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Swedish Ufo Intercept!

Started by Son of Damian, February 10, 2007, 08:28:21 PM

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Quotewell, I think a good arguement could be made that life elsewhere is intelligent if they haven't made an effort to contact us.  ;)
You're right, they scorn those "primitives"  ;)

The ERB-47 story is rather intriguing...

Here in france we had the Maurice Masse case. A french Billy bod  :lol:  

This was turned into "la soupe au choux" one of the worst movie ever (and as a consequence, one of the most popular  <_<  )

King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


A couple of years ago, we had a phenomenon called the "Phoenix Lights", where a large delta shape of lights moved from Prescott (about a 100 miles north), over the valley, and headed south at a stately 50 or 60 mph. Nothing on radar, everyone was flipping out (especially the air traffic control)...no fighters were scrambled, and the military said that they were flares. Flares that move over a hundred miles, holding a perfect formation?  Wow.


I dont beleive any of that UFO stories. Íf they wouldnt come contact us, why would they bother going here? ;)  :wacko:  


I actually do.  But, I'm sure if they were cruising around, beneath the clouds, and saw someone eating twiglets, they'd probably scamper off at warp 9.

Matt Wiser

The RB-47 incident took place on 17 Jul 1957, when an RB-47H (53-4305) of the 343rd SRS, 55th SRW, call sign Lacy 17, was returning to Forbes AFB, KS after a night navigation and gunnery exercise over the Gulf of Mexico. An airborne radar source was tracked near Gulfport, MS moving upscope on the Ravens' detection gear, but dismissed as a malfunction. Over Lousiana and Texas, the pilot and copilot noted an orange object near the aircraft, and the ELINT operators remembered the MS signal, tuned their equipment, and picked up a radar signal coming at the same bearing as the bogey. An ADC radar site near Dallas picked up both the RB-47 and the UFO on their scope, and whereever the pilot and copilot saw the unknown, the ELINT operators would pick up a radar signal coming from that bearing. A cat-and-mouse game ensued over the D/FW area for about 20 minutes, with the RB-47 having to break off due to low fuel. The UFO then followed the aircraft north until Oklahoma City, where contact (visual and ELINT) was lost. During the debrief, the navigator mentioned that he'd had brief contact with the bogey on his radar (usually used for ground mapping and for tanker meet-ups) for a couple of minutes. The crew also noticed that after they landed, all the wire recordings, tapes from the ELINT recievers, and their navigation charts were removed from the aircraft, packed up with their report, and sent off to D.C. They never heard anything more about it. The infamous Condon Report, which basically told the USAF to get out of the UFO business, yet left 35% of its cases unexplained, lists this as one of its unknowns. One of the ELINT crew told a researcher in the 1980s that he estimated the UFO radar power at 40 Kilowatts, btw. Every attempt at debunking the case (the late and despised Phil Klass, especially) has failed. However, attempts to find additional documentation via FOIA have failed. The reason: "National Security."  The explanation from Project Blue Book: "American Airlines Flight 655." (The UFO Encyclopedia, vol. 2; article by Brad Sparks)

Incidentally, the other case the AIAA considers of interest: Lakenheath-Bentwaters, 1956....(Also a Condon Report Unknown.)
Treat everyone you meet with kindness and respect; but always have a plan to kill them.

Old USMC adage

The Rat

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Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/46dpfdpr

Son of Damian

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

The late Peter Jennings (ABC News) did a 2 hr special on UFOs/the unexplained about a year before his death. One of the incidents they talked about was a B-52 tracking a massive UFO (several hundered meters in length/height) both visually and electronically for something like an hour or more near a AFB in N Dakota. They interviewed the crew and several people who saw it on the ground.
"They stand in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live, and grow, and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, they live–
in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men."

- Franklin D. Roosevelt


QuoteI dont beleive any of that UFO stories. Íf they wouldnt come contact us, why would they bother going here? ;)  :wacko:
Perhaps it is their idea of "Ecotourism", Nature show, or a Photo Safari? B)

By the same token, I would not care to meet their idea of the Nature show host! :blink:  
"As long as people are going to call you a lunatic anyway, why not get the benefits of it?  It liberates you from convention."- from the novel WICKED by Gregory Maguire.
"I must really be crazy to be in a looney bin like this" - Jack Nicholson in the movie ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST


"Crikey ! This one's a biter, fer sure !"

Matt Wiser

I recall seeing that Peter Jennings show: interesting recreations of not only the Minot AFB B-52 incident, but several others, including reports from airline pilots and law enforcement officers. The National Geographic Channel reruns it every so often. The USAF said the UFO in the B-52 case was the star Capella: which both the aircrew and the missile techs (the UFO was near a Minuteman II ICBM silo) vehmently dispute. There was radar tracking from both Minot AFB radar and the B-52 (it even flew formation with the Buff for a few minutes), and both the pilots of the Buff and the missile techs had visual contact. The Buff's copilot is convinced that what he saw was someone else's spacecraft.

After a UFO chase by three Ohio cops in 1966-they chased a UFO in their squad cars for 85 miles from Ohio into Pennsylvania at speeds exceeding 105 MPH-there was an editorial cartoon that was reprinted in a book some time ago (late '80s IIRC); it had the UFO parked on the ground, the two squad cars next to it, two little aliens standing outside, and the cops are writing the aliens a ticket, and a cop is telling the UFO crew: "You guys know how fast you were going?"  
Treat everyone you meet with kindness and respect; but always have a plan to kill them.

Old USMC adage


How come aliens only ever go to US, EU and Asia? Why never south america and africa and other 3rd world countries?


Is Mickael Jackson an alien?

30 years ago he was changed into a human being. Alas, years degrede its human envelope, and he gradually  return to its Alien form...  
King Arthur: Can we come up and have a look?
French Soldier: Of course not. You're English types.
King Arthur: What are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do you think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king?

Well regardless I would rather take my chance out there on the ocean, that to stay here and die on this poo-hole island spending the rest of my life talking to a gosh darn VOLLEYBALL.


Here is an example of an event that begs to be a flying saucer:

"A couple of years ago, we had a phenomenon called the "Phoenix Lights", where a large delta shape of lights moved from Prescott (about a 100 miles north), over the valley, and headed south at a stately 50 or 60 mph. Nothing on radar, everyone was flipping out (especially the air traffic control)...no fighters were scrambled, and the military said that they were flares. Flares that move over a hundred miles, holding a perfect formation? Wow. "

Someone I know in the amateur astronomy fraternity had a similar story related to him, but this was from an experienced observer in Hull. His version had him and his guests "strangely drawn" out of the house to see a triangular UFO fly over, twice! He gave heights and speeds for the two events. Convincing? No. Estimating heights, size and speed at night is notoriously difficult because there are no reference points. This bloke in Hull wrote to the MoD and reported his sighting. They wrote back and essentially said:

Beats us, must be little green men.

A quick check with a satellite prediction expert in Canada showed that two constellations of reconnaissance (never can spell that) satellites would be observable from Hull at the reported UFO sighting times. These satellites fly in triangular formations, so with a bit of embellishment, belief in UFOs etc. we have two flying saucers!

I have seen a bright light in the sky with a curved projection coming out of it. The object disappeared suddenly. What was it? The space shuttle dumping fuel before it landed. The quick disappearance was caused by it entering the Earth's shadow. I have seen fireballs, aurora and Mars which could all be claimed as UFO sightings. In 1986 Mars was at opposition (closest to Earth and so very bright) in the southern sky. I did an experiment with some friends and we all managed to convince ourselves that Mars was zipping backwards and forwards, not the trees in the foreground! Venus is another great UFO impostor.



I remember seeing a  photo on the internet from a UFO sighting in the UK. Picture showed a RAF Phantom climbing away from the camera :lol:  


Mexico has a number of sightings each  year, as does Central and South America.

  I've seen the triangle twice, once in the open desert, and the second over Phoenix. You are going to have a hard time convincing me that it was not an aircraft/ship of some sort, since I got to look straight up at it.

 We also get some pretty  whacky test flights out here, this one was cool...craft came in, did a ultra hard turn, and went mach (boom):