A lurker and some whiffs...

Started by grayman, September 09, 2006, 05:41:47 PM

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Hi All,

I've been lurking for a few weeks and have finally got around to posting some pictures of various things I've done.

This is a great forum - it is refreshing to come across a forum that is so positive and has such great humour.

Anyway, without further ado...

...F-106C Project AIRS...
At the beginning of the 1970's the US Air Force was getting worried about the rapid improvements to the North Vietnamese air defence system. Their experience stateside with the heavily automated F-102 and F-106 aircraft in the air defence role lead planners to consider the use of the F-106 as a strike aircraft, removing the need for human pilots and potientially powerful negotiation tools if shot down and captured. The result was a 4-aircraft fleet of modified F-106As. Modifications were minor - new paint, modified internal bomb bay to carry 4 250lb bombs and revision to the autopilot to allow remote control during takeoff and landing. The internal bomb bay was seen as big plus as it meant that the F1-06C could fly at supersonic speed in the NVA defences, without the thermal heating of the bombs. Radar cross sections was slightly reduced as well.

The project was semi-successful, with much valuable data being gathered. Unfortunatley systems of the time were not fully mature and 3 out of the four aircraft were lost during the takeoff and landing. The force now useless, the fourth aircraft was reduced to parts and returned to the US.

Enjoy  :tornado:


Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open -- General Sir Michael Dewar.


The second project is the P-38 is Russian service.

The story...

After the disaster of Stalingrad, the german army assassinated Hitler (actually it was Kietel to held a pillow over the Furhers face one night). The army reestablished its lines and, combined with re-prioritisation of research and planning, was soon thrusting into the heart of Russia, securing the oilfields and then turning north to Moscow.

The Russians were in a state of panic - loss of oil, and not to mention a huge proportion of their standing Army, continuted to turn to the Allies for support. By 1945 the war was far from over, although the Allies had taken the technological lead. With Russia still calling for additional arms (especially aircraft) and the US rapidly replacing it's piston-engined fighters with jets, around 60 P-38J Lightenings were supplied to the 498th Guards Regiment, a unit tasked to protect the Stavka, by now sheltering on the edge of lake Baikal.

The russians made a few minor alterations to the P-38s - mainly by intorducing an air-superiority camoflages which, stangely was to be later copied by western airforces forty years later.

Generally the P-38s were successfuly (according to Pravda) but following the war no record or trace of their use in Russia could be found.

*** The model is the ancient Monogram 1/48 kit (1964). Just goes to show my finishing skills have a long, long way to go.


Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open -- General Sir Michael Dewar.


3 of 3

In the early 1950's the Allied powers started the reconstruction of the West German Air Force. The Germans themselves, keen to rebuild after the war had the goal of rapidly reestablishing a viable aircraft industry. A need for the newly-recreated Luftwaffe was the need to liaison and target-towing aircraft.

In southern Germany, at a remote base, Luftwaffe officers found 15 Me-210s in crates - the aircraft were never issued for operations. Employing the newly formed MBB the aircraft were rebuilt and returned to service.

The only changes to the aircraft were hi-viz paint schemes, new underwing pylons (outboard of the radiators), removal of the gun armament and internal bomb racks, engine improvements and finally the installation of ejection seats.

The Me-210Ns were used for a short time as liaison aircraft, continuation trainers, target tugs (and fired target rockets when the first batch of Sidewinders arrived for use on the Sabres) and for a very short time as forward air control aircraft.

Unfortunately the inherent danger (stalls) of the planes remained and after the loss of three the entire force was scrapped. Later they would be replaced by the OV-10 Bronco.

This is the Me-210 from the Italeri kit. I was great fun to build and went together very, very easily - a tribute to the quality of the kit rather than my own skill.

I hope you've enjoyed these. I am lokking forward to your comments, suggestions and critques.

Thanks for a great forum!
Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open -- General Sir Michael Dewar.


Just like the way that sounds :lol:
Way to kick down the door Grayman some luvverly stuff there that ME-210 is awesome genius. Yeah you'll fit in around here, pull up a chair grab a beverage and a bag of twiglets and watch yourself go happily insane. Welcome mate. :cheers:

Oh yeah we only have one rule here


(oh god I hope he's not another Canuck)

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models

John Howling Mouse

Marry me!  Whoops, sorry, reflex reaction to seeing such great ideas come to life in plastic.

More!  More!   :wub:  :wub:  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


And that gentlemen, is the way to make an entrance.

Welcome aboard Grayman, all 3 are superb whifs, with my personal favorite being that beautiful Me210.

So I got that going for me...which is nice....


After a second viewing I retract my previous statement about the Me210.  I am now unable to pick a favorite from these 3.  Simply amazing.
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


Glad you decided to post pics of some of your work.

That Me 210 is fantastic! Well done.



Welcome aboard Grayman!  Me likey all but LOVE the ME-210! :wub:  


Some really wonderful stuff here, gents!  Glad you delurked and decided to haul up a stool...looking forward to more of your superb builds.


Welcome aboard, grayman! Fantastic work!

Don't let all that talk about us Canadians throw you off, eh? We're not really that bad -- although the site requires that you do at least one A/C in Canadian markings sometime in the next month or we'll send Celine Dion to your house (and don't bother locking the door, she'll just slide in underneath).

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D


Oh yeah, and since I have managed to post before Anthony...


It, erm, it seems that Comrade Anatoliy is currrently indisposed. Valuable work for the Rodina and all that. I understand that he has taken a personal interest in the reported thefts from the Stolichnaya bottling plant. No doubt he will get to the bottom of it soon enough!

So please allow me to humbly fill in for him on this occasion.



Once again, we see that in the hands of steadfast Soviet workers and peasants -- forced by Fascist agression to become superior figher pilots --  that even the second-rate aircraft of the decadent West can be made GLORIOUS! One can only wonder at the reaction of the evil running-dog Nazis when, confronted by a fighter which in the hands of the Western Imperialists caused them to run in fear, showed the GLORIOUS RED STAR of the Motherland!

All join now for singing of the Internationale!

{singing}Arise ye workers from your slumbers...

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D

Eddie M.

Outstanding work!!! B)  Welcome aboard and I'm glad you found your way to your new home. :)
Look behind you!

The Rat

Grayman, you were born to whiff!  :cheers:  
"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives." Hedley Lamarr, Blazing Saddles

Life is too short to worry about perfection

Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr


Hi All,

Thanks for the very kind replys :lol:

The Celine Dion threat is one I shall take seriously (incidentally I live in Queensland, Australia).

My personal fave is the '210. Not to mention that wonderful product, Tamiya Silver Leaf spray ;)

I've gone for a change at the moment and am having a crack at the Lee 1/300(???) scale Oliver Hazard Perry FFG. The thought had crossed my mind (now that the Australian navy has retired HMAS Canberra), to what purpose could an old FFG be used. Pleasure cruiser for the incredibly rich? Deep, deep sea trawler? High speed cargo vessel? Timber tug (for the canadians -- I've seen the TV shows of the logging operations by the rivers)?

Suggestions gratefully accepted.

Thanks again for the warm welcome.  :D  
Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open -- General Sir Michael Dewar.