2 testing Sidewinders for self defence.....Mwahahahaha   :aa  :aa  :aa  :aa
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


The worrying thing is that Radish is drooling at all our ideas to make him suffer.... :w  :aa

Nick  :G


Let me know if you find a 1/48 copy of the tankard as I need one for my Royal Navy A-7 Corsair.

Thorvic 1

Hi Lee

Try Project Cancelled P154, for the Blue Water drawings, and it might be closer to hand than your magazine collection (Aircraft - sorry )

So the RN TSR-2 will still be drying by Sunday then !!!!, if you have used extracolour. BTW White Ensign Models now do ship colours from the guy who developed extracolour, they are now branching out into the aircraft range as well and are not as fussy as Hannants on shipping them (Better packaging i think).
I look forward to seeing the completed version, the swing wing version should hopefully be stucturally ready for Sunday. I need to tidy up any rough spots around the Wing join then i can work on the tail surfaces. No sign of the U/C yet but thats what you get when you order from Hannants !!!!. The RAF 2000 version now has the wing pylons created and currently awaiting what bits & pieces to add to the fuselage before i try and detail the U/C !!!.



Thorvic 1

Thanks Skorpio

I have built XR222 in the Anti Flash white prototype scheme but with the modified main undercarriage. (Aardvark)


RAF 2000 scheme :-DSG/CG and small markings, with a revised visibilty cockpit, extended RF probe, wingtip RWR/ECM pods and a full modern sensor/armament suite. (Hopefully Storm shadow if they are produced in time !!!!). (Aardvark)

RN VG version with tornado style intakes revised undercarriage flying from CVA-02 DoE in a late 70 FAA bomber scheme EDSG & tonned down markings. (Not sure on weapons fit yet. (Wooksta Blackbeard Inc)

Propossed :-

RAAF version in current Gunship grey with modern armament - but a different squadron to Gary's (Heritage).

I also have a Fifth Heritage kit that i have to decide what to do with it, preferably commonwealth but i have toyed with the Lockheed version in the USAF Euro1 scheme.

QuoteIsreal.  I'm not too clued up on their aircraft, so this may be scratched.

Skorpio - have some IAF Raam markings if you want them and the Airfix F15E bits for extra pods and US style bombs. An Isreali one sounds great and would reaaly confuse the IDF SIG lot !!!!!- LOL. Check with Aircavpinkteam as he has a few non-what ifs lined up fro IDF.




I think it was in an issue of Military Air Journal (??) several years back...It even had a side profile in CAF colours! I'll have to go through the reams of photocopies in the Bashment O' Dooom to find it...In any case, all sorts of planes get shopped around, with nothing ever coming of it. Bear in mind, the timing of this is when the RCAF wanted to get your fave plane, the Phantom, but the cheapskate government procured the rights to buildd the F-5 instead! There was no way we would have got the TSR 2 anyway...but it still is a WI.
It would take a reworking of the avionics and radar systems, but with that nice weapons bay, you could stuff in some nice AAMs, as well as hang some drag inducing weapons externally. Not too far off the path (IMHO)


For RAF purposes, the TSR 2 Interceptor would most likely have been for the GIUK/ North Sea interception role. Very long range interception. Size, well it is relevent, if you need the range, you need the size (look at the Arrow for that...of course, if you buy the Arrow from Canada, then you don't need to revamo the TSR 2...OW OW OW!!! Wooksta's hitting me!!!) (grin grin smiley face)


[a href=\"http://www.hannants.co.uk/cgi-bin/search.pl?Mode=view&Database=cat&R=LE7220&P=1\" target=\"_blank\"]CAF 104 Decals[/a]

QuoteBuilding a Canadian TSR.2, are we ? Just think how sweet it would look, as a replacement for the  CF-104 in the low level strike/recon roll. How about a tiger striped bird ? Or the NATO camo with beautiful leafy roundels ?

Hey Lance

Toads idea is not that bad, imagine Canadian TSR-2 flying from West Germany on strike missions in the original NATO colours or the later all over Dark Green as worn on the Later Starfighters ?. It would look good amongst the rest of the collection.

Anyway Lancer whats yours going to be ?


(About to mask a TSR-2 for its paint job !!!!!)