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Me/Bf-109 meet Sci-fi

Started by Daryl J., September 16, 2006, 08:16:52 PM

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Daryl J.

Today at the Evergreen Aviation Museum there was this fantastic figure who had a Bf-109 twin strapped to his back.  It was fantastically done and is supposedly on some Sci-fi modeling website.   Does anyone have an idea as to the website name and address?    It's a long shot, I know, but this thing is worth seeing and I'd love to let you all in on it.   B)

The premis was to use any Me or Bf-109 as long as the final product was not a Me/Bf-109.    

To generally describe it take DH. Vampire wings, a pair of He-162 tails, the back 2/3's of the 109, an engine, some large lug nuts and some rivets, wire in manual external controls and strap the contra-prop device to a large figure.   As to the parts used apart from the 109s I have no idea but it was tremendously creative!!!!   Some of us thought Hollywood should get a glimpse of it, it was that good.

Ideas for links anyone???

Daryl J., wishing his digicam hadn't died this morning.....


Was it this guy?

That was part of the Starship Modeler "SF-109" Group Build for Wonderfest this past year. Chris -- aka "PhD Strange" on the SSM forums (he roomed with the guy who gave me a ride down) took home a Gold Medal in the model contest. The idea was that you were to build an SF subject using any Bf-109 as the basis of the build, visually at least 50% of the completed model had to be identifiable as a Bf-109, but at the end it couldn't look like an actual Bf-109. There were quite a few entries (didn't get mine done) and most were magnificent. More entries can be found on the GB page,  HERE, , and Chris' post detailing the build is HERE.

The build is unbelievable, and according to Chris there are bits of every available scale '109 from 1/87 to 1/24!

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D

Daryl J.

That's it!!!  

The O.E.P. Mk 15 if I recall correctly.    We considered it for Best of Show today at the Spruce Goose Museum.    What an amazing use of Bf-109's and sheer imagination.    Even the motor was Bf-109 parts if you looked inside.  

Very, very cool.

Daryl J.

PS:  My heart skipped a bet this afternoon when, after judging, a lady came through the models with her stroller and banged quite hard right into the table with this kit.  The helmet was wobbling all over the place on the officer's hand......Uffda!  


QuoteTo generally describe it take DH. Vampire wings, a pair of He-162 tails, the back 2/3's of the 109, an engine, some large lug nuts and some rivets, wire in manual external controls and strap the contra-prop device to a large figure......
Was it a twin-boom aircraft? "a pair of tails" seem to match this and the tail we see on the picture seem to be lateral (is it?) while the other boom would be hidden by the pilot's body, but... two He 162 tails would mean 4 fins, 2 per boom, and I see only one on the boom that can be seen. Moreover, if the rear is He 162 booms, why did you say "the back 2/3 of the 109"?
I do not understand :( , I am ready to clap my hands :) , as soon as I understand... :huh:  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]


Just absolutely BRILLIANT. :wub:  :P  :wub:  :P  :wub:  :P  :wub:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen

Daryl J.


The two 109 booms run down the legs of the officer and are cloth wrapped.  The single tail-per-boom has a 162-like shape and easily could be the horizontal stabs from a Me-109E.  The engine is made of small-scale 109s as well as a large scale cockpit area.   The props are 109 based as are the spinners, wings, etc.  It's just the most creative use of a 109 we'd ever seen.   Personally, I think it tops two of my favorite models,  the P-38 sharks and the Rotodyne Orca done by Seattle area people.

It would be great if the builder could post other pictures of it so all could see.

Daryl J.


Thanks a lot for these explanations... :)  
[the word "realistic" hurts my heart...]

John Howling Mouse

Hmmm...wonder if it's already been posted over at Hyperscale...?

Jes, kidding.

Beautifully executed!

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


My buddy Robb Merrill just posted a link to his SF-109 entry. For preferences (and I am friends with bot Chris and Robb) I like Robb's better. Robb had this one at Wonderfest too -- I helped him choose the landing gear the night before the competition. Anyhow, enjoy -- and try to spot not only the Bf-109 parts, but all the other cool parts too! The engine covers and main hatch are all hinged as well...

(Note: This is designed to fit into the SF3D universe.)

Fliegenjägerkämpfen "Hirschkäfer"

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D


I should also add that Robb is the artist behind Starship Modeler's amazing SV-51 Decal Set -- a treasure trove of whif markings! I have this sheet -- one of the shark mouths is going on an Su-27 kit of mne...

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D


I have a few pics of O.E.P. that I took at the show.  I'll post them later tonight.


How could they do that to a 109? :o

Has the entire world gone mad? :dum:  :D


Brian da Basher

I have a feeling an FW-190 D will be next. ;)

Brian da Basher



Apparently next up is the Sherman tank.

The idea was that everytime one goes to a model competition, one sees endless variations on the same theme -- like fifty different Bf-109's for example. SO this is sort of a reaction to that. Take a really common subject and do something really uncommon with it. The Sherman seemed to get the most votes at WF for the next subject because 1. It's not a plane, and 2. It's an Allied subject.

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D