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Started by rallymodeller, September 15, 2006, 10:33:28 PM

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Corsairs would be tempting on name alone.. Pirates play a part in my fictional nation which I'll be posting soon.

If this is a group build count me in, great idea.


speaking of piratres, there are great pirate bi- and triplanes in disneys old TaleSpin cartoons  :ar:

here's a hijacking pic  :ar:

on the bench:

-all kinds of things.

Daryl J.

Now that Roden have released a new short-fuselage Junkers D.1 in My Favorite Scale, it's tempting to hang a set of floats on the lady and send her to Tortuga.

Testors R3C-2 is emminantly due for conversion into a rum running, keg carrying monoplane likely called the "Baby Bootlegger''.  The kit has a depression in the fuselage where the lower main wing inserts and is a perfect shape for fairing in a keg of some sorts.  Or a radiator, but a booze container seems more pertinant as well as being scads more fun.   (not a political statement------>>>>) It's tempting to have Joseph P. Kennedy as the pilot.......... :wacko:  :ar:  :ar:  :ar:

:drink: ,
Daryl J. about out of Port



Hi folks,

I'm trying to gauge interest in doing an official Pirate GB sometime in 2008 - say the 3 months leading up to International Talk Like A Pirate Day (Sep 19) - I'm trying to get organised well in advance.  If there is enough interest, the rules can be finalised closer (though I'm sure you can all imagine what would be involved).  I'm even willing to act as organiser, and might even through in a prize or two.  Please register your interest so that it may be officially put forward and registered.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Greg, I'd be very interested! of course I totally missed my last two group build deadlines so I'm not sure if I should be aloud to play but I'm trying to get back on track. Pirates have so many possibilities!  :ar:  
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


QuoteI totally missed my last two group build deadlines so I'm not sure if I should be aloud to play but I'm trying to get back on track.

Well, if this comes off, you should have plenty of time to get organised.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!

Daryl J.

:ar:  :ar:  :ar:
Yep, I'm interested.  

Daryl J.


I'm in if it gets off the ground. I'll just have to pick up a Sunderland and an AC-130 in the same scale.....

Jon(been plannin' for awhile)


how about an OV-10,  with its STOL ablityes it would be great to hide in a jungle lading stirp, aremed to the teeth and has a small amouth of cargo area. :ar:  



How about the pirate bi-planes from the film 'The Phantom'. They looked pretty damm good. And, I have to confess, I like the film! There.. I said it!
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


By the way, "Porco Rosso" is on the telly over Christmas......

about 6.00am on Boxing Day!!! :(  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


QuoteCorsairs would be tempting on name alone..
Buccaneer, & PB4Y Privateer as well.  :ar:
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


Quotehow about an OV-10,  with its STOL ablityes it would be great to hide in a jungle lading stirp, aremed to the teeth and has a small amouth of cargo area. :ar:
the bronco could also be equipped with floats it was in the design specs

Chris"PanzerWulff"Gray "The Whiffing Fool"
Self proclaimed "GODZILLA Junkie"!


Will die without understanding this world.


Well, vote for it in the next GB vote!  My suggested dates would be July 19 - Sept 19 (International Talk Like a Pirate Day).  I would propose to be Moderator except that it now looks like I will be travelling O/S for most of June, July and August.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!