Is this guy for real????!!!!

Started by The Wooksta!, September 07, 2006, 02:09:04 PM

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You have no idea how hard I've tried to get a TRS2 (when I've had the spare cash) Here in Halifax getting anything Airfix is friggen hard and I don't know why. I don't know what a resonable price for that thing is, but hey, people paied the same amount for the Tamiya Swordfish.

And lets not forget the flying arcehole who traded a paper clip up, and after 12 trades ended up with a house, and a motion picture based on his story!
Getting back into modeling

Big Chris

Reminds me of the bloke shouting and bawling at a certain Airfix staff member a few years back because he had just paid £300 for the Girocopter from a second hand kit seller only to find out Airfix were re doing it" what ya going to do about it" said he " you paid the money sir" said Airfix staff member. There are a lot of kits that are out of production that are rare as hens teeth that I would dearly like to own but I would never pay more than a Tenner over the original price, a fool and his money.........  
Flying is like riding a bike only its harder to get the playing cards in the spokes



You need to finish that last bit more appropriately.

It's not just "a fool and his money..."

The full statement should read:

"A fool and his money stabilize the economy..."

Wherever you go, there you are!


I'm in the camp that says more power to him if he can get that much.  If not, then he's the one who is out the listing fees.  

I'm constantly amazed at what people will pay for stuff on ebay.  I've sold a few things that went for more than they could pay at a local bookshop for a new item.  Not rare stuff either.  

If someone is stupid enough to pay that for a TSR.2 when there are plenty still around much cheaper, then they deserve what they get.

Caveat Emptor...
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Dont you just hate those people who buy half the TSR 2s that came into the shops, just to sell them to make money. Most are probably not even modelers.



I'm with ya!

I've also been on both sides of this issue.  There's been no few times when I've gotten into a bidding match on eBay, lost at the last minue, then decided to actually look around elsewhere for the same item, and found it currently available for far less than I'd bid it up to.  That taught me to do my homework first and Websearch to see if the kit is available at a retail shop.  I also make sure to scan the completed listings to see how much similar such items have went for.  Doing all that has saved me more than a few pennies in the process.

That being said, about the only eBay sellers who I'd have any ire toward are those which rush in to capitalize on some recent tragedy.  I found it ghoulish in the extreme to have seen all the sudden listings for everything and anything related to the Challenger space shuttle suddenly pop up on eBay - and pop up within minutes of the bird's breaking apart in flight.  Pretty low, that.

Other than that though, if you can find a sucker who'll meet your price, then more profit to you.

Wherever you go, there you are!


QuoteI found it ghoulish in the extreme to have seen all the sudden listings for everything and anything related to the Challenger space shuttle suddenly pop up on eBay - and pop up within minutes of the bird's breaking apart in flight.  Pretty low, that.
eBay wasn't in existence when Challanger exploded in 1986.
Stackridge: Rhubarb Thrashers of the World Unite


QuoteI found it ghoulish in the extreme to have seen all the sudden listings for everything and anything related to the Challenger space shuttle suddenly pop up on eBay - and pop up within minutes of the bird's breaking apart in flight.  Pretty low, that.
eBay wasn't in existence when Challanger exploded in 1986.
I think he probably meant Columbia.  Either way he's right and it's a rare sicko whose first thought on seeing a tragedy like that is "hey I bet I can make a buck".
So I got that going for me...which is nice....

John Howling Mouse

Quoteyou'll pay whatever we want you to pay.

That's what I'm saying.....we've already demonstrated that we'll pay the price, so why lower it ?
We do that to lull you into a false sense of security...
WHAMMO!  Next series of hikes!   :ph34r:  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.



I could get my hands on one of those just the other day for $40 Canadian.

I turned it down because there was no way in hell I was paying that much for a friggin' Airfix kit.

Is this kit any better than their old stuff?

I know it's a sore subject to the British, but why is this kit so valuable?


It was made in limited numbers, and there was a lot of pent-up demand. The members of this forum have bought at least 1% of the production run, with many people buying multiple kits. The kit basically sold out through preorders, long before it got into shops.  



If that's the case, why do I have at least two in two different hobby shops in my hometown in Canada?


QuoteGrab em.  You could recoup your money on ebay fairly quickly.  According to what I've heard, it tends to be Americans pushing up the price.

If that money grabbing (very naughty word) DOES manage to sell on at that price, I'd be tempted to stick a couple of my loft stored examples up.  Could pay for a fortnight in Ibiza!
Aww, come on Lee, we all know that if you decided to sell off part of your TSR.2 Air Wing you would let them go to your mates here for your cost plus a tenner for your trouble!

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


QuoteI turned it down because there was no way in hell I was paying that much for a friggin' Airfix kit.

Is this kit any better than their old stuff?
Not really.  Its not as good as their 48th Lightning or Spitfires.  Nicely scribed panel lines, but fit is poor, detail is low (the best detail is in the gear bays, but it is hidded as the bay doors stay up when on the ground  :dum: )

It is however, an Injection Moulded kit of the TSR2, and it would be churlish to be too ungrateful :)
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May

John Howling Mouse


If that's the case, why do I have at least two in two different hobby shops in my hometown in Canada?
Can you direct me to said shops, please?  Even a PM with their shop name and location or their tel number or website or...

Ahem.  Not kidding.

:wub:  the TSR.2
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.