F22 considered by Japan

Started by GeorgeC, November 09, 2006, 08:09:38 AM

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I never went to school and my daddy showed me all the bad words he could.


Captain Canada

The good news is, by the time I'm done reading the list of things I can and cannot say without offending anybody, I'll have nothing left to say !

That ought to free up a little bandwith !


We used to work with a guy named Rick Kuhn, pronounced coon. Kurly could back me up on this one.There was a time when he and some other rig pigs...oops, I meant to say oil-well service rig workers, were at a Lions game at the old Silverdome. You can imagine the looks when some of his buddies spotted him ( all drunk, no doubt ) and started calling to him ! Let's just say they got more than just his attention !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Captain Canada

Ha ha ! That site's hilarious ! I can't wait to divulge....especially the anti-drug ones !

I gotta show that to our lab-tech at work the 'How To' guide. He's Chinese, and thinks both Japanese and Yankees are idiots...so there !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Brian da Basher

Ya know, them honkies cause all the problems....
Brian da Basher



I'm with Jennings on this one.

Back when we were at war with them and when they were demonstrating just how evil they could be, calling them Japanese was appropriate.

It's been over half a century since then and the Japanese have demonstrated that they are among our staunchest and most worthy allies.

Japanese no longer fits.

Japanese does.

Okay, let's move along now shall we?

Wherever you go, there you are!

Lord Darth Beavis

As long as no one says that I am no longer allowed to call myself, "dago," or "wop" I guess I'll be all right.  Of course, not being allowed to call myself "mick" might upset me a little...

A Dago-Mick mix, and damn proud of it!
3 Time National Champions: 1958, 2003, 2007

2 BCS Championships: 2003, 2007

How many BCS trophies in your trophy room, USC?

Geaux Tigers!

Eddie M.

QuoteWhy is this so hard?  There is **no** acceptable use of racist epithets here.  Period.  You can yell them at the top of your lungs in your own home, but using them here just shows everyone how small your mind is and how racist you are.

I'm not making a mountain out of a mole hill.  I personally would *very* much appreciate it if you wouldn't use racist epithets, period.  Continuing to do so is just being unnecessarily stupid.  It's not needed, it's not appreciated, and it's just downright racist.

I don't really care what you call logging equipment, that's not what we're talking about, and you know that as well as I do.  We're talking about racist, bigoted name-calling.  Enough already.

This is personally offensive to me and a LOT of other people.  Why do it?  You're acting like little children who've learned a new curse word at school and can't wait to get home and use it in front of daddy.  Enough already.

This is coming from someone who had a quote in his signature from Ghandi about Christians which I didn't care for, but kept to myself( Let's be honest, you were using that quote to be clever, right?;).  Then you've gone on to tell people that they are small minded and childern. See a trend? One person's opinion is just that. Report your problem to the mods and let them take care of it, if they decide to.
Look behind you!

Brian da Basher

QuoteAs long as no one says that I am no longer allowed to call myself, "dago," or "wop" I guess I'll be all right.  Of course, not being allowed to call myself "mick" might upset me a little...

A Dago-Mick mix, and damn proud of it!
This reminds me of a story. I am Italian-American and used to work with two other Italian-Americans. We took to calling each other "dago" the way some African-Americans call each other the "N-word". Well, wouldn't you know it....the sole non Italian-American in our crew had the chutzpah to complain they were offended by our use of the word dago. I was a little puzzled how someone who isn't Italian could be offended by that phrase...

Brian da Basher


Wasn't this thread about F-22's?  Blimey guys, get back on topic!

Found this image on F-16.net:

I like the idea of JASDF F-22's, especially if they put them in colour schemes like this!  Hopefully we'll see some in colours other than grey, especially if they use them as agressors.
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


You know what guys? Y'all can go do whatever, I'm outta here. Call me when all this PC BS gets straight. :angry:

Shas  B)  
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Mayhaps a refresher of the forum rules is in order?

I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


Well, I for one am here to talk models.  

Mossie, great find - that would have to be the best looking F-22 I've ever seen (even if it is a fake.)

As for the JASDF getting F-22's, I think it is a possible.  Given the current North Korean fun and games; the new Japanese PM's apparent interest in having a more up front military posture (for want of a better description); and with the fact that the USA has been trying to get Japan to do so for some time, all the pieces are falling into place.  However, the F-22 is expensive (even for Japan).  sO I wouldn't yet put my money on it.  At this stage, I would still count either a F-35 or a Typhoon as a higher likelihood of being selected.  Also, I wouldn't yet count out either the F-18 E/F or even a advanced version of the F-15 as a possiblity - remember Singapore and South Korea both have recently purchased quite advanced versions of this 'old' bird.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


I for one am surprised no comment has emerged yet on Lockheed's interesting position here from a business ethics standpoint. I'm reasonably sure we're all familiar with the allegations surrounding the Lockheed F-104J's defeat of the Grumman F11F-1F Tiger, and I find it intriguing at least that unless Boeing scores another F-15E order (which would make a bit more sense IMHO, given Japan's likely range/payload requirements vis-a-vis North Korea for the "preemptive self-defense" mission they're making noises about...) Lockheed wins no matter what the JASDF chooses. :P If they get F-22s, super for Lockheed Martin and the USAF in the bargain; if they get F-35s, another feather in that cap and BAe's as well; and if they backpedal on themselves and order F-2s again to the Super Kai model, then the US Congress is happier still (given the Raptor's sensitivity issues) and Lockheed Martin gets to flense the substantial reputation hit it took from the F-2A's premature cancellation. Just what is it about Lockheed and dubious Japanese contracts, I wonder. :wacko:


As Sisko said, the USAF is keen to push through export to Japan.  Given how they are barely getting enough airframes to fulfil their basic responsibilities, it makes sense to have loyal allies with their own F-22 fleet.  Raptors in Japan means the USAF has less of a need to base a wing/squadron there.

Regarding the use of the word Japanese, old-timers will remember that Tom has in the past asked us to refrain from its use.  He's oriental, and he's the big cheese, so thats all we need to know, regardless of the hypocrisy of some who complaining about it.
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


I still like the YF-23A more...sexier plane!
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.