

Started by matrixone, September 24, 2006, 10:35:04 AM

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The Germans were faced with increasing numbers of Russian tanks and were being pushed out of Russia, the Wehrmacht was in need of more and better air support. The Henschel Hs 129 and Junkers Ju 87 were being lost at a high rate and were easy targets for the Russian fighters and ground fire because of their slow airspeed. Willi Messerschmitt was approached by Albert Speer for any ideas on a solution to the Eastern front crisis and within a few days Messerschmitt designed the Bf 310 Panzerknacker based on the cancelled Me 210 and using surplus Bf 110 tails. The Bf 310 was tested and was quickly ordered into production and was a great success at the front, they started to knock out Russian tanks at a quicker rate than they could be built! The high speed of the Bf 310s made them an elusive target to both ground fire and the Russian fighters. Hans Rudel had 1,109 tank kills by wars end, most of them while flying the Bf 310.

How did the war end? The Nazis were put out of power when Hitler and Goring was assassinated and sensible Germans took over and agreed to surrender terms with the British and Americans.



Sorry, my pictures can't come through right now because Picturetrail is having trouble with their server, I will repost my pictures when I can.


Brian da Basher

Wow another German Luft-wunderbuild, matrixone! I really like how you morphed this one into a tank-buster with that enormous gun! Looks very plausible! I really like that in-flight shot!

Brian da Basher


Thanks Brian!

I was starting to wonder if Picturetrail would get their server problem fixed today or not.

Here are more pictures...



Damm Matrix, you've done it again. You are truly a master. That is an amazing build
If you love, love without reservation; If you fight, fight without fear - THAT is the way of the warrior

If you go into battle knowing you will die, then you will live. If you go into battle hoping to live, then you will die


Thanks very much lancer!

I do have other pictures of this model to post but Picturetrail is having troubles today and any more pictures from me will have to wait.



WOW! That is fantastic. B) Such a plausible and original idea. Very well done!



Thanks Steve!

Check out this thread tomorrow, by then Picturetrail should have their server problems fixed and I can post the rest of the pictures. Sorry. :(



Don't apologise we all know it will be worth the wait  :)  
Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


:( I need to see a picture.
:(  :( Please!
Will die without understanding this world.


On the bench:

Post-apocalyptic Beaufighter


Sorry to all:

Picturetrail is at fault about the missing pics, I just sent them a very nasty e-mail stating my dislike for the incompetence. :angry:

I will try and post pics when they get their sh*t together, I am f#%*ing pissed! :angry:  :angry:  :angry:



To all who wanted to see the Panzerknacker pics, I will have to post them later because Picturetrail had server problems and all my pictures in this thread and my other threads have been wiped out.
There is nothing I can do about it.

I will be shopping for other picture hosting sites soon. :angry:



Sorry for the delay, the pictures are now back.



That is way cool. Any details on the kits used. I'm thinking it might be a way to put the Matchbox Me-110 and the Me-410 to good use.
"What young man could possibly be bored
with a uniform to wear,
a fast aeroplane to fly,
and something to shoot at?"