F22 considered by Japan

Started by GeorgeC, November 09, 2006, 08:09:38 AM

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Some snippets from Janes

'Japan would seek to lobby the American government to produce the F-22 Raptor fighter aircraft internally, if the aircraft - which is currently prohibited for export by Washington - is appropriate for its requirements, the Japanese Defence Agency (JDA) has told Jane's.

Japan has stated in its Medium-Term Defense Plan 2005-09 its wish to obtain new FX next-generation fighter aircraft to replace its current fleet of ageing F-4J Kai fighters. The source said that the JDA was looking at a number of aircraft, including Lockheed Martin's F-22, F-35 and F-16. '

Gentlemen, to your styrene and profiles!


:P Im simply never gonna do a japanese F-16, never never never. It wouldnt be whiff. :P  


If you think about it, a Japanese F-16 has already been done!

I'd like to see them Japanese use their noggin and do a F-2Kai model. Maybe switch the wing layout around to a double delta or XL style?

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.

Keith Diamond

I would be very surprised if the US allows export of the F-22, much less allowing Japan to manufacturer their own version
Man, we should have cloned twenties. Jackson wouldn't have given a poo-poo.


QuoteI would be very surprised if the US allows export of the F-22, much less allowing Japan to manufacturer their own version
I'd be surprised if they don't, provided the Japanese feel its doable from a budgetary standpoint.

Son of Damian

QuoteI would be very surprised if the US allows export of the F-22, much less allowing Japan to manufacturer their own version

IIRC Congress changed legislation several months ago allowing for the export of the F-22.

LM will probably use it's clout to get some kinda deal with Japan, and it wouldn't surprise me if there is some stipulation say Japan has to buy X number of aircraft before they start making themselves. That way the unit price will go down a little bit and then the USAF will lobby for a few more F-22's.  

QuoteI'd like to see them Japanese use their noggin and do a F-2Kai model

I think there going straight to Super Kai instead, seems to be a Block 52/60 F-2.

"They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live–
in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


At the risk of being accused of preaching, the term "Japanese" is considered highly offensive, and not only to Japanese people.  Appreciate it if you'd use "Japanese" instead...


"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


From a purely strategic point of veiw it would be sensible to put one of the the most modern fighters around in the hands of one of the most trusted allies in a region threatened by the very unstable and unpredictable North Korea.

Get this Cheese to sick bay!

Keith Diamond

from what I remember, the idea of exporting Raptors got past the House, but not the Senate.  I say I would be surprised because of how much resistance the idea has, and with such sensitive technology, I highly doubt any foreign country would be allowed to manufacturer the jet.
Man, we should have cloned twenties. Jackson wouldn't have given a poo-poo.

Captain Canada

I would like to see a Tornado in Japanese colours.....or a Typhoon. The Super F-2 is just too boring. I would also think that the United States of America would be more than happy to share the costs of such a pricey bird as the F-22.

Speaking of Japanese, I'd really like to see a Shimeiwa ( sp. ? ) in some other scheme other than the Japanese Navy or whoever uses them. She's look great in Coast Guard colours !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?



Tell my Uncles that it offensive.
I really, really, really don't want a pissing contest over this.  Your uncles have nothing to do with it.  It's an offensive term, and if you want to use it in your daily conversations that's fine, just please don't use it here.  Would you use the term "ni**er" here?  If not, please don't use other racist epithets either.  There's no call for it, period.  It's not a big deal, really.  It only takes a few more keystrokes to type "Japanese" and that doesn't offend anyone, okay?  


"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974

Captain Canada

People, people, people ! What is going on here ? Enough of this crap, alright ?

It's not like anybody was using the term out of context, or in a derogatory way.
Why are we making a mountain out of a molehill ? Why even bring it up ? We don't need it here......let's get back to the subject at hand....like the donkey kicking the Japanese would hand out to anyone dumb enough to tangle with them flying F-22s !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


QuoteWould you use the term "ni**er" here?
Yeap, especially if we're talking about sawmill equipment, where the nigger is the piece of equipment that holds down the log on the carriage while it gets cut by the bandsaw.



Why is this so hard?  There is **no** acceptable use of racist epithets here.  Period.  You can yell them at the top of your lungs in your own home, but using them here just shows everyone how small your mind is and how racist you are.

I'm not making a mountain out of a mole hill.  I personally would *very* much appreciate it if you wouldn't use racist epithets, period.  Continuing to do so is just being unnecessarily stupid.  It's not needed, it's not appreciated, and it's just downright racist.

I don't really care what you call logging equipment, that's not what we're talking about, and you know that as well as I do.  We're talking about racist, bigoted name-calling.  Enough already.

This is personally offensive to me and a LOT of other people.  Why do it?  You're acting like little children who've learned a new curse word at school and can't wait to get home and use it in front of daddy.  Enough already.

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


Sounds like Jen's got his boxers in a knot.  So am I nolonger *allowed* to refer to my ancestors as Krauts or Huns either? Paddy would be out for Irish too then.

Now I see why Cthulhu had to go into rehab....

Anyway, that Super kai looks friggen awsome!
Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.