
One For The Canadians

Started by GTX, February 01, 2007, 03:29:59 PM

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Hi folks,

I'm after some assistance in a back story.  If in the early '70s when the Canadian aircraft carrier HMCS Bonaventure was decommissioned it was decided to purchasea replacement, what would be a suitable name for the replacement (note, I already have the type of ship chosen)?


All hail the God of Frustration!!!


Sentinel Chicken

When I created a backstory for my Canadian S-3 Vikings, I settled on the following names:

HMCS Confederation
HMCS Dominion
HMCS Voyageur

No politicians here. I've always thought that as the flagships of the fleet, carriers should have names that are evocative of that nation in some form or fashion, or at least hearken back to their history and/or naval traditions.

So cool US carrier names:


I suppose you could argue the appropriateness of names like Nimitz, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, or Nimitz.

The Brits have cool carrier names, though. Ship names too were cool, gotta hand it to them. They got their act together!


QuoteWhen I created a backstory for my Canadian S-3 Vikings, I settled on the following names:

HMCS Confederation
HMCS Dominion
HMCS Voyageur

No politicians here. I've always thought that as the flagships of the fleet, carriers should have names that are evocative of that nation in some form or fashion, or at least hearken back to their history and/or naval traditions.

So cool US carrier names:


I suppose you could argue the appropriateness of names like Nimitz, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, or Nimitz.

The Brits have cool carrier names, though. Ship names too were cool, gotta hand it to them. They got their act together!
And some decidedly *uncool* American carrier names:

Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
Gerald Ford

But don't get me started on that.  It's the same thing as the fekked up MDS system... politics.

"My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over." - Gerald R. Ford, 9 Aug 1974


HCMS Majestic?  Magnificent & Bonaventure were both Majestic class ships, & these sometimes stick, even though it was a British class of carrier.

HCMS Maple Leaf?
HCMS Commonwealth?
HMCS Terrence & Philip???
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.


For my RCN CV stories I usually use HMCS John A. MacDonald.

Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part...

More into Flight Sim reskinning these days, but still what-iffing... Leading Edge 3D

Captain Canada

That's a tough call, as there are so many cool names to chose from. Be it from our English or french heritage, or from the aboriginals themselves. There are also loads of cool place names around.

I'm partial to HMCS Clayoquot Sound, and HMCS Cape Spear. The west and easterly points on our coast with cool names.

I also like the Innu names, like all of their territories. Place like Newfoundland have all sorts of cool names, like

Black Duck
Heart's Content
Tilt Cove
Black Cove
Wild Cove........

etc. etc !
CANADA KICKS arse !!!!

Long Live the Commonwealth !!!
Vive les Canadiens !
Where's my beer ?

Son of Damian

QuoteWhen I created a backstory for my Canadian S-3 Vikings, I settled on the following names:

HMCS Confederation
HMCS Dominion
HMCS Voyageur

No politicians here. I've always thought that as the flagships of the fleet, carriers should have names that are evocative of that nation in some form or fashion, or at least hearken back to their history and/or naval traditions.

So cool US carrier names:


I suppose you could argue the appropriateness of names like Nimitz, Eisenhower, Roosevelt, or Nimitz.

The Brits have cool carrier names, though. Ship names too were cool, gotta hand it to them. They got their act together!
And some decidedly *uncool* American carrier names:

Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
Gerald Ford

But don't get me started on that.  It's the same thing as the fekked up MDS system... politics.

Yeah, I think that they should wait 50 years after a former presidents dead to name a ship after him.

I really hope they pick some really freakin cool names for the future CVN-21 class, like the USS Agamemnon  ;)  B)

QuoteHMCS Terrence & Philip???

:lol: LOLROFL :lol:  
"They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live–
in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


QuoteThe Brits have cool carrier names, though. Ship names too were cool, gotta hand it to them. They got their act together!
I've got to admit we do do cool ship names (with the odd exception).  HMS Vengeance for a nuclear missile sub, you don't send out a better message than that!

PS Couldn't resist it SoD!
I don't think it's nice, you laughin'. You see, my mule don't like people laughin'. He gets the crazy idea you're laughin' at him. Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

Eddie M.

And some decidedly *uncool* American carrier names:

Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
Gerald Ford

But don't get me started on that.  It's the same thing as the fekked up MDS system... politics.

No problem with the Truman, right?  You're list is "uncool." At least the men you mention all served in the military during WWII.  I hope they go back to the more historical names before they get to the USS Slick Willie. <_<

Now back to the thread before it got hijacked by an uncool list! How 'bout using the name HMCS Superior (as in the lake)
Look behind you!


Having been involved in, lets say, management of a group of companies that built the Canadian Patrol Frigates, there are a few things I can tell you with authority.

The CPF's got city names for two distinstinct marketing reasons.
1. The contract was suppose to cover several more major Canadian cities, but the additional ships were not ordered.

2. There were to be follow on ships, the Province class. Larger in tonnage and having higher superstructures to accomidate much larger attack centres, these were to be naval task force command ships. They never got beyond the fancy brochures we were tasked to create.

Same company built a huge assembly building to construct submarines. The designs had not been settled and eventually the contract proposals were skuttled. However, in a RCN tradition that goes back some time I suppose, these submarines were to be named after First Nations tribes.

Typically, politician's names don't adorn RCN ships, however, there was discussion about the time of the frigates of new supply ships and the name for the class bantied around was the Queen Elizabeth class. We mocked up a brochure with Trudeau Class, but the feeling wasn't there. In the end, it didn't happen but the brochure was awesome. Layers of clear offset printed sheets that peeled the ship apart.

The Bonnie was named after the French travellers who sailed in the early fur days. Maggie was in the tradition of RN's larger than life names. There is a new class of assault style ships apparently in the opening stages of bidding. I'm not with any of the companies now however I do know some of the players still. Likely you'll see something along the lines of St. Lawerence after the major river into Canada to the Great Lakes. First nations names are ruled out. When we were looking at the costal boats one idea trashed (I thought was good) was battlefield names where Canadian soldiers triumphed. Somme, Verdunn, Beaumont Hammel, Shelt, Dieppe, Juno (already used) were rejected. Specifically French or English words are also ruled out.

Last but not least, a Canadian naval aviator, Hampton Grey flew Corsairs for the RCN and after having his aircraft shot to peices and realizing he wouldn't make it back, crashed his into a Japanese destroyer. He won the Victoria Cross for his action and is revered among naval avation historians in Canada. If I named a Canadian carrier, she would be:

HMCS Hampton Grey and she'd carry the identifier number 115, the same as Grey's Corsair.
Getting back into modeling

Sentinel Chicken

And some decidedly *uncool* American carrier names:

Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
Gerald Ford

But don't get me started on that.  It's the same thing as the fekked up MDS system... politics.

No problem with the Truman, right?  You're list is "uncool." At least the men you mention all served in the military during WWII.  I hope they go back to the more historical names before they get to the USS Slick Willie. <_<

Now back to the thread before it got hijacked by an uncool list! How 'bout using the name HMCS Superior (as in the lake)
I didn't post my list of uncool carrier names for that reason, but since I'm a bipartisan pissed off voter, what the hell, my list of uncool carrier names:

Gerald Ford
George HW Bush
Ronald Reagan
Harry S Truman
Carl Vinson
John Stennis
John F Kennedy
Franklin D Roosevelt

Kudos to the Gator Navy for keeping names like:

Bonhomme Richard

Eddie M.

And some decidedly *uncool* American carrier names:

Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush
Gerald Ford

But don't get me started on that.  It's the same thing as the fekked up MDS system... politics.

No problem with the Truman, right?  You're list is "uncool." At least the men you mention all served in the military during WWII.  I hope they go back to the more historical names before they get to the USS Slick Willie. <_<

Now back to the thread before it got hijacked by an uncool list! How 'bout using the name HMCS Superior (as in the lake)
I didn't post my list of uncool carrier names for that reason, but since I'm a bipartisan pissed off voter, what the hell, my list of uncool carrier names:

Gerald Ford
George HW Bush
Ronald Reagan
Harry S Truman
Carl Vinson
John Stennis
John F Kennedy
Franklin D Roosevelt

Kudos to the Gator Navy for keeping names like:

Bonhomme Richard
I wasn't commenting on your list of carriers. You made your statement without adding the "uncool" part of it, at least till now. As far as I'm concerned, the only two "cool' carriers there were was the USS Midway and USS Ranger, for obvious reasons. ;)
Look behind you!

Sentinel Chicken

I was bummed when the new CVN class didn't get named the USS America. The littoral combat ships (LCS) are getting names that I think more properly belong to a capital ship like a carrier.

USS Freedom? USS Liberty? Names that evocative should go to a BIG F-ING SHIP.

Just like names like USS Ranger, USS Indpendence, USS America.  


We have the City class frigates, why not the Provincial class carrier.

HMCS British Columbia;
HMCS Yukon Territory;
HMCS Alberta;
HMCS Sakatchewan (Name used years ago on the River class destroyers);
HMCS Manitoba;
HMCS Northwest Territory;
HMCS Nunavut:
HMCS Ontario;
HMCS Quebec;
HMCS New Brunswick;
HMCS Prince Edward Island;
HMCS Nova Scotia; and
HMCS Newfloundland and Labrador

One of these days, when I get the time to finish them, I have a what if scenario with the HMCS Yukon and HMCS Newfoundland and Labrador. It includes 2x CF-18's. 1x CF-16, 1x CF-14, and 1x CA-37. One of these days, one of these days.