Is this guy for real????!!!!

Started by The Wooksta!, September 07, 2006, 02:09:04 PM

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Could anyone please explain to me why, when a Seller is able to sell something for a daft High price, he's slagged off as a turd, but if a customer manages to walk into a shop and get something for a pittance of what it's actually worth, they're a National Folk Hero?

I bought a few TSR2...a goodly number for myself, with the Xtradecal schemes in mind and in anticipation of resin aftermarket goodies. I've given a few away to friends, who I know would really appreciate such a gift and have been unable to get hold, (in the US of A, for example) and I've kept a number to sell on, at a later date.
Now...given that I paid £14-ish each, if I can now flog them for £60, then I would be a very, very happy lepus.
If I only manage to sell 'em for £40, then I would still be a jolly wabbit.
Heck...even £30 would be a 100% profit and I'd be at least mildly pleased.

To those of you who sat back, back in February, sneering at those of us who bought the things, because it wasn't really a Limited Edition, it was all just a marketing ploy, blah blah and who now wish they'd bought...well yah boo sux! :P

To those of you who were critical of those of us who bought more than two, because we were being greedy. Yes, we were, but so could you have been. You had ample opportunity to buy, as late back as Easter. But you didn't. C'est la vie.

Speaking of which, it appears that the TSR2 was the last new kit ever tooled by Airfix, to hit the shelves. Just imagine if they'd made the Lifeboat a priority over the TSR2. :o

(Smug) Regards,
Bruce B)  


If and it's a big IF, there is a villain in this sort of thing are not the manufacturers somewhat culpable? Airfix, Nintendo and the like know what the demand is going to be long before the stuff hits the shelves, they are the ones who have made it limited and rare and any student of basic economics knows that when supply is less than demand prices go up. Hadn't Airfix sold nearly all of the run close to a year before the plastic was even injected? It seems like ridiculous business practice for a company to limit that which they know to be profitable for them, and a real disregard for their customers when in this day and age they had to know that alot would end up on E-bay at well over MSRP.

This particular vendor good luck to him, something is worth what someone else will pay for it, we're not talking food, shelter or energy here, no-one actually HAS TO HAVE an Airfix TSR.2 in order to survive, so if someone want's to pay a $1000 for it then that's actually what it's worth, to the buyer. I've bought plenty of stuff off E-bay at prices that people would say are too high, but not to me, I wanted it and was WILLING to pay that much, I don't feel ripped off, even if I see it go cheaper soon afterwards. Conversely if you wanted me to pay $30 for a 1/32 F-16 I'd think it was WAAAYY too much, 'cos I have no interest in them but the guys at my last Model club meeting were climbing all over each other when someone had one for sale.
Free Will and a Free Market.

And I was really looking forward to my Airfix Lifeboat :(  

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models


Leigh you've hit the button on the head - if you want it you will pay for it. I feel exactly the same way when I buy resin kits - Nobody makes me do it - apart from Thorvic occaisionaly that is  :P

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.



I am shocked.  Shocked!  Shocked that no one went for it.  No one!  That auction ended without a single bid being bidded.  And thus, the GBP49.99 ($93.68USD) went unpurchased.

A damn shame for such a fine bargain to have slipped through unbidden...

A damn shame.

Wherever you go, there you are!



If you thought it extreme for a lad to be selling a TSR.2 for but a mere 50 quid then get a load of this:

Airfix 1/72 TSR.2 Sealed - RARE OOP

The seller, woodlandmedia, is willing to let you have your own Airfix TSR.2 for a mere GBP64 ($120USD).  And to top it off, he has _TWO_ of them for sale!  What a guy!

Of course, there would have to be someone like this guy: sbm116.  I don't know what his deal is but he's got his Airfix TSR.2 listed for all of GBP3.99 ($7.43USD):

Airfix 1/72 TSR-2 #: 290028697915

I mean, a TSR.2 for less that 20 quid seems odd, doesn't it?

Wherever you go, there you are!


Heck, I'll take a shot at that last one.  It's worth a chance :D
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Quoteno-one actually HAS TO HAVE an Airfix TSR.2 in order to survive,
Oh I don't know about that... :)  I think sbm116 has the right idea athough - if I was selling a TSR2 I would start it at 99p and save the starting price premium!  

Mike Wren

for some bizarre reason one of our kit wholesalers here at work has the TSR2 kit listed as in stock, dunno if this is a mistake but I've ordered a dozen for our shop to see if anything turns up...  ;)  

Mike Wren

Quotefor some bizarre reason one of our kit wholesalers here at work has the TSR2 kit listed as in stock, dunno if this is a mistake but I've ordered a dozen for our shop to see if anything turns up...  ;)
oh well, none actually available... there was me planning on making my ebay fortune...  :(  



As a follow-up, I'm somewhat amazed.  That seller who started his TSR.2 listing at a mere 3.99GBP wound up with his item closing at 46 Pounds!  That's almost as much as that "scandalous!" seller was listing his for to start with!

$86USD for an Airfix TSR.2.  Wow.  No wonder there's some sellers out there who figure the market is ripe for such high and mighty prices.

Oh, and you guys are right: Columbia, not Challenger.  Must have been showing my age as I know you kids out there weren't hardly outta diapers when we lost the Challenger...


Wherever you go, there you are!


And some of us "gray beards" were at work on other important programs.  As 'twas, when Challenger went down I was working in a group next to the B-2's landing gear group and it's head was asked to take part in the Challenger investigation.  *chuckle* Good thing I was there and knew the Houston area, our Travel (more like "Travail") Department had him going into and staying near the Houston airport farthest from NASA, giving him an hour or more drive, each way, just to get there; we got that straightened out.
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


QuoteThe kit basically sold out through preorders, long before it got into shops.
You said it, Hobbes! When I bought mine in Bordeaux last April, the guy at the shop tell me "well, this si the last available, it was reserved for a guy but it has not come."
I just realise how I was lucky!!!!!!
Madoc, I'm horrified by what you saw in E-bay the day Columbia broke up.
"Hey daddy, Columbia has just broke up in flight. It's time to sell the kit we have" BASTARDS!!!  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


What a fuzzy bunny! Have you red the text below ? Airfix in bakrupcy mean no more Airfix TSR-2 Ie a very rare item for colectioners. So it's worth the 99 pounds...what a SOB!!!
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


Corr!, that means I've got about 1600 quids worth, COOL !!!  :D
Hope nobody is daft enough to go for that  :wacko:
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"Men do not stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

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