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Warthog Helo

Started by John Howling Mouse, January 27, 2007, 10:28:22 AM

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Thunderpants :lol:  
Once you've visited the land of the Loonies, a return is never far away.....

Still His (or Her) Majesty, Queen Caroline of the Midlands, Resident Drag Queen

John Howling Mouse

Maybe graft it to the nose of the Italeri 1/48 AH-1Z Viper??? I think an Apache front end would be too clunky
Yeah, exactly!  And I even have one...somewhere under the dreaded crawlspace...

Can't even get to it.

Thought I'd just buy one off eBay or some online source.  Turns out these 1:48 Italeri Cobra kits are rare, rare, rare!!!

"How typical"
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.


Cant you put it on the front end of a F-16?


JHM, Get the Italeri AH-1Z kit, it's got all the bits for a Whiskey included.

If yer goin for a helo, then may I suggest 4+ rotor blades? That GAU-8 is a heavy beotch ;)

Shas B)  
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.



Thunderpants :lol:

  Now, THAT brought a smile into a rainy day !


QuoteI butchered this 1:48 Monogram kit for my Tucara build, among other things.

I admit I've had some caffeine today, too.

Anyhow, this bit of a leftover husk is whispering to me, Eddie-style: "Turn me into an attack helo."

At the risk of seeing one of my ideas built before I get around to it, I'd say do it, but, use a 48th scale UH or SH-60 instead.

If you're interested PM me. I have a picture of our S-71 entry for the Army AAH competition (won by the AH-64) and could be of use should you go w/a Blackhawk or Sea Hawk as a basis for it.

Spends too much time researching rather than building...


Add the Warthog nose to an Arado 234C bomber and turn it into a four engined Zerstorer! :)


Eddie M.

Very cool! B) Wasn't there a helo back in the 60's that looked like it had A-10 style engines up near the rotor? I'm gonna look for some pix of it.... okay, it's the AH-56 that I was talking about. It looks like it needs some A-10 engines on it, that's for sure! ;)  :lol:
Look behind you!

Captain Canada

Ya, on second thought, where is the WUH ?

I vote we suspend JHMs new-build privileges until he coughs up some of the cool poo-poo (with an english accent) he's got half built !

Who's with me ?

Is there an echo in here ?

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

John Howling Mouse

QuoteJHM, Get the Italeri AH-1Z kit, it's got all the bits for a Whiskey included.

Shas B)
Yep, see post above: that's the very kit I thought of and I've got one in the basement crawlspace...which I cannot get to.   :unsure:

Remember that pull-back scene at the end of "Raiders Of The Lost Ark" of the final resting place of the crate in the endless, archival warehouse??   ;)

I often buy seconds of kits I already have just because I literally cannot get to them without re-arranging my whole basement.   <_<

Can't wait to move into the new place!   :)

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

John Howling Mouse

QuoteAnd whist we're talking rotorcraft.... where's the W U H then ????

My schphincter tightens up into an unrelenting cramp everytime I walk past that unholy abomination...I kid you not: the idea of trying to figure out the rest of the "World's Ugliest Helo" scares me to the marrow!

For the rest of you, this sacrilege is what Ian and the Captain are refering to:

Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.

Captain Canada


Can't wait to move into the new place!   :)
That's what I kept saying.....

Now I'm here ( or there ? ) with no money ( big mortgage ) no model room ( big mortgage ) no time ( big mortgage ). But on the bright side, all of the neighbours are in the same canoe ( big mortgage ) so we seem to get together often and drown our ( big mortgage ) sorrows.

CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?


I got an idea. Graft the front of the A-10 to fuselage of an F-15, creating A-15! (but do remember to remove F-15 n/ose section first)

Runway ? ...

How about AH Kamov stylee. Engines just behind and either side of the cockpit and a coaxial rotor arrangement. You could even add an A10 shape tail to the result  :) Edit: Just like B777LR said yesterday  :dum:

John Howling Mouse

After being surprised there were none on ebay and following days of searching the internet to find only two places online (in the U.S.) that had any stock of the required Italeri 1:48 AH-1Z helo donor kit, guess what I stumbled upon, right here in town?

Yep, one Viper left, right on the shelf!  Support your LHS, I suppose.

The mock-up is just screaming to be built:

Can't wait to replace the forward Gatling gun with that from the Viper kit.  Needs a completely new aft section and tail.  Will probably have to "helo-ize" the canopy, too.  Cuttin' cuttin' cuttin'
Styrene in my blood and an impressive void in my cranium.