If I were to.....

Started by SinUnNombre, October 20, 2006, 04:33:08 PM

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The Double Mamba from the Fairey Gannet was good for 4,000hp (and development may have taken it higher), the contra prop would look good & it'd be one hell of an in-your-face-ugly aeroplane, fat & ugly!  I've not got a kit to check it, but dimensions would probably be about right.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


QuoteBut your P-47 seems a tad undersize if it's 17mm, which kit is it?
Hasegawa. Of course, I'm not exactly trained in the metric system, so It could just be an error on my part.


EDIT: Remeasured the Jug and yep, user error. I was measuring from the end of the ruler, not noticing that it wasn't marked until just about 3mm up. Hmm, solves that problem.


Well, after looking at some picturs of the Turbo Dakotas, and weighing my options, I think that those will work. Now, does anyone know where I can get my hands on the Heritage Aviation conversion kitnut mentioned earlier?



If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


PT-6s on the Basler DC-3s are not that powerful.

PT-6A-67R, 1424 SHP for 5 minutes is the max power.




Well, you're right, it doesn't have near the hp I want, let alone even equaling the original R-2800. But, its the only turboprop I can find that will fit, and being a PT-6, its reliable and has lots of spares, etc. Also, did I read somewhere about a 1700hp version developed for the T-6 Texan 2? Still not enough, but closer to what I want. I dunno, the jury's still out on this one. If I can't find a turboprop with the appropriate hp that will fit, I'll either just settle for the Turbodak PT-6, or stick with an air-cooled radial, maybe even swap in an R-3350 from a Skyraider. Hmmm, I just happen to have one of those laying around for my stalled CAS Avenger. I'm gonna sleep on this one......



The R3350 swap would be comparatively simple.  My suggestion would be two PT6s drving a common gearbox (somewhat the reverse of the Learfan layout), much like the T40 had two T38 gas generators driving a common gearbox.  This would allow you a reasonably short engine installation while still giving you the power you need.  The PT6 in the Texan II is a fairly developed version with full FADEC in order to eliminate the throttle lag that free turbine engines have (this could be one reason RAF Tucanos have TPE331s, these are direct drive engines and don't have that lag).  I suppose that if you wanted a truly whiffy engine, you could use two TPE331 gas generators and a combining gearbox.

Just my $0.02,
"Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it."
--Jane Wagner and Lily Tomlin


Just another thought Jon, I measured the engine nacelles on my V-22 Tilt Rotor, 18.5mm.  This engine is 6200 hp and all you would need to do is replace the propeller.

The only other thing I can think of is engines from a Russian turbo-prop.  There's a thread here or on ARC that has someone converting their B-29 into a Chinese turbo-prop version.  These engines are available as an aftermarket part through Cutting Edge

:cheers: Robert
If I'm not building models, I'm out riding my dirtbike


or you could make a solid nose packed full of guns, and have a couple of turboprops on the wings...you could probably use the whole nacelles from a turboprop kit in that case.

harder to build though.

"Computer games don't affect kids. I mean, if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music." Kristin Wilson, Nintendo Inc, 1989.


Quoteor you could make a solid nose packed full of guns, and have a couple of turboprops on the wings...you could probably use the whole nacelles from a turboprop kit in that case.

harder to build though.
Assymetric turboprop P-51 anyone?

:wub:  :wub:  


You could also try e-mailing this guy: jwspinners@yahoo.com

He's a local (South African) who does his own resin kits and has a 1/73 SAAF Turbo Dak set. He may be cheaper than Heritage...

Ciao and can't wait to see more!
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


Quoteor you could make a solid nose packed full of guns, and have a couple of turboprops on the wings...you could probably use the whole nacelles from a turboprop kit in that case.

harder to build though.
Thats exactly what I have planned for one of my plentyful Monogram Skyraiders, but instead of a gun nose I want to make it a glass nosed "light" patroller :D
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.


PW&C offers the PW100 series engine with the PW127J version giving 2880 shp.

PW&C PW100


OK, I've been thinking about this lately, and I have a few quick questions. First off, I noted earlier something about the PW100 series being developed from the PT6, correct? Well, the Turbodak cowlings that had been propsed were PT6's, so would a PW100 fit the same cowling? And what if any modifications would be needed? Second, I've having some thoguhts as far as loadout is concerned. In order to fir the 4 Mk82 bombs to the existing hardpoints, I used bread ties to make an inverted-v shape, converting the single pylon into a double pylon. I also plan on using one LAU-10 rocket pod per wing. I was going to mount them just outboard of the pylon, but it looks like it would interfere with aileron travel. Would it be possible to mount the pods in the middle of the 'v' shape, or would that be too much weight from one pylon to be realistic? Also, if I put the pods there, I could still put a pylon on the outer wing, and hang a Maverick or likewise out there. One last thing, any suggestions on where I might put a FLIR pod, a laser designater, etc.?




hi the pw 100 does not have much in commun with a pt6,example the intake of a pw100 is in the front and the exhaust in the while for the pt6 it is in reverse,the pw is much bigger