Started by Radish, May 14, 2003, 01:53:29 PM

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Martin H

one of my TSR's is penciled in for a Luftwaffe paint job...but i wasnt planning on hanging anything under it.
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


QuoteWhat about using the reccon pod from a RAF Phantom, one of the coolist looking pod's going

Yes but that would mean Wooksta would have to purchase a Phantom which is against his religion !!!!!, Decals are ok i think but kits are a no no. !!! :G

I had a bid on ebay for a replica of the TSR brochure originally issued in 1962. Nice little booklet going for about a fiver , only bidder for a few days then the ebay madness took over and it shot up past £20 and its still got a few days to go.



Martin H

Ok my TSR-2 fleet is as follows.

all ready doing the rounds.
9 sqn RAF circa 1980's

In the build pile.
SAAF \"Bush\" cammo. Thanks for the Matchbox Tornado idea Lee I need a few pairs of pylons and Hindenburgers (I also have a pair of said Tornado F-3 kit stashed away).

One in one of the many JB31 celebration schemes. many thanks to the pair of Revel  Tornado IDS's that kindly donated their decal sheets. The paint job on this one is going to be a right female canine.

As for number three.  the panal is still out. Will it be marine fleiger? or one of the prototypes?  I still havent decided.
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


The IFR probes are on, and both aircraft are progressing swiftly.

Buccaneers.  The only one I intend doing is an RAAF bomber in Vietnam, as I know someone who's already done one.


Just occurred to me, if I'm doing a test aircraft in RAE raspberry ripple colours, then it should have all the lumps and bumps for cameras and sensors. An inflight refuelling probe might be nice too. Suggestions anyone?



The RN TSR2 is nearly dry and the white is drying on the initial RAF one.  I know they won't be finished, so they'll be works in progress.

Blue Water.  My Project Cancelled only has a drawing of the EE P17 on P154, but I did side the side view of the weapon under a TSR2 in Air Enthusiast, and it was in the bookcase a few feet from here!

Hannants only post out on a monday, arrogant twats. You'll probably be waiting another week for whatever it is you ordered.

Thorvic 1

QuoteXR223 - This aircraft was to be used for bombing trials and also for tropical trials.  So, I'm combining the two and it's going to be flying in Libya, so white underneath and sand/middle stone on top

Is this the MEAF version you were thinking of, just thought about it and wondered if a belly gunpod of a Canberra could be fitted with armament of Matra pods (dual or Triple mountings to test its use in the close support role !!!!



Alvis, you sure do like living dangerously, don't you!!!!
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Hey Thorvic,

I agree Toads idea of Canadian TSR2's is a good one. The leafy roundels thing is a bit of a joke thats all.

My TSR2 is a SAAF Maritime Strike example. That#ll make 2 SAAF TSR\"'s in the line up now.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


On the TSR2 theme, i've started my fourth kit now, not sure between CAF in Germany or the EW version. Just done the removing of the resin lugs so far. Next job is to build up the wing box ready to accespt the wing in  its correct location without a gap down one side (the central fuselage is a bit uneven here). I wiont attache the fwd fuselage till i'm ready as currently it still fits in the box.

Has anybody thought of milling out the bomb bay on one of these, or is its value just too great to mess around with. If so how deep does it go ?

In between the heavy work i have scratch built a pair of Storm Shadow for my RAF 2000 TSR-2, hopefully i should have this one ready in the next couple of weeks, then i can get the RN VG version back on track.




Hi Martin

Well if you want one of these sideways firing rocket launchers you can have it. Not sure what else you could put under, apart from the usual drop tanks and the German EW pods from the Revell kit - Don't know what the Germans use in the way of Air to Surface bombs & missiles ? - Kormorran is ASuW and Harm maybe a little too late for your TSR-2.

Hows the rest coming along, and will you need to recheck the layout for the nats with all these TSR-2's ?. BTW anything lined up between now & then ?




I've decided what schemes my other two TSR2s are going in:

The Blackbeard one is going FAA, as the dark camo will - I hope - hide all the flaws.  Couple of Martels under the wings and its a goer.  I still have to get an u/c.

The Aardvark one is going to be a recce bird, in Hemp/Light Aircraft grey (or is it Hemp/MSG on the Canberras?)  Apparently there were two different recce packs, one square (in the brochure) and another rounded.  I have the perfect bit for that, and it fits almost perfectly - after a modicum of surgery - it's the Buccaneer bulged bomb bay door.  Remember the spare in the Airfix kit?



For those who are interested, here's the proposed scheme for the TSR2.  I'm really posting this as I haven't got a printer at present and need to print it at work!


Hi Lee

The blue water dimensions are in Project Cancelled and work out to be about 11 cm length by 0.8cm diameter of the body.(Plastic Knitting Needle ?)

The MEAF version sound very interesting, iron bombs and matra rocket pods for armament ?.

Good luck with the merlin one, an opened weapons bay would look excellent, its a Pity they never thought to do it for the Resin Kits.




Hi Wooksta

Check your mail as i have sent you the Blue Water stuff.

The Hannants order went in on the Sunday night of the Midlands Expo, i was going to order the Italeri Sea Harrier FRS-1 (the ex-ESCI) kit today as it looks like it will be in on Tomorrows new arrivals, but then i hope to be able to find one at Sunday's show (there are going to be traders there ?)

