
The Conch Republic Self Defense Force

Started by anthonyp, July 27, 2006, 08:25:50 PM

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Yep, walked off the deck, into the deep end, and am sitting happily at the bottom looking up.

Here's the first of my Conch Republic Defense Force models.

This was one of those 1/72 Testor's Top Gun Aggressor F-5's.  Got it cheap, and thought the decals would look nice on something else, so I was left with this model.  It went together very easily.  The rum bottle travel pods on the wingtips are actually some sort of older AMRAAM type thing that really didn't look like an AMRAAM.  The underwing travel pods are some sort of Soviet bomb, with the vertical surfaces cut off of them.

The paint scheme is pleasing to the eye, but the EH101 variant was the first of the Conch Republic's aircraft to get it.  I actually applied one too many colors to the EH101 (went one blue too far) and as it was drying, this F-5 got built and painted.  The "national marking" decals are detailed in the Conch Republic alternate history thread.  This was a fun build!

For my Conch Republic history, click here.


F-5E Tiger Shark, 1st Flying Squadron, Key West, Conch Republic

The seven F-5E's supplied to the Conch Republic Air Force by the US Navy were delivered with full combat capabilities, but are not used in that way.  Because there are only six AIM-9 missiles and three thousand rounds of cannon ammo in the whole Republic to share among the seven F-5E's, seven CF-5A's, and five Harrier GR.3's (AV-8R's), none of the planes ever fly armed.  Instead, they're usually equipped with drop tanks and transport containers for cargo runs to Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Bermuda for foodstuffs and other goods important to the economy of the Conch Republic.  Six of the seven F-5E's are repainted once a year to become the Flying Seashells aerobatics demonstration team for the Republic Days Festival.

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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


This next plane is a 1/72 Matchbox CF-5A.  I painted it up similarly to the F-5E above, but couldn't come up with suitable travel pods from my parts boxes.  I just took the kit's bombs and snipped the fins, making them pseudo travel pods.


CF-5A Land Shark, 2nd Flying Squadron, Key West, Conch Republic

The seven CF-5A's purchased by the Conch Republic Air Force from Canada were delivered with full combat capabilities, but like the F-5E's, are not used in that way.  Again, because there are only six AIM-9 missiles and three thousand rounds of cannon ammo in the whole Republic to share among the seven F-5E's, seven CF-5A's, and five Harrier GR.3's (AV-8R's), none of the planes ever fly armed.  Instead, like the F-5E's, they're usually equipped with drop tanks and transport containers for cargo runs to Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Bermuda for foodstuffs and other goods important to the economy of the Conch Republic.  Six of the seven are repainted once a year to become the Soaring Gulls aerobatics demonstration team for the Republic Days Festival.  It is often argued which team is better, though all agree that they put on a good show when accompanied by a stiff drink.

More pics can be found here.
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


This next one is one of the Conch Republic's only Harriers.  Again, the paint scheme is based on the standard scheme for the Republic.  This model is a 1/72 Hasegawa GR.3, with 1/72 F-16 and P-51 droptanks on the wings for use as travel pods.


Harrier GR.3 (AV-8R), 3rd Flying Squadron, various locations, Conch Republic

The Harrier GR.3 was acquired from the UK in the late 80's by the one and only defense minister to take his job too seriously in the Conch Republic.  His vision was one of a self-sustaining defense force, able to be dispersed throughout the keys and operated from the simple one lane roads and clearings throughout the islands.  He foresaw 24 planes being the minimum for such a force to defend the Keys.  When presenting his proposal, he made the mistake of assuming the other members of the Governing Council had similar grandiose plans for the Conch Republic.  After the laughing subsided, and the other members stopped asking how many drinks he'd had or what he was on, they realized he was serious.  They authorized the acquisition of five Harriers, which most displeased the defense minister, causing him to resign immediately and move back to New York.  The Harriers are almost never armed, and usually only get airborne once a month, only to transfer from one subdivision to another to provide traveling amusement and shade.

More pics can be found here.
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


This is a 1/72 Italeri CH-146 Griffon, minus the interior seats (as you wouldn't see them anyways).  Nothing else, really, just straight out of the box for the most part.


CH-146 Stork, 6th Flying Squadron/ Mac Ray's Flying Excursions, Key West, Conch Republic

The CH-146 Stork was purchased from Canada in the same package that brought the CL-215 amphibians, CH-149 heavy lift helicopter and CF-5A fighters to the Republic.  The CH-146's are employed in the same role as the USCG's HH-65 helicopters, ie, short range helo rescue support.  Their secondary role is providing airborne sightseeing tours, and transportation to deserted islands for day excursions for paying customers through Mac Ray's Flying Excursions.  More info on price, times, and availability can be found at Mac Ray's Flying Excursions' website.

More pics can be found here.
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Here's that 1/72 EH101 Cormorant I started last summer sometime.  I had it painted light ghost grey overall for possible use by the USN, but it just didn't sing to me in USN markings.  I only put in one row of seats in the interior, leaving a lot of room for booze transporting.  I painted this one up first, but like I said in the F-5E paragraph above, I went one blue too far.  I really like how this one turned out.


CH-149 (EH101) Frigate, 4th Flying Squadron, Marathon, Conch Republic

The CH-149 Frigate was purchased from Canada in the same package that brought the CL-215/415 amphibians, CH-146 helicopter and CF-5A fighters to the Republic.  The CH-149's are employed in the same role as the USMC's VH-71A VIP helicopters, for transporting dignitaries around the Republic, and for government duties.  They also provide heavy lift and long range helo SAR capabilities.  These helos are the only non-Key West based CRDF helicopters in the Republic, being based on the other side of the Seven Mile Bridge in Marathon (along with the CL-215's and half the CL-415's).

More pics can be found here.
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


This is a 1/72 Revell A109 Riga.  This was actually a late edition to the CRDF, in that it was totally unplanned as one of their helos.  I found it on sale, and thought to myself I could probably find some use for it.  It just happened to get built that evening, and just happened to get CRDF markings on it.  That left me with a little bit of an issue, as I had already given the CRDF all these other planes, and hadn't built this one into the story.  Easy to fix.  I'll just say that Bartender Anthony sampled his own wares while serving some of the Marleys and Poobas at the Officer's Margarita Cabana before handing in the report.


A109 Duck, 8th Flying Squadron, Key West, Conch Republic

The seven A109 Duck's are fixed landing gear versions of the A109, for use by the Conch Republic Defense Force.  It is usually used to provide ariel coverage of parades and other large spectator events in Key West.  In addition to their flying camera duties, they can provide fast helicopter transport around the Keys for paying customers, sort of like a flying taxi.

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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


This is a 1/144 Minicraft 737-400.  This originally was going to be a stand-in for my P-8 project, before I managed to get my hands on a 737-800.  After I found a 737-800, this one sorta sat on the bench, unfinished until the Conch Republic roared drunkenly to life.  This was the perfect party plane for the governing council.  I painted it up in what unfortunately turned out to be United Airlines colors, but didn't realize it until the top of the plane was dry.  I then applied what was left of the Duck Egg Blue, and painted the tail white.  Do to my difficulty with the white stripe, I'll just say those who painted it were a little early for happy hour, and when the governing council saw it, they paid no mind to the not-so-straight white line because there was a party in Barbados they had to get to.


737-400 VIP, 7th Flying Squadron, Key West, Conch Republic

There are two state owned aircraft used for VIP flights around the Caribbean.  Two Key West Airlines 737-400's were delivered to the Conch Republic the day after independence was declared, and were donated to the new air force for use by the governing council for "commerce" and goodwill trips around the area.  These two planes make up the 7th Flying Squadron, and can be seen on the tarmac at Key West when not in use.

More pics can be found here.
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


This is a 1/144 Amodel (I think) HU-16.  This thing was just like all other Amodel stuff:  Poor fitting, needing of some TLC, and required a lot more ballast than I could squeeze into the thing.  I even shortened the nose gear a little just to get it to sit on a slight incline.  I imagine the paint schemes applied to the HU-16's in CRDF service would be sort of uniform in that they'd be overall white, but the dark blue would be replaced with orange, green, red, and yellow.  I thought of repainting it in the standard camo of the fighters and helos, but the "Official VIP" roundels would have gone to waste  LOL


HU-16 Albatross, 5rd Flying Squadron/ Island Hopping Adventures, Key West, Conch Republic

The HU-16 Albatross is an old soldier that continues to serve both in a military and civil capacity in the Conch Republic, though more civil minded than not.  Flying out of Key West, these venerable flying boats patrol the waters surrounding the Republic, looking for boats in trouble, and other things which might interest them.  They also make commerce runs to other nations in the Caribbean, as well as perform needed Chamber of Commerce duties that include sightseeing tours for vacationers and transportation to smaller tropical island resorts.  These old planes are due for replacement by the forthcoming HU-30 Seagull E-2/C-2/S-4 derivative amphibian.  For more information on Island Hopping Adventures, please visit their website.

More pics can be found here.
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


And that's it!  No more for a while.  I need to not only build them, but take pics of them, and with all my family issues right now, that could be a while.

Hope you enjoy these as much as I did building them (and coming up with the backstory)!

:cheers:  :cheers:  
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Anthony, these are great! I love the paint color choice and pattern...really love the Harrier and F-5!

Jeff G.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


Only anthonyp can model a whole airforce in so little time!

Brian da Basher

Hey Mr. Tallymon, tally me a Tiger....

Yowsa! A complete Carribean Air Force! You are an amazing wonder of Whiff productivity Anthony! I am absolutely stunned! Great stuff!

Brian da Basher


Caribbean air force?  HA!!  More like "National Hobby"  :lol:

These were fun to build.

Now, would y'all kindly join me in the officer's margarita cabana for cigars and beverages  B)

-Grand Pooba Anthony, Conch Republic Defense Force
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My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man

John Howling Mouse

The fun you so clearly have in building these many kits is something I'm still striving to experience.

Awesome good ideas and that F5's a real stunner!

:wub:  :wub:

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.