
Brit's In The Buff

Started by Shasper, January 27, 2007, 01:50:59 PM

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Here's where everything stands, I got the IFR probe and its associated stuff on & ready to be PSR. Also got the paint situated out.

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Got the pylons on for the AIM-9s & ALQ-119 ECM pod. Also filled-in the gun position in the back.

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Got started on sanding n shaping the IFR probe fairing and almost finished the base coats of paint.

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.

Brian da Basher

Looking good Shas! You got some more paintwork planned for this Buff?

Brian da Basher


yep, gonna be finished off in a BB scheme (or a good look alike)

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Good news, managed a LHS run while I was home last wkend, picked up some good paint for both FGB builds, so I'll get back to it time permitting.

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Took advantage of today's circumstances (cold n crappy wx, paper to revise, no GF, etc) & got some work done on the ol' bird. The external tanks, HDUs and the ECM pod are mounted, did a little filler work on the IFR probe & on some of the pylons & slapped a few more coats of base pain on. Should be getting engines and camo on the next round.

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Update: Nothing has changed. Life has indeed interfered (GD Technical writing) and I havent been able to make progress outside of a little shaping on the AAR housing. After school ends in 2 wks I *should* be able to get this bird finished & get on to build #2.

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Update: I made it home, but somewhere along the way both the left HDU and the ECM pod broke off, easily fixed but I havent had the drive to finish the ol' bird.

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


How about an RB211 engined version? During the late '60s, the RAF selects the B-52 to carry out the heavy bomber role, and as part of the deal, goes for re-engining them with the newly developed RB211, to go with a fleet of Lockheed L1011 Tristars, bought on the cheap to compensate for the RR bailout. Under a dual-key arrangement, the RAF gets a boatload of SRAMs, pending the ALCM. For Op Corporate, the Churchills head south, 'towed' by the Tristar tankers, to strike the runway with 500lb bombs. Since the UK had recognised early on that their new bombers would need a good conventional bomber capability, so ordered their new B-52 completed with the 'big belly -D model' bomb bay. The result was that the new bombers can carry 84 x 500lb bombs internally, and Shrike anti-radar missiles on the wings - potentially up to 12 Shrikes, six on each wing hardpoint, along with four AIM-9s outboard, with ECM and chaff dispensers, on triple rails (Sidewinders on the sides, pods underneath). With the impressive nav-attack systems, and excellent ECM, the bombers are able to accurately drop all 84 bombs on the runway area. The Tristars can each tow one B-52 all the way south, with a second Tristar towing them back, and thus the fleet of 16 B-52s in two squadrons, supported by 16 Tristars, allow nearly round-the-clock bombing of targets. This comes in particularly handy for the push on Stanley, allowing large areas to be cleared using air-burst 500lb bombs.  


Not a bad Idea Lawman, I'm gonna have to chew on that.

Got the broken parts reattached plus added the AIM-9s and got some paint on the engine pods. Might get this bird done yet although I think a background is a bit far for me rightnow.

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Camo n decles are on, after I seal everything up I'm gonna try some weathering .

Shas B)
Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Here she is, all thats left is another coat of dullcote & put in the front glass.

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Think I may have gone a little too far with the weathering, oh well it was a learning experience.

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.


Churchill KT.2
XP836 "Octane Aardvark"
Deployed to RAF Wakefield
Operation Piranha
May 1982

 Between 1976 and 1980 the 12 Churchill T.2s in service with Bomber Command were upgraded to a basic B.3 configuration while lacking the aft fuselage ECM extension and, for most of the aircraft, the EVS system. During this time these aircraft also picked up a secondary in-flight refueling mission, with a removable fuel pallet placed in the bomb bay, two 1000 US gal. fuel tanks mounted under the wings, and a pair of hose drogue units replacing the 700 US gal. fuel tanks. Ten aircraft were modified, with the last becoming operational in 1981.

 As a part of the massive effort to reclaim the Falklands from the Argentine Junta in 1982, six Churchill KT.2s were deployed to Ascension Island along with the other RAF Tanker assets to support the British forces. These aircraft were configured with a ALQ-119 ECM pod & a pair of AIM-9 missiles for self defense on the little-used middle underwing pylon. While the aircraft provided fuel to the Vulcan, Victor & Nimrod fleet in the theater, their most notible use came in May when four KTs were used to support six Churchill B.3s that were sent to destroy inlets for three key Argentine ports under the operational codename Pirahna.

Take Care, Stay Cool & Remember to "Check-6"
- Bud S.