

Started by cthulhu77, December 25, 2006, 06:37:12 PM

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Hull finally togther, puttied, and now primed...also, started work on the main lifting rotors:


Looking good, Greg!
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"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man

John Howling Mouse

Cool switcheroo on the scheme details.  This is going to have an almost disorienting, hypnotic effect!   :blink:

Go Greg Go!   ;)  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Well, I certainly feel disconcerted !   :D
    Gonna give the new main rotors a special "twist" :

Brian da Basher

Yowsa Greg yet another amazing masterpiece is emerging from your workshop! I gotta admit I know zero about Mechwarrior stuff, but if your in-progress pics are any indication, this is gonna be one of the hottest helos to come down the pike in a while. Awesome!

Brian da Basher


This one is turning out to be too much fun...had to stretch the math as well as the modeling skills today!

  How about a chopter that can go forward, and with the flip of one rotor, go vertical? (yeah, I know, but the wing loading actually pans out)  The rotor hub is made from some styrene tubing and pieces of my bic razor:

 *note: the cockpit isn't glued in place yet, so it looks crooked...no worries.


Couldn't resist the funky design on the radar dome...just had to be done!  


I'm enjoying every minute of this build!!!!
Understood only by fellow Whiffers....
1/72 Scale Maniac
UUUuuumm, I love cardboard (Cardboard, Yum!!!)
OK, I know I can't stop scratchbuilding. Someday, I will build something OOB....


John Howling Mouse

Cool, absolutely but, sorry, I am totally baffled: don't know how these newfangled rotor-thingies of yours would work.  Is this something along the lines of Ahnold's aircraft in "The Sixth Day" or totally different concept?

Dim Bulb In Edmonton   :dum:  
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


I am still working out some of the bugs mechanically speaking...but the ends will have turbofan engines, and large flaperons will be added also.  You also will have to suspend reality a bit, since this is supposed to be taking place hundreds of years in the future.
 The general idea is that the large bladed rotors can act as wing surfaces when angled the same, or flipped to be a chopter. The wing surfaces can also act as steering mechanisms in and of themselves, much like a hawk's wing. Hence the Peregrine (yeah, I know, that's a falcon).

  The instability of it would have to be countered by a massive computer, but the ability to change direction and flight path would be tremendous.  All of this because I broke one of the rotors off the original kit stock... :dum:  


Started work on the flaperon thingies...I am hoping for a ton of actuating struts, etc, by the time it's all done...this will be a glass-case job for sure!

Brian da Basher

I'm enjoying watching you at work on this one Greg! In fact I am enjoying watching your build progress more than I enjoyed the "Warplane" series on PBS.

I think all your builds were worthy of the "glass case" treatment.

Brian da Basher


I have no idea wot you guys are talking about clans, flaperons, mechweirdos but I'm interested.

I invite all and any criticism, except about Eric The Dog, it's not his fault he's stupid

Leigh's Models


was looking for something online and ran across this...not too bad, though the freebirth wolf clan is featured:


 Why oh why not Jade Falcon????



Crap, and here I thought I was being so clever, when it's already been done:
