
Us Bomber Projects Preview Now Available

Started by Orionblamblam, February 04, 2007, 01:13:18 PM

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I have released a "Preview" of the US Bomber Projects book as a downloadable PDF file. This 39 page work contains information, drawings and all-new artwork on 15 designs ranging from WWII to today.

This 39-page preview contains information and artwork on fifteen distinct bomber designs. These are:

Submarine-launched "Project Pluto" (small nuclear ramjet vehicle)
Douglas Model 1064 flying wing (strategic bomber)
Douglas Model 1186A multi-stage aircraft (X-3-derived bomber)
The "NASA logo bomber" (the source of the "swoop")
12-meter Orion Nuclear Pulse Vehicle (cis-lunar doomsday weapon)
Orbital Sciences X-42 (modern "reusable ICBM" first stage)
Boeing Model 448 (early stage in B-47 development)
Douglas MX-2091 (subsonic small missile carrier)
Martin Model 329 C-1 (supersonic seaplane)
Convair WS-110A Two-Stage Aircraft (subsonic tow plane, Mach 3 bomber)
Lockheed NEPA (early giant nuclear-powered design)
North American D436-21 (early AMSA/ B-1 design)
Boeing Model 813 (two stage hypersonic cruise bomber)
Lockheed CL-292-6 (nuclear-powered missile carrier/airborne DEW line/aircraft carrier)
Northrop Quiet Supersonic Platform (low sonic boom strike plane)

Included in this Preview are works of art from myself (line drawings), Matej Furda (color reconstructions), J. P. Santiago (color reconstructions) and Damon Moran (cutaway drawing). This is all art commissioned especially for US Bomber Projects.

The Preview is available as a downloadable PDF file for the low and no-postage-needed price of $8.00, payable via PayPal. I don't yet have the PayPal "shopping cart" set up yet, so if you would like a copy of the preview and you have a PayPal account, simply go to  PayPal, sign in, and "Send Money." Send $8.00 in US Dollars to
for "goods." Make sure to include "preview" and your email address in the "message to recipient." I will then e-mail you a link, where you can download the Preview. I will change the link address randomly every day or so, so if you try to download it and it's not there... send me an e-mail, and I'll send you the new link. The Preview is about 2 megabytes.


Got my copy, very interesting stuff. Thanks, Scott!
Paul Martell-Mead / Overscan
"What if?" addict


I think that 99,9 % of the what-if forum members never saw anything covered in this preview. Well researched, precisely and correctly described and as a bonus - when you like me and Santiago´s colour profiles, you know WHAT YOU NEED  ;)  

Bizare aviation expert

Andrew Gorman

This is great- like a special bombers only edition of Aerospace Projects Review, with some color profiles!  I'm a happy customer.


QuoteThis is great- like a special bombers only edition of Aerospace Projects Review, with some color profiles!  I'm a happy customer.
QuoteI'm a happy customer.

Thanks. Tell all your friends! Demand that they buy!! Command them!!!!

Andrew Gorman

QuoteThis is great- like a special bombers only edition of Aerospace Projects Review, with some color profiles!  I'm a happy customer.
QuoteI'm a happy customer.

Thanks. Tell all your friends! Demand that they buy!! Command them!!!!
Whaddya think I'm tryin' to do here?  Buy it. you won't regret it.  The Boeing model 448 is worth the admission alone- cross a B-47 with an Aurora Yak and what do you get?  Several steps forward to the most advanced aircraft the world has ever seen, and a weird looking machine to boot.  I've spent eight bucks on an old car magazine because it had a dashboard shot of a Facel Vega.  This is a much better deal, and I can't wait until the whole she-bang is available.


Well recomended as a preview of whats to come, the complete work should be well worth the money if the preview is anything to go by.

Scott will you be including manufacturesers models if they exist and photos as well as the excellent drawings and art work ?

Just one note form the modeller view point would it be possible to include dimenesions for all those that examples that get 3-views for those who might want to attempt to build some of these monsters (unless of course your already mastering some for fantastic plastic to accompany the book that is  <_< !).

Good look with getting down to the full draft and getting it to publication.




This preview is just making me want the actual book so much more when it comes out.  I'm taking this thing into work so I can actually print it out.

As for the actual designs, I'm pleasantly surprised at all the flying boat bombers, and equally confused by the AWACS bomber thing (buy the preview, you'll see what I mean).  I probably need to read the description to understand it.

Very nice and I highly recommend this!
I exist to pi$$ others off!!!
My categorized models directory on my site.
My site (currently with no model links).
"Build what YOU like, the way YOU want to." - a wise man


If I don't use Paypal, can I send a check or money order to you?  Also, when will the book be available and how can we obtain it?

Wes W.


Quotewill you be including manufacturesers models if they exist and photos

Boeing wants $300 per photo for the license. Soooo...... no. Got some cool stuff, but ain't no way I can afford that.

Quotewould it be possible to include dimenesions

Every design includes dimensions, as well as all the other pertinant data.


QuoteIf I don't use Paypal, can I send a check or money order to you? 

Given the nature of the product (an online file), Paypal is really the best way to go with this. I plan on releasing a few other things in the near future top help me pay for some recent research expenses (oy... Ebay), and again Paypal is the only system I'm planning on.  


Will die without understanding this world.

Andrew Gorman

There are some factory pictures of the Boeing model 448 at:


QuoteThe second book on fighters?
I'm letting Tony Buttler do the fighters bit.


Is there a chance for a combined work ???

Deino  :huh:  
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one:
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods:
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
W.H.Auden (1945