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Twin boom pusher B-25

Started by Eddie M., November 03, 2006, 09:03:55 PM

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OK, a Mustang's Merlin engine is liquid-cooled. But you need a radiator to cool the colling liquid. And on a Mustang, the small scoop just behind the prop is the air intake for the engine's carburetor. However, the large scopp under the wings is the inlet for the radiator. Your solution will definitely be an interesting one, Mr. Miller. Maybe cut out the Mustang's existing radiator scoop and use it to fill in that akward step-up from the fuse to the engine?



AIIEEEE!!!  (faints)

Anyone notice how much carnage is being wrought on unsuspecting, nicely built models in order to turn them into whifs lately?  I mean, Archie doing that F-4S, now Eddie improving that already nice B-25...  madness I tell you!  But the good kind, as the ends justify the means  :lol:

I do like those twin booms on the Mitchell.  Nice build, can't wait to see this one finished!

:cheers:  :cheers:  
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
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My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Fantastic! When you first mentioned this I was wondering how you'd do the booms, but your solution looks great.


This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


COOL!!!!! That looks great.
If yer really wanna step it up a notch you could heed BDB's nose engine suggestion and spats, open cockpit the it would be Fugly and wierd enough to be French or Russian :lol:

Leave it as is, BMF Korea or Farmgate ? :)  

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models

Davey B

John Howling Mouse

QuoteSomeone at FSM thinks I should lengthen the nose to move the CG forward. What do ya think?
My 345 rubles:
Leave the nose as is but bring that pusher-prop in tighter with the CoG.

Nice that a Mustang's front end just happens to fit the rear aperture where you've cut the Mitchell.  As I've always suspected: You are in league with Pagan Styrene Gods!!!
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Eddie M.

QuoteOK, a Mustang's Merlin engine is liquid-cooled. But you need a radiator to cool the colling liquid. And on a Mustang, the small scoop just behind the prop is the air intake for the engine's carburetor. However, the large scopp under the wings is the inlet for the radiator. Your solution will definitely be an interesting one, Mr. Miller. Maybe cut out the Mustang's existing radiator scoop and use it to fill in that akward step-up from the fuse to the engine?

I'm going to go with your idea and am sawing the bits needed right now. Thanks for the idea! B)

A generous fellow at FSM is willing to part with a 105mm cannon for the nose. :D
This one is going to be a real mover and shaker!
Look behind you!


Are you Crazy?!?!  Yes? OK, works for me  :lol:

Looks good, I too would pull the mustang engine in tighter to the front. Also while you are adding a scoop for your cooling you might want to think about re-routing the mustangs exhaust pipes...maybe just open holes instead of pipes?

I'd say you've got another creative bit of genius going on here, looking forward to seeing how this one works out.
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.


gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!  :cheers:
my idea was to make the booms with rounded shape and the third engine would be a jet eingine....
I like your idea !


I can offer you a rounded cowling from my 1/72 Neptune.
its big enough....


That's one heck of a nice project Eddie!

Way to go!

:cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers:  :cheers:  

Eddie M.

Thank you Everyone for the warm welcome to the newest creation on my bench B) .
I've already chopped down the length the Merlin mount and am working on incorporating Jon's idea of using the Mustang's radiator intake for cooling. A couple of other ideas that have come my way are to reverse the pitch of the blades (in progress) and to add a blade to each Mitchell prop. If I can't find any extra blades, I'll just make my own. :P

  I wanted to make the booms out of rounded material, but I don't have the parts and can't manufacture them myself with any great ease. I'm thinking of laminating each side of the boom with progressively smaller pieces of styrene to get a bit more of a shape out of it. Thanks for your generous offer of the cowling, but I don't think I'll need it on this project. That is a very gracious offer and I appreciate it B)
Look behind you!

Eddie M.

QuoteOK, a Mustang's Merlin engine is liquid-cooled. But you need a radiator to cool the colling liquid. And on a Mustang, the small scoop just behind the prop is the air intake for the engine's carburetor. However, the large scopp under the wings is the inlet for the radiator. Your solution will definitely be an interesting one, Mr. Miller. Maybe cut out the Mustang's existing radiator scoop and use it to fill in that akward step-up from the fuse to the engine?

Thank you very much for that idea. It worked out well IMHO. ^_^

Look behind you!


Thank you very much for that idea. It worked out well IMHO. ^_^
You're mucho welcome Eddie. I just think its cool that I've contributed ssomething to one of your masterpieces.



Wow! with a 105 mm gun in the nose, and the intake of the Mustang below the nacelle, it will look terrific!!!

PS For the F-4S, it was the first time I sacrificed a "correct" model (and I hesistated a long time... blame Thorvic guys!!! he suggested me that I would need a Phantom rather than a Jaguar to make this Blackburn P.141 :) ^_^  :rolleyes:  )  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.