
Seversky P-35a

Started by Chap, January 14, 2007, 11:28:26 AM

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Hi everybody,

Building will start after I have the paintscheme chosen (more likely to finish it then :P ). I've narrowed it down to two choices (however I am open to more). Please tell me what you think. I need to send in an order to Squadron, to get some extra goodies for the P-35.


The U.S. sent equipment and supplies to aid the Turkish pro-western government in its fight against Soviet backed communist guerillas... Would pro-Nazi or Islamic fundamentalist guerillas be more plausible (I believe the Shah of Iran was pro-Nazi)? I was aiming for a Cold War in the 1930's type scenario.


After the Japanese invasion of the Philippines and the defeat of U.S. forces on the island; the Japanese captured intact P-35's, refurbished them and sold them to the Chinese puppet government of Manchukuo.


QuoteHi everybody,

Building will start after I have the paintscheme chosen (more likely to finish it :P ). I've narrowed it down to two choices (however I am open to more). Please tell me what you think. I need to send in an order to Squadron, to get some extra goodies for the P-35.


The U.S. sent equipment and supplies to aid the Turkish pro-western government in its fight against Soviet backed communist guerillas... Would pro-Nazi Islamic fundamentalist guerillas be more plausible (I believe the Shah of Iran was pro-Nazi)? I was aiming for a Cold War in the 1930's type scenario.
Reza Shah (the father of Mohammed Pahlavi-the Shah deposed by Khomenei) was considered pro-German...not pro-Nazi. In 1941 the British and Russians invaded large areas of Iran and forced him to abdicate in favor of his son. Neither man was an 'Islamic fundamentalist' nor were fundamentalists a political power during the period.

Pre-war Turkish occupation of Northwestern Iranian territories giving rise to a Persian Nationalist movement opposed to the occupation and supported by Germany would be a possibility. Of course seeing as those areas are claimed by the Kurds as part of their historical homeland an occupation gives rise to many possible scenarios of competing guerrilla groups fluidly switching sides depending on who had the upper hand at any given moment.

Cheers, Jon



They are both very nice.

I have a Cold War 1930's scenario which extendes from 1920 to the 60's (no WWII  :) ). In that Turkey is armed by the western powers as a bulwark against the southern advance of the "Red Menace". Rather like real time 50's. I mainly arm my western allies with French & British aircraft, but no reason why the US couldn't be a vital part of the alliance in this scenario, whereas in mine she is still in her isolationist period.

Turkey and Russia have been "traditional enemies" since at least the 16th Century and the rise of the Czar's so she could be serving on the Northern border with the Soviet Union based at Kars ?

There are a couple of very interesting books around about Russia's "Wild East" and the expansion south and then into Siberia. Makes you understand modern developments a little easier plus there are some wonderful scenarios.


Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.

Captain Canada

Turkey !

I vote for Turkey !

No idea on which story is more plausable, but after seeing the colur and sheer coolness of the first profile, the all-silver one is just too boring.

Have fun !

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Brian da Basher

After seeing the two profiles, I've gotta vote for Turkey as well. That's a great camo scheme and Turkey seems very under-represented in modelling.

I can't wait to see your build Steve. I love P-35s! :wub:

Brian da Basher


#2 for me - I like its elegant simplicity  B)  
Between almost-true and completely-crazy, there is a rainbow of nice shades - Tophe

Sales of Airfix kits plummeted in the 1980s, and GCSEs had to be made easier as a result - James May


Love the profiles.

By the way, the Japanese bought a slightly longer-ranged 2-seat version of the Seversky P-35 for convoy patrol. They served in the China theatre and were out of service by the begiining of the war in the Far East.
So a Japanese P-35 isn't too far fetched....just the thing to give the Manchurians.

Another idea/offer was to Ireland, the US offered the Irish P-35s.
But why not paint the upper surfaces Sky and the underneath Dark Earth/Dark Green, and say the instructions were confusing?

Why not some shipped in desperation to either France or the RAF?

Why not have some of the Swedish ones sent to Finland?

What about the Spanish Republicans?

What about Brazil or Cuban or the Dominican Republic on convoy /maritime reconnaisance in the Carribean?

Have fun.
The wing/fuselage upper join's not good, but filler helps considerably!
Otherwise, apart from chopping down the u/c doors as it shows you in the instructions, it's fun.

Nationalist Chinese?

The Chinese flew the P-43 and P-47, both descendents of the P-35 ;)  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen


Thanks everyone, I've started working on the cockpit; I'll post pics when some noticeable progress has been made. As for markings I'm leaning toward Turkish. However, Radish (thank you :cheers: ) has some great ideas. I'll work on a few more profiles.

Jon, thank you for the correction and the information, very interesting.

Chris, I really do like your scenario. If you don't mind I'd like to use it for my backstory. Also, could you suggest a few books pertaining to Russia's "Wild East"? I would like to read more on the subject.



Here are two profiles I did based on Radish's suggestions. An Irish one is in the works as well. ;)


Sweden sold fifty P-35s to Finland in March of 1942. Below is SE-320, part of fourth flight in LeLv 24, as seen in August 1942.


In real life, plans were made by the Republicans to build the P-35 in Spain, but in the end the plan was cancelled.

Brian da Basher

Woah that Spanish Republican version is gorgeous! You couldn't ask for easier markings, either, There's not nearly enough Spanish Republican stuff out there. Of course, I've always had a soft spot for their motley air fleet.

No Passaran!

Brian da Basher

P.S You could also paint it in either green uppers/light blue undersides or an upper camo pattern of green and sand.


QuoteThanks everyone, I've started working on the cockpit; I'll post pics when some noticeable progress has been made. As for markings I'm leaning toward Turkish. However, Radish (thank you :cheers: ) has some great ideas. I'll work on a few more profiles.

Jon, thank you for the correction and the information, very interesting.

Chris, I really do like your scenario. If you don't mind I'd like to use it for my backstory. Also, could you suggest a few books pertaining to Russia's "Wild East"? I would like to read more on the subject.

No prob's and as for the books I'll try and find the titles for you

Do not condemn the judgement of another because it differs from your own. You may both be wrong.


In le Fana de l'aviation (December and January) there's a good article about Seversky and its aircrafts.
Colombia used early Seversky aircrafts (amphibians, SEV-3X or somethign like that).
Be sure that some French comission tested the P-35 in the late 30's : at the time, the AdA was desesperately in need of modern aircrafts, and maintenance of dozens of differents aircrafts was not considered as a problem (P-36 P-38, P-39,
P-40, D-520, bloch 152, MS-406, VG-33 and many, many others...25 types or so in 1940!)

The Spanish version is cool!!!  :wub:

French navy (from the Bearn old carrier, using Vought V-156 markings... think Azur made one)

Italy ? (Re-2000 camo... what difference :lol:  ?)


Russian (land-lease) :cheers:

King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


I love the Spanish one!  Maybe in olive over sky blue like the Polikarpovs?
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.