Started by Radish, May 14, 2003, 01:53:29 PM

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Captain Canada

Who's building the RCAF one ?

Anyone ?

Bueller ?
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


QuoteSpeedwise, the TSR2 would be a superlative interceptor at low level, given that it could outrun a Lightning (and that was on one engine!)
Imagine the look on the faces of the F-111 drivers to have a TSR 2 do a barrel roll around them, whilst blowing off their doors to boot!
Yup, can't imagine the BAC/RCAF submission was too serious. I've never encountered it in any Canadian references either. Funny, I was just thinking the same about Derek Wood as well....seems evil minds DO think alike!


Quote...I know an excellent Pizza place in Shrewsbury...
Yes, I stayed in Shrewsbury in 2001 and the pubs and restaurants there looked excellent. Telford is a bit too much of a New Town for my liking, but there's probably a few little hidden corners of interest. Shame I don't have time to hunt them down!

Nick  :G


Hi' Geoff,
What drawing's are you using for the Storm Shadow ?

"Subvert and convert" By Me  :-)

"Sophistication means complication, then escallation, cancellation and finally ruination."
Sir Sydney Camm

"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Vertical Airscrew SIG Leader


QuoteBuy a Phantom?  I'd rather vote for Tony Blair!
Well, how about a free Phantom then? The Bashment O' Doom could use a bit of cleaning...Hmmm, one with USAF markings would seem appropriate...Muh-wa-hahahahahahahaha!
A new Blank O'Rama then...Wooksta's Nightmare?

Thorvic 1

Hi Wooksta

Check the \"Bombers\" book under the the VG section, there is a small bit on a multi role version of the TSR2, shorter fuselage lonnger nose with bigger radar and a delta style wing proposed in 1959 as a Bomber or Interceptor. Thats about the nearest too it. Then again we turned the Tornado into an Interceptor so it is possible, but the the Cockpit needs to be set further aft to allow a larger radar and possibly improve visibility.

If the TSR2 was in RAF Service in the 70's & 80's its possible that we could have fitted Blue Vixen  (as fitted to the Sea Harrier FA2) and allow Skyflash then AMRAAM to be carried, larger missiles such as the Phoenix would need a larger more powerful radar to be effective.

Now have to see how an Interceptor could be created as the TSR2 itself is too big (& exxpensive to carve up)




Hi Thorvic,
Saw your post on the EW Canverra. There is one on the Modeldecal sheet.  It's an E15 of 100 sqdn based at RAF Wyton in 09/83.
Although the T17 on the same sheet looks more like an EW machine, considering the aerials and the modified nose.

Hope this helps mate.
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


It's a TSR-2 Jim, but not as we know it :TT
Well, it's more of a TSR-1.95 after that unfortunate little slip when cutting the overhang :w .
But not to worry, it's still gonna be a Royal Aircraft Establishment raspberry-ripple machine so I can explain everything. Somehow. Hmmm....



I'm game for Pizza or a Curry, but it might be a good idea to arrange it in advance just in case other groups get the same idea.

Speaking of the Nats, Lee do you want a hand manning the What-If table as unlike many of you i am not associated with my local IPMS chapter. If their is anything you need bringing down give us a shout as i'll have plenty of boot space as i'll be travelling down alone (Chairs, reference material etc).

Back to TSR-2's should we do a small write up for each version for possible use in one of Lee's publications ?




QuoteFinally, Thorvic's (or is it Ogwash?) idea about a book is looking more solid.  I have decided to write one proper, so expect something in about three years hence.  I've already started working out the chapters and have some help from several sources.  Then I've got to find a publisher.  Wonder if Neil Robinson would be interested?

Hi Lee

The Ogwash is when i have to use the other PC when modelling stuff gets in the way of being able to use this one !!!
The Book sounds a brill idea, i take it based on What-If rather than the sorded truth !!!!. I'm sure Model Alliance may publish it unless Mikes collegues at Midland Counties fancy it instead.
However Model Alliance may well do the decals to go with it and by then we might even have an I/M version (I really hope so !!!!)

Glad to here TSR-2 production is back on schedule, my 2000 variant is currently being decalled. XV498 of 17 Sqdn RAF Marham. Will add a few more stencils, fit the pylons and re varnish then its only the aerials, weapon and wheels to fit.
Next up will be a Canadian one in standard NATO colours operating out of Germany.
Hopefully i'll have the Heritage wheel set i ordered at South Shields then i can continue with the VG version. Currently toying with the possibility of moving the canopy back about 5 mm or so to give a larger radome, and do it in Naval colours.
After that maybe an EW/WW version - fit wing tip pods, additional Aerials and sensor bumps along the fuselage (Possibly a belly pod - if you can give us some ideas Lee) and maybe Alarm if post 1990 or Martel & Shrike for a 70's configuration.


Geoff B


[a href=\"http://f-111.net/t_no_K.htm\" target=\"_blank\"]F-111K Data & Codes[/a]

Heres the actual F-111K codes that were allocated

French TSR-2 , i can't see that from you Lee somehow !!!! anyway this came up with Mirage IV instead.

Anyway i'll work out how many additional Heritage kits i would like to do. I would really like to try and mill out the bomb bay on one to do a fully armed RAF one. Looking at the 2000 edition and the Storm Shadows i think a third would easily be carried in the bomb bay, it also occured to me that i suppose a WE177 warhead could be carried by one of these missiles if we still decided to keep Tac Nukes !!!.


Geoff B


Alvis, with suggestions like that you're liable have Wooksta turning up on your doorstep with a personal 'hello' for ya!!!!.. :aa  :aa
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


And the Navy one is now on it's u/c (ta Lancer), but my Aeromaster DSG has dried up and the Xtracolour stuff looks too dark.  Bugger.


Hi Lee

Yeah i sent some Blue Water drawings so it went to your home e:mail address.

I'll probably get the new Italeri re-release as it has a fresh set of decals, including Indian, the aircraft itself will get FA-2 mods possibly even the wingtip Winders originally proposed.

I hope the hannants order comes through as i would like to see it the VG TSR2 (RN) will stand up and what size of tail hook will be needed.

(BTW there are ex large plastic knitting needles available form 8mm to 10-12 mm so a pair of 9mm could provide the basis for light weight Blue Water)




Is there a scale limitation to all this? I know some of you are Braille scale 1/48 types, and I'm also on the small scale group. How about a 1/144 Tornado (or whatever the TSR2 would be called) being refuelled by a, say, V1000?