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Twin boom pusher B-25

Started by Eddie M., November 03, 2006, 09:03:55 PM

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John Howling Mouse

Wow, I thought the prior version was cool too but when you pulled out the revision in black.....whoo hooo----let the good times roll, baby!

An(other) absolute winner coming out of Texas, Eddie!

Incredible.    :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Ian the Kiwi Herder

Hmmmmm, I must admit to liking the PBJ inspired scheme, but the black/grey looks more menacing....

"When the Carpet Monster tells you it's full....
....it's time to tidy the workbench"

Confuscious (maybe)


Wow, that really is something else !  Can you imaging the noise that thing would have made, roaring over the enemy tank lines? Yipes.


Great to see that beast all painted up.

Now hurry up and finish so you can get back to that Hogzilla!  :P  
Get this Cheese to sick bay!

Eddie M.

QuoteGreat to see that beast all painted up.

Now hurry up and finish so you can get back to that Hogzilla!  :P
Thank you all very much. Ideas are far and few these days.

   I have been chippin' away at Hogzilla here and there, just nothing worth documenting. I'll be doing a test shot of the paint on my ever trusty Phantom and will try to get some photos up today. It sucks being sick on the weekend. <_<
Look behind you!


Eddie, you nailed it! One look and I have AD/DC's "Back In Black" crankin' through my head :)
Jeff G.
Stumbling through life.

Eddie M.

Well Gents, thank you again. B) As with most things that I do model wise, a situation has arisen. Unless I get to the LHS or get over my distain for internet commerce, I'm going to have to make a change in the country for which it serves. I have some British decals that I can use. Still as an anti shipping, ASW and close in support. Besides, isn't the Merlin a British engine? ;)  :)
Look behind you!


Stunning piece of machinery!!!
Black sure accentuates her looks  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

Understood only by fellow Whiffers....
1/72 Scale Maniac
UUUuuumm, I love cardboard (Cardboard, Yum!!!)
OK, I know I can't stop scratchbuilding. Someday, I will build something OOB....


Eddie M.

Thanks Rafa! B)  I've done a bit of work on a modified shroud for the Bazling. I used a bomb casing and opened it up a little. I added a gray wash to bring out the control surfaces a bit as well. :) Hang the props and you get the idea of the final product. :party:

Look behind you!

John Howling Mouse

Oh my...!

That shot from aft....ahhhhhh.   :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

What paint did you use for that lighter-than-black wash?

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Eddie M.

QuoteOh my...!

That shot from aft....ahhhhhh.   :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

What paint did you use for that lighter-than-black wash?

Mr. Simplemind here just mixed some black and white acrylic to taste. I originally did it for a subtle wash on lite gray or white finishes. ^_^
Look behind you!


How did I miss this? It looks really good! Exotic yet believable - the mark of a great whif.  

This is the curse of speed;  I have been a slave to it all my life. On my gravestone they will carve 'It never got fast enough for me'.
Hunter S. Thompson


Sorry I'm coming in here a little late, Eddie, but I've got to agree that the modified black camo looks a treat. Just love the wavy line for the camo.

What a whif!

Just love looking at it!

Allan in Canberra


I am envious of your modeling abilities
For as much as I am a military nut, I have very little modeling talent!!
I think your Twin boom B-25 would look a little souped up more, if it had four-bladed props on the two front engines
Also that multi-barreled cannon, you have used would look great chewing up Japanese shipping!


Eddie M.

QuoteI am envious of your modeling abilities
For as much as I am a military nut, I have very little modeling talent!!
I think your Twin boom B-25 would look a little souped up more, if it had four-bladed props on the two front engines
Also that multi-barreled cannon, you have used would look great chewing up Japanese shipping!

Thank you All for the kind words. B)

  I didn't have any modeling abilities either until I glued two pieces of plastic together. After that, it's just practice. ;)  :lol: Don't sell yourself short. :)

I've been thinking of the 4 blade props as well. They would have to be scratchbuilt, and just haven't set my mind to it yet. To be honest, I was thinking of doing 5 blades, (like the KC/B-17 below) and I still might. Who knows? The voices do, but they're not talking right now. ;)  :party:
Look behind you!