
twin-tail F-5s before real?

Started by Tophe, September 06, 2006, 10:11:12 AM

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At http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/inde...x.php?topic=734 dear Overscan revealed the Saeqeh, a twin-tail F-5 built for real in Iran. BUT: had one of us imagined (before, years ago) to build one in plastic, simply by fantasy?

(from http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/wor...saeqeh-pic1.jpg )
I know it is more twin-fin (like F-14/15/17/18) than twin-tail-boom (like DH-110, P.1216), but I put this here anyway...
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


I love how the Iranians say it is "as powerful as an F-18". Not with two J-85's it ain't. Hell, the F-20 wasn't even as powerful as an F-18 (just more maneuverable), and it used an F-18 engine!

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D


that image of the Iranian fighter isnt excactly new, it was featured in AFM about 1 or 1.5 years ago.

anyone care to make an Iranian or Hezballah Saeqeh  :lol:
israel is gonna swat them like flies, to me they are to light.
on the bench:

-all kinds of things.


You are wrong Rallye, what gives the aircraft the power are the twin tails.



Pffftt B)

Just usual propoganda from iran (that it is better than F-18, not that it excists)  :P

Looks interesting, but will hardly do any harm to western fighters. Same goes for those un-opgraded F-14s without phoenix missiles, and the F-4s and Cobras. They became some of the bestfighters in the US arsenal, because of all the upgrades, that the iranians didnt get!  

cletus spuckler

Not being one to stand up for Iran, but I have to say something.

Technology makes the pilots job easier, it does not win battles. Pilots do. The Iranian Air Force may fly antiquated American platforms ( that may have some of the tech upgrades through Iran-Contra or other nefarious means), they still maintain a fairly large combat ready fleet (quantity is a quality all it's own) that may have some surprises for an aggressor expecting a cakewalk with a sprinkling of Russian and Chinese second line units mixed in for colour.
In a one on one fight, the American would be the victor. When that changes to a 2 or 3 to 1, the margin moves to the Iranian pilot. Sure, the losses would be high, but the US does not have as many planes or pilots due to early outs and drawdowns. Operation Iraqi Freedom has exacted a terrible price on the US military now and for the foreseeable future.

Please do not view this post as an insult to our men overseas. It is intended to spark intelligent debate on a topic that will hopefully never see the light of day.

cletus spuckler


QuoteWhen that changes to a 2 or 3 to 1, the margin moves to the Iranian pilot. Sure, the losses would be high, but the US does not have as many planes or pilots due to early outs and drawdowns.
If the US forces were to use F-15s, there would definetly be some US loses. But if they get britain to join with their eorufiughters, and the US brings their F-22s and/or Super Hornets, i think some of the iranian pilots would flee iran, like in iraq.


QuoteWhen that changes to a 2 or 3 to 1, the margin moves to the Iranian pilot. Sure, the losses would be high, but the US does not have as many planes or pilots due to early outs and drawdowns.
If the US forces were to use F-15s, there would definetly be some US loses. But if they get britain to join with their eorufiughters, and the US brings their F-22s and/or Super Hornets, i think some of the iranian pilots would flee iran, like in iraq.
Why would F-15's be a bad choice? They practice against F-5's all the time, or at least they used to...

And remember. No F-15 has ever been lost in air-to-air combat. Ask the Israelis.

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D


QuoteWhy would F-15's be a bad choice? They practice against F-5's all the time, or at least they used to...

And remember. No F-15 has ever been lost in air-to-air combat. Ask the Israelis.
Sorry, should have written that the US air force might lost some. However, they arent the best fighters in the world anymore. Su-30s are better, not to forget the new generation of european, chinese and american fighters.  


QuoteI know it is more twin-fin (like F-14/15/17/18) than twin-tail-boom (like DH-110, P.1216), but I put this here anyway...
And here is what I would have done in twin-tailing the F-5... :D  Twin-boom indeed :wacko:

Edit: Ups, I have just seen that a topic was devoted to this airplane in the General Modeling Topics area, started one hour before this one... at http://www.whatifmodelers.com/forum//index...showtopic=11954
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Hmm, my version of a twin is ready, but photobucket pictures will apear tiny. I cant make them big.


Please show us, even rather small, please make us dream dear... :)  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


:wub: Great F-5Z, lovely!
Here is the profile, in my raw style, far from your perfection... ^_^
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


In a comment on the post about this irani twin-tailfin, on A.net, a member posted the comment, "next, iran will make a single tail F-14 Tomcat"!  :lol:

Edit, it seems photobucket has been repaired, so i now can upload full size images! But none will come until tommorow, coz im off to bed now.