Model attack at Coventry

Started by jester, September 24, 2006, 11:57:25 AM

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Hear an urban legend about protestors throwing laquer thinner or red paint (heard the story a few times, different every time) on models because they were war machines.

Watched an older jewish fellow smash the hell outta a 32nd scale 190 D. There was a tussle but when the old guy started crying and showed his tatoos, the chap who lost the 190 sat down and cried with the old guy. He held the old man and rocked him for a while. It was in Saint John in front of the Coles book store in the mall by the race track. (can't remember the mall name)

That left an impression on me.
Getting back into modeling


QuoteHear an urban legend about protestors throwing laquer thinner or red paint (heard the story a few times, different every time) on models because they were war machines.

Talk about a "symbolic" protest..... <_<

I would hope that this type of behavior would merit all sorts of sudden violence upon the bodies of these dimwits that think their behavior should be seen as "well meaning" by the modeler whose work of art was vandalized.  Hopefully also, this remains nothing more than an urban legend.  
"As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefits of it?  It liberates you from convention."- from the novel WICKED by Gregory Maguire.
"I must really be crazy to be in a looney bin like this" - Jack Nicholson in the movie ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST


QuoteWatched an older jewish fellow smash the hell outta a 32nd scale 190 D. There was a tussle but when the old guy started crying and showed his tatoos, the chap who lost the 190 sat down and cried with the old guy. He held the old man and rocked him for a while. It was in Saint John in front of the Coles book store in the mall by the race track. (can't remember the mall name)

That left an impression on me.
And that is why I dont build WWII German stuff.  I dont see anything from that regime as deserving the love and care I put into a model.

Back on topic though...

We had a story on the news here today about a father who went to his son's school and attacked a teacher for giving his son a poor grade.  When I was growing up, I was the one attacked by my father for a bad grade (not in an abusive way, you understand, but a little spanking goes a long way! ).  We dont spank our kids (at least not unless there is a big reason to), but they sure as heck know that if they bring home bad grades the teachers arent the ones in trouble.

Where and when did our society go wrong?
So I got that going for me...which is nice....


QuoteWatched an older jewish fellow smash the hell outta a 32nd scale 190 D. There was a tussle but when the old guy started crying and showed his tatoos, the chap who lost the 190 sat down and cried with the old guy. He held the old man and rocked him for a while. It was in Saint John in front of the Coles book store in the mall by the race track. (can't remember the mall name)

That left an impression on me.
And that is why I dont build WWII German stuff.  I dont see anything from that regime as deserving the love and care I put into a model.
What he said.
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May

Martin H

QuoteWatched an older jewish fellow smash the hell outta a 32nd scale 190 D. There was a tussle but when the old guy started crying and showed his tatoos, the chap who lost the 190 sat down and cried with the old guy. He held the old man and rocked him for a while. It was in Saint John in front of the Coles book store in the mall by the race track. (can't remember the mall name)

That left an impression on me.
haveing lost distant relatives in the concentration camps, its why i do build german stuff from time to time. It reminds me of what we had to beat and what we could have ended up faceing to stop that bloody madness.
I always hope for the best.
experience has taught me to expect the worst.

Size (of the stash) matters.

IPMS (UK) What if? SIG Leader.
IPMS (UK) Project Cancelled SIG Member.


Reminds  me of a freind who on first sight of my models, picked one up and tosed it across the room, and then asking me AFTERWORDS if they could fly :dum:  :dum:  :dum:

I have nothing against building WWII german military machines though. Perhaps coz they didnt do so much damage in denmark?


QuoteWatched an older jewish fellow smash the hell outta a 32nd scale 190 D. There was a tussle but when the old guy started crying and showed his tatoos, the chap who lost the 190 sat down and cried with the old guy. He held the old man and rocked him for a while. It was in Saint John in front of the Coles book store in the mall by the race track. (can't remember the mall name)

That left an impression on me.
And that is why I dont build WWII German stuff.  I dont see anything from that regime as deserving the love and care I put into a model.
What he said.
I'll follow that up with a hear hear!!! That and I think the Me-109 is an ugly machine...
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Why did this thread about a model show turn into a thread about bashing German aircraft? :(


Eddie M.

QuoteWhy did this thread about a model show turn into a thread about bashing German aircraft? :(

Hard to tell. Sometimes it's difficult to separate the machine from the people. I abhor what the Nazis did in the world, but some of their aircraft were the best there was for their time. I hope that people that want to build German aircraft continue to do so as well as Japanese, US, Soviet, etc....To me, to not build a certain subject is to deny history, and you know what they say about history.

Now, back to the subject. Since I've never been to a model show, isn't there signs all over the place saying not to touch the models? Shouldn't there be a sign at the door saying your responsible for your actions as well as your rug rats? Personally, if my kids damaged a model (which they wouldn't because they have discipline ;)  :lol: ), I would surely try to compensate the individual. Lord knows I have an idea of the time and energy invested in those works of art. :)
Look behind you!


At most UK shows most stands have BIG signs saying models are fragile/please do not touch etc, the SIG definately do (thanks Martin) Accident's do happen  :rolleyes: , hanging camera straps, badges etc but you do have to watch the little ones - just enthusiasm I know. One show in the UK had a whole box of made up kits that were being scrapped (or more probably built by a child who'd discovered them in the loft a lot latter) for the little ones to take and fly - they had great fun

Best one I saw was a wonderfully realistic model of a severed human hand with the sign "this belongs to the last person who touched the models on this stand !"

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Big Chris

Anyone who saw my efforts at SMW last year around the competition area will know my feelings on the kind of people we are talking about. My branch put on a display at the Elvington Air Museum every year and the looks you get from parents when you tell their little B$*£%rds to keep their hands off is a test of my temper. I once heard a conversation at a show that went like this " do you mind if I pick it up" "only if you don't mind having your nose broken" obviously some one who had dealt with this sort of thing before. :D  
Flying is like riding a bike only its harder to get the playing cards in the spokes


QuoteThat and I think the Me-109 is an ugly machine...
Ugly? This Pilatus is gorgeus!


QuoteAnd that is why I dont build WWII German stuff.  I dont see anything from that regime as deserving the love and care I put into a model.
With all my respect to all your opinions, I think this is just nonsense.

If I think so, I will not build Russian subjects because they were comunists, no British subjects because of Gibraltar(i am Spaniard), no French subjects because of napoleonic invasion, no US subjects because the Philipines and Cuba wars, no Israel because of palestinians, ...

What could I build?

Australian subjects? let me check the History book ...  
Will die without understanding this world.

Jonathan Mock

I don't know what it is these days with a minority  parents who adopt a "don't you tell my kids..." attitude when their offspring are wrecking your models. I've had it happen at various shows, at worst they throw you filthy look and storm off for having the temerity to point out the "do not touch the models" sign, though one guy once said that if we didn't want people touching the models, maybe we shouldn't bring them to shows(?!).

An extension of this was the time I was reversing out of a car parking space in a supermarket when a kid of about 3 ran behind by car - I just saw the top of his head below the bottom line of the rear window as I slowly moved out. When I politely pointed out to the mother that I could have knocked him down, she mouthed off at me to that I "should be more careful in the future then". Er hello?!

For the most part, parents and kids at models are well behaved, but it always troubles me that those parents who let their kids do that kind of stuff are setting a bad example early on, i.e. a lack of respect for others and their property.

But then I can think of a well-known modeller who thinks nothing of picking up other peoples models without asking, so there's the enemy within as well!

Alvis 3.1

One model show I was at had a nutcase woman ream out several club members for displaying "war" models. She then went down to the train display and tell off the modellers there about the clearcut forest they had alongside the tracks (because trees are our friends you know). I didn't ask the bee keeper or the knitting club display people if she went around to them to criticise as well. I'd guess her hobby was telling people off!

Idiots we have the share a planet with. oh well, let's just hope their medications kick in before we do any shows or displays.

My worst incidents with model damge have always happened with adults. The little kids I watch like a hawk, but an adult I've assumed can read and have common sense. Yeah, right! I swear, cattle prods seem more and more like a good idea.

Alvis 3.1